Use "put it in plain language" in a sentence

1. In its paragraph # it also condemns in plain language all violence and hostilities directed against civilians

2. His style combines plain language and gritty realism.

3. 3, 4. (a) Why did Jesus use plain language in his teaching?

4. Jesus used plain language that ordinary people could understand

5. 6, 7. (a) To teach with simplicity, why is it important that we use plain language?

6. Keeping Language Simple Participants recommended using clearer definitions and plain language in all types of communication with citizens.

7. One message from Kinkaid, sent in plain language, read: "My situation is critical.

8. And if you put them on one plain, a second plain is where the content lives.

9. 20 Crosland does her best to help de Chirico to express the ineffable in plain language.

10. (Philippians 1:10) When covering deep subjects, we should try to express ourselves in plain language.

11. Put fiendish language translation adult language category, involving the basic operating chain.

12. Or, to put it in St John's language, the light of the world is extinguished by the uncomprehending darkness.

13. In any event, it will not be plain sailing.

14. Like many rivers in the West Siberian Plain, it has an extensive flood plain with marshes and meanders.

15. See Appendix IV for an abbreviated guide to clear/plain language writing and design.

16. The language from the Action plan is put in italics and in a frame.

17. E.g. they should be expressed in plain language and statistics should be stated in absolute as opposed to relative numbers.

18. • e.g. they should be expressed in plain language and statistics should be stated in absolute as opposed to relative numbers.

19. It is plain, then, why men are in the minority.

20. Just plain sappy is more like it.

21. It was plain stupidity on Richard's part.

22. Some schools put/lay/place great emphasis on language study.

23. Put it in the disposal.

24. Put it in your pocket.

25. Put it in my pocket.

26. Put your elbow in it.

27. It is stranded somewhat forlornly in the middle of the plain.

28. Mother would occasionally put plain rice aside for me, but I often went without adequate food.

29. Can it be plain cantankerous at times?

30. Simply put, Cognition is thinking, and it encompasses the processes associated with perception, knowledge, problem solving, judgment, language, and memory.

31. Cucumber executes executable specifications written in plain language and produces reports indicating whether the software behaves according to the specification or not.

32. Put a cork in it, Smurfette.

33. You put it in your pocket.

34. Put it back in the freezer.

35. Just put it in the trash .

36. You've put it in a nutshell.

37. He put a sock in it.

38. It put him in a predicament.

39. He made it plain that we should leave.

40. 28 Describe it in ordinary everyday language .

41. In each language, it is pronounced differently.

42. They brought it in and put it in many heaps.

43. Put it in the fridge to keep it fresh.

44. It was plain that she must work doubly hard.

45. Hiding in plain sight?

46. Just put it in a lower gear.

47. We need something to put it in!

48. But you gotta put it in context.

49. Let's put it in slope- intercept form.

50. Hell, we'll put food coloring in it.

51. I put a cigarette out in it.

52. Max, downshift and put it in reverse.

53. I should've put it in another place.

54. She can read it in her body language.

55. It is expressed in the otter's body language.

56. The program's guidelines are based on the use of plain, non-bureaucratic language, functional graphic design and a systems approach in identifying government services.

57. Put some peppermint in it, turned it into a menthol.

58. They're hidden in plain sight.

59. Put your money in there, the bank doesn't lend it, they don't put it at any risk whatsoever.

60. Put it down!

61. He made it plain that he did not like me.

62. It is plain that, in the long run, the gentle art of compromise has much to recommend it.

63. Even the dullest of the chivalry perceived that this was a plain case of "put up or shut up."

64. Its language gives me an excellent example of how to put things simply.”

65. It is not put forth as a comprehensive list of all the Classifiers that are being used in American Sign Language, or how they are being used

66. It is quite plain that he doesn't want to go.

67. Favorite Add to Set of 10 - Plain KRAFT paper cone/Plain Wedding Petal Cones/Plain Petal Cones/Plain paper Cones/Plain Wedding toss Cones - MULTIPLE

68. It is the eponymous language of the Arawakan language family.

69. Alatea's language of origin is Old Greek and it is used largely in the Spanish language

70. Glover had put his foot in it somehow.

71. To put it in a nutshell, we're bankrupt.

72. Come on put your back in it Villega.

73. Put it in your diary before you forget.

74. You put it in your mouth... and you point it up.

75. Just put it in a really low gear and floor it.

76. Maybe I should've said it in my secret language.

77. I want it now out of just plain ornery meanness.

78. It was plain that Giles was not going to agree.

79. If you put it in the freezer, it will go solid.

80. He was hiding in plain sight.