Use "provisional government" in a sentence

1. A Provisional Government...

2. Ukrainian Provisional Government (1918).

3. Order of the Provisional Government.

4. Power is with the Provisional Government...

5. A provisional military government took office .

6. A provisional government formed on 22 February.

7. 6 A provisional military government took office .

8. Provisional Government of the French Republic (GPRF) (1944–46), government of the provisional Republic until the establishment of the IVth Republic.

9. Provisional Government of India (1915), established in Kabul.

10. They say the Provisional Government of Korea is here.

11. So here's the famous Seoul bureau of the Provisional Government.

12. Denmark followed in 1915, and Russian Provisional Government in 1917.

13. The Korean Provisional Government in China failed to obtain widespread recognition.

14. After the overthrow of the provisional government, the board's work ceased.

15. The triumvirate of Ōkubo, Saigō and Kido formed a provisional government.

16. Corporal Ahn Okyun to be transferred to Provisional Government of Korea.

17. Provisional Government of National Defence (northern Greece), 1916 Russian Provisional Government (1917), established as a result of the February Revolution which led to the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II.

18. Based in China, the Korean Provisional Government failed to obtain widespread recognition.

19. In 1917, the Provisional Government issued treasury notes for 20 and 40 rubles.

20. The provisional government considered the Vichy government to have been unconstitutional and all its actions therefore without legitimate authority.

21. Therefore, the Provisional Government called to order a Constitutional Convention on May 30, 1894.

22. In the 1950s a Republic of Taiwan Provisional Government was set up in Japan.

23. A provisional government was established in Yemen (2015–) after the 2014–15 Yemeni coup d'état.

24. There was talk of preparing an Ulster provisional government and creating an Ulster Volunteer Force.

25. 18 There was talk of preparing an Ulster provisional government and creating an Ulster Volunteer Force.

26. In October, the Provisional Government of the Northern Ryukyu Islands was founded, formed by local leaders.

27. In 1846, during the Mexican–American War, the U.S. provisional government of New Mexico was established.

28. Provisional Government of Lithuania (1941), established when Lithuanians overthrew the Soviet occupation during the Lithuanian 1941 independence.

29. Article 83 of the Provisional Constitution of 1950 stated that ministers had full responsibility for government policy.

30. Under his direction Pravda took to the "left" to oppose the Provisional Government formed after the revolution.

31. The Provisional Government was ignored, mainly due to American belief that it was too aligned with the communists.

32. In February 1946 a provisional government called the Provisional People's Committee was formed under Kim Il-sung, who had spent the last years of the war training with Soviet troops in Manchuria.

33. The October Revolution ousted the provisional government, making the Congress of Soviets the sole, and supreme governing body.

34. In 1917, the October Revolution led to the overthrow of Kerensky's provisional government, and the Bolsheviks assuming power.

35. In September 1978 the government through a provisional law made a general ban against increases in wages and prices.

36. After the appointment of the "Provisional Government of East Timor" by Indonesia, Gusmão became heavily involved in resistance activities.

37. There he was the highest-ranking military representative of the Provisional Government of the French Republic for three months.

38. Provisional Government of the Republic of China (1937–40), established by the Empire of Japan when invading Eastern China.

39. Members of the Palatinate provisional government included Nikolaus Schmitt, serving as Minister of the Interior, and Theodor Ludwig Greiner.

40. Aguinaldo, speaking for the Magdalo ruling council, issued a manifesto proclaiming a provisional and revolutionary government after his early successes, despite the existence of Bonifacio's Katipunan government.

41. The plan was to declare a "Provisional Revolutionary Government" under János Kádár, who would appeal for Soviet assistance to restore order.

42. Following provisional disclosure, the complainant claimed that the provisional ad valorem duties were not effective.

43. The "Provisional All-Russian Government" was established here in 1918, headed by the Arctic explorer and decorated war hero Admiral Kolchak.

44. Shortly after the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, he was appointed the governor of Guangdong and chief secretary of the Provisional Government.

45. 12 The group, which set up its own provisional government in December, hopes to hold a constitutional convention within two years.

46. The booking is only provisional.

47. Chongqing was the provisional capital of the government of Chiang Kai-shek during the Second Chinese-Japanese War from 1937 to 1945

48. These dates are only provisional.

49. In August 1917, Alexander Kerensky's provisional government evacuated the Romanovs to Tobolsk, allegedly to protect them from the rising tide of revolution.

50. During the months between February and October 1917, the power of the Provisional Government was consistently questioned by nearly all political parties.

51. The provisional government also had 25 and 1,000 rubles state credit notes printed in the United States but most were not issued.

52. All these conclusions are provisional.

53. 16 synonyms for Conditional: dependent, limited, qualified, subject to, contingent, provisional, with reservations, provisional, provisory, tentative

54. The provisional government lasted approximately eight months, and ceased to exist when the Bolsheviks gained power after the October Revolution in October 1917.

55. The numerous provisional governments during the Revolutions of 1848 gave the word its modern meaning: A liberal government established to prepare for elections.

56. A cordon sanitaire of Japanese troops protected the insurgents, who sought to establish a new régime known as the Provisional Government of the Priamur.

57. Provisional Government of Ireland (1922), established by agreement between the British government and Irish revolutionaries, in order to pave the way for the establishment of the Irish Free State in the same year.

58. GATT was ad hoc and provisional.

59. Lieut.-Colonel A. W. Currie to 1st (Provisional) Brigade; Lieut.-Colonel M. S. Mercer to 3rd (Provisional) Brigade; Colonel R. E. W. Turner, V.C., D.S.O., A.D.C., to 4th (Provisional) Brigade.

60. This Baathist government was replaced by a series of US-led reconstruction efforts ending with the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), chaired by Ambassador Paul L

61. Provisional instalments and advance payment of benefit

62. Provisional qualifying requires a score of 3

63. This was an attempt to create a provisional executive power, but it did not get very far since most states failed to fully recognize the new government.

64. This article lists the individuals who have served as Governor of Oregon from the establishment of the Provisional Government between 1841 and 1843 to the present day.

65. In a last-ditch attempt to strengthen the spirit and resolve of the troops, the Russian Provisional Government establishes the first all-female "Death Battalion."

66. The Korean organizers reaped a provisional profit of $349,000,000.

67. In this way, provisional adaptations turn into routine commitments.

68. The Revolution resumed in May, 1898 and resulted in what is officially considered the first actual (in contrast to provisional or preparatory) government, that of the First Republic.

69. This anthem was popular during the 1905 Russian Revolution and was used as a national anthem by the Russian Provisional Government until its overthrow in the October Revolution.

70. The Provisional Constitution was reinstated and the parliament convened.

71. Here it will suffice to indicate some provisional impressions.

72. You can make a provisional booking over the phone.

73. Provisional tables, etc., for the final report should be specified.

74. Elaborating on this point he further indicated the intention of Japan , to hand over the administration of these islands to the jurisdiction of the Provisional Government of Free India .

75. During the first Russian Revolution and the abdication of Nicholas II, emperor of Russia, Lvov was made head of the provisional government founded by the Duma on 2 March.

76. Thus my Churchgoing was a merely symbolical and provisional practice.

77. Bihar or Behar (bēhär`), state (2001 provisional pop

78. The management has made a provisional pay offer of 7%.

79. The quantum and the classical domains as provisional parallel Coexistents

80. ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/HAR/4: Provisional agenda