Use "put one in the wrong" in a sentence

1. I had put the letter in the wrong envelope.

2. The machine barfed when she put in the wrong password.

3. The files had been put back in the wrong order.

4. He put his foot wrong.

5. We were obviously wrong to put our trust in her.

6. He misled Eve and put wrong desires into her heart.

7. So that bad angel put wrong ideas into the mind of Eve.

8. 14 If your hand is doing wrong, put it far away,

9. 50:50: The computer would remove two wrong answers from the game leaving the contestant one right and one wrong answer.

10. The Gaggle: Pineapple-Beration If you don’t like pineapples, you’re wrong, but you’re even more wrong if you put them on pizza

11. The Gaggle: Pineapple-Beration If you don’t like pineapples, you’re wrong, but you’re even more wrong if you put them on pizza

12. 11 synonyms for Befool: fool, gull, cod, dupe, put one across, put one over, slang, take in, gull, fool, put on

13. Oh you dope, you bought the wrong one.

14. Does it not rather show that the object was put to a wrong use?

15. 11 synonyms for Befool: fool, gull, cod, dupe, put one across, put one over, slang, take in, gull, fool, put on

16. Among the brands that rarely put a foot wrong is Air tight of Japan

17. Put a tick if the answer is correct and a cross if it's wrong.

18. Many have argued that the economic policy put in place in 1981 was, from the beginning, ill-conceived and wrong headed.

19. One wrong move, and your parents die.

20. Just put one foot in front of the other.

21. Corrective measures or techniques are intended to put right something that is wrong

22. For one thing, the guy did nothing really wrong.

23. They dig holes in the dirt, put a patient in each one, and put lids on top.

24. In summer we usually put the clocks ahead one hour.

25. She put all the flowers together in one big bunch.

26. She put one... in each of your throats.

27. There's just one thing wrong with that plan.

28. 13 Wrong, wrong, wrong, chime the economists.

29. And one of the soldiers wrote home, and this is the sentence that he put: "The struggle between right and six dollars a month and wrong and 75 dollars a day is a rather severe one."

30. She was much put about when she realized that she had given the parcel to the wrong person.

31. Corrective definition: Corrective measures or techniques are intended to put right something that is wrong

32. One wrong (or false) move can lose the whole game. 

33. Life is like a shower. One wrong turn and you're in hot water.

34. You're the one who put me in a room with him.

35. Bein US put all their eggs in one basket

36. One wrong twitch and the guitarist would've had a long drop!"

37. One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret. 

38. One year, all the chickens died, and no one wanted to put the chickens in there.

39. One cannot put back the clock. 

40. One seems to have more expertise if one diagnoses pathology in a patient than if one says there is nothing wrong.

41. Now put the other one on yourself.

42. Wrong The example is Analogical to the one we did last time

43. She was very much put about when she realized that she had given the parcel to the wrong person.

44. 28 Life is like a shower. One wrong turn and you're in hot water.

45. Wrong diet, wrong exercise, wrong technique

46. Well, we put it in the " tens " place... one 10 represents 10.

47. Our emergency measures just put all the warm bodies in one place.

48. First sign of regression means we've taken him off the wrong one.

49. If things go wrong I'm the one who'll lose out, not you.

50. Commodification probably doesn’t have the wrong side but an ugly one, yes

51. I asked one of the instructors if I had done something wrong.

52. He muddled up our passports and gave me back the wrong one.

53. 1 Don't put all your eggs in one basket. 

54. Hopefully I didn't put a firewall in every one, though.

55. Contrite: feeling sorrow for a wrong that one has done

56. We are all too young, a lot of things don't yet know, don't put the wrong loves when gardeners.

57. Since childhood, I put my own parents on a pedestal. I felt they could do no wrong.

58. They put the sabotaged planes in one hangar... apart from the good ones.

59. One of the kids put some rocks in the blender and broke it.

60. The death toll in the earthquake has been put at over one thousand.

61. 1 One cannot put back the clock. 

62. One intermediate estimate put the cost at $500.

63. Put a ✔ next to the one that affects you most —or write in the one that does.

64. If you're against, put up one.

65. Tomorrow, put out only one basketball.

66. The light bulb in the bathroom burned out and father put in a new one.

67. But then you must find something wrong with one of the following assumptions.

68. Well, am I wrong? Every one knows you are a numskull.

69. Can you take out the clear bulb and put a pearl one in?

70. Befool - fool or hoax; "The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone"; "You can't fool me!" cod, dupe, put one across, put one over, slang, take in, gull, fool, put on.

71. After I'd weighed the apples, I put in another one for good measure.

72. Keep acting all Brody and I'll put one in your chest.

73. He put away a whole box of chocolates in one evening.

74. In chapter one, the concept, intension and extension of the details are put out.

75. You're just gonna wake up one morning on the wrong side of the grass.

76. They put Mussolini in jail, like a thief, the one who made the Empire.

77. When you get the foundational one wrong, you really can’t build on the structure.

78. I put one of the cushions Behind his head

79. Reach out and put the touch on some one.

80. We put one to the dome, you feel me?