Use "pulled out" in a sentence

1. The boat pulled out into midstream.

2. The train pulled out exactly on time.

3. The organist pulled out all the stops.

4. Burned off, the molars pulled out, too.

5. Adam, you pulled out a fucking gun!

6. The car pulled out of the driveway.

7. I pulled out to overtake a bus.

8. The Germans destroyed Florence when they pulled out.

9. 6 The train pulled out exactly on time.

10. The man Jackie pulled out of the train.

11. We have pulled out of the Global Compact.

12. Never will its tent pins be pulled out,

13. She pulled out the plug of the bathtub.

14. Very gently I pulled out the silver bracelet.

15. My daughter already pulled out her own tooth, Delphine.

16. 1 Viol pulled out a notebook and a biro.

17. I pulled out into the eastbound lane of Route

18. She pulled out her flask and drank from it.

19. We all clambered aboard and the boat pulled out.

20. He pulled out his rifle and fired three shots .

21. The anchor was raised and the ship pulled out.

22. If they sank, they were deemed innocent and pulled out.

23. She delved into her rucksack and pulled out a folder.

24. She depressed the plunger fully and pulled out the shot.

25. Susan pulled out handfuls of ectoplasm and threw them aside.

26. He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket.

27. I'm the guy he pulled out of that burning airplane.

28. You pulled out your pistol and blew them to hell.

29. Wade walked quickly to the refrigerator and pulled out another beer.

30. He looked down at Bone and pulled out the pirate hat.

31. He pulled out a badge and said he was a cop.

32. Doctor Winter pulled out a chair outrageously and sat down again.

33. "We pulled out of line at a terrific speed,"

34. They pulled out some breath mints, soap, lotion, and a brush.

35. He pulled out his badge and said he was a cop.

36. 7 He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket.

37. The aggressor troops were then being pulled out of the area.

38. Clothes pulled out of the washer get pushed into the dryer.

39. She opened her handbag, and pulled out a wad of banknotes.

40. He reached into his windbreaker and pulled out a piece of paper.

41. Ignoring the flashlight and lighter, she pulled out Anfractuously, the bicycle lock

42. She tore off the cellophane, pulled out a cigarette, and lit it.

43. Never turn the dosage selector after injection button has been pulled out

44. A dose cannot be dialled until the dose knob is pulled out

45. He dug into the bag and pulled out a loaf of bread.

46. Tell that to the dead Redbone they pulled out of Proctor's pool.

47. The sale of the house fell through when the buyer pulled out.

48. They demanded that all the aggressor troops be pulled out from their country.

49. So I delved beneath my anorak and pulled out a corner of shirt.

50. Now I feel like I'm caught in the tide, pulled out to sea.

51. This lunatic in a white van pulled out right in front of me!

52. He pulled out a huge gun, snugged inside a light tan shoulder holster.

53. He pulled out the cork and held the little bottle near Gage’s ear.

54. The peace - preserving army of the United Nations pulled out of the area.

55. 14 Tom pulled out his Sidearm and warily moved to the fallen aliens.

56. She pulled out a can of soup, but the can opener was dead.

57. He always pulled out all the stops to get his hands on money.

58. When all passengers were on board, the train pulled out of the station.

59. In their case, they simultaneously pulled out of their wallets the exact same photograph.

60. I reached into the door pocket and pulled out the heavy wheel nut spanner.

61. She pulled out a penknife and started stabbing, hoping to break some vital connection.

62. The Russians kept their side of the bargain , and pulled out of East Germany.

63. They pulled out of the deal at the last minute leaving us high and dry.

64. The mother’s abdomen is opened surgically, and almost always a live baby is pulled out.

65. Then came the sudden peso devaluation that December, and Jimenez pulled out $ 70 million more.

66. He pulled out an empty pasta box sealed at one end with industrial adhesive tape.

67. 26 She opened it, slipped her hand inside and pulled out an old frayed envelope.

68. Someone pulled out her tooth, wrapped it in fabric and forced her to swallow it.

69. JV pulled out a tough one in overtime 30-28 and Varsity won Convincedly 55-27

70. Start Brandon on FAB fragments, and get him some Tylenol for the hair I pulled out.

71. 9 Scrimmage team members Monta Ellis and LaMarcus Aldridge pulled out on Monday with injury concerns.

72. 25 Allen pulled out his knife and jabbed at the animal's flank where the stirrup hung.

73. Adhesions can cause organs and surrounding tissues to be twisted, pulled out of place, or stuck together

74. The train pulled out of Canton Station at 8:40 p.m. with two exhausted American passengers aboard.

75. When the cotter pin was pulled out, the technicians found that the nut was barely finger tight.

76. The eye lens is extremely flexible and can be bent, pulled out or elongated and squashed flatter.

77. 12 Therewas a small portmanteau in the room and this he pulled out and began to strap.

78. Running wheel for a refrigerated product carrier that can be pulled out under the guidance of rails

79. So he woke up from his sleep and pulled out the loom pin and the warp thread.

80. Today I reiterate that they will not stay in Abyei ad infinitum; they will be pulled out.