Use "put off" in a sentence

1. Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today.

2. The ship put off at last.

3. We put off from the quay.

4. You must put off your doubts.

5. He had put off all personal cares.

6. The ship put off to sea.

7. Why don't you put off your coat?

8. Don't put off the party on my account.

9. So don't put off learning Blackwork any longer

10. She couldn't put off the dreaded moment forever.

11. People are put off by her strident voice.

12. The negotiations have been put off/postponed indefinitely.

13. Where do you want to be put off?

14. People are put off by his strident voice.

15. McGinnity was put off balance by the cordiality.

16. Don't be put off by his physical appearance .

17. Once, she had been put off by his hauteur.

18. This afternoon's meeting will have to be put off.

19. The appointment was put off because of his illness.

20. He Teaches Us to Put Off the Natural Man

21. 11 The negotiations have been put off/postponed indefinitely.

22. I won't be put off with such vague promises.

23. The meeting has been put off for a week.

24. Do not be put off if some are howling.

25. Their wedding ceremony was put off till next year.

26. Many people are put off by his surly behavior.

27. They didn't think the meeting would be put off.

28. We've had to put off our wedding until September.

29. According to one dictionary, “procrastinate” means “to put off intentionally and habitually; to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.”

30. Never put off until tomorrow what may be done today.

31. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

32. Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.

33. It was put off at Newtown and delivered by road.

34. Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow.

35. See also: Accomplished, mission Never put off until tomorrow what

36. You cannot put off telling Richard the truth any longer.

37. I've been put off reading the book by all the hype.

38. However, they were put off by his rambling and disorganised sermon.

39. 1 “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.”

40. She was put off maths by a bullying and incompetent teacher.

41. Never put off till tomorrow what can [may] be done today. 

42. • What are some burdensome weights we may be able to put off?

43. I was so glad that I didn’t put off serving the Lord.

44. 9 However, they were put off by his rambling and disorganised sermon.

45. Women who put off having a baby often make the best mothers.

46. We tried to visit the Abbey but were put off by the queues.

47. Owing to the state of the ground, the match has been put off.

48. The latest crime figures are likely to put off prospective visitors to the city.

49. He was several times caught trying to put off a counterfeit ten-dollar bill.

50. This prompts us to put off every weight that would impede our spiritual progress.

51. 6 Mr Bint has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute.

52. A familiar maxim says, Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

53. Many applicants for the grant are put off by the maze of regulations and conditions.

54. Put off by her Coy manner Where would bashful be a reasonable alternative to Coy?

55. My speech was going well until I was put off my stroke by an interruption.

56. My speech went quite well until I was put off my stroke by the interruption.

57. Wilson has urged legislators to put off a scheduled March ban of the pesticide methyl bromide.

58. Antonyms for Biassed include dissuaded, disinclined, discouraged, indisposed, deterred, diverted, put off, hindered, curbed and impeded

59. Some students are put off studying his work because of the ornate language of the poetry.

60. There's always a strong temptation to put off the most difficult task or the least congenial subject.

61. 13 His trusted advisers are at loggerheads, and he can not put off a decision much longer.

62. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Mark Twain 

63. 21 Wilson has urged legislators to put off a scheduled March ban of the pesticide methyl bromide.

64. (Paul Aiken, Boulder Daily Camera) Having put off their decision as long as possible, officials of the Bolder …

65. The father immediately gets angry, thinking back to the many times the boy put off doing his homework.

66. Bodhisattvas put off their Nirvana for countless lives in order to serve others and help them attain it.

67. Why put off the opportunity to have a full share in Kingdom service in favor of accumulating material assets?

68. A majority of Congress members wanted to put off an election until they could be sure of winning it.

69. Although in non-stop pain, he has put off the operation until the Formula One championship season is over.

70. Potential customers for freeze branding could well be put off by seeing this biased statement in a reputable magazine.

71. I was initially put off by the’s unsophisticated graphics (which have since been updated), but the more I clicked

72. Put off by the heat, noise, and soot, the guards gave the car a cursory inspection and sent me off.

73. The danger is that while you put off the legwork, your money might be languishing in a second-rate account.

74. Recent Examples on the Web That said, the Red Sox remained put off by the Blatancy of the foul ball

75. The Autoload facility lets you register the existence of a function or macro, but put off loading the file that defines it

76. Have you put off the decision to become one of Jesus’ disciples because of what your relatives, friends, or colleagues might say?

77. I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laugher and luster to our lives.

78. From the Cambridge English Corpus Some of my constituents are somewhat timorous creatures, and they might be put off by that rather Admonitory …

79. The king of Uganda's largest ethnic group, the Buganda, has put off a visit to a town in his kingdom, his spokesman has said.

80. And what a powerful inducement now to “put off the works belonging to darkness and . . . put on the weapons of the light”! —Romans 13:12.