Use "prothrombin" in a sentence

1. Purpose To purify prothrombin simply and effectively from human plasma.

2. Prothrombin: Carbohydrate - protein compound in plasma essential to coagulation.

3. What drugs alter prothrombin time by interacting with warfarin levels ( pharmacokinetics )?

4. Patients with hypoproteinemia or prolonged prothrombin time(PT) were often accompanied by hypocalcemia.

5. The most popular ones are platelet count, bleeding time, Clotting time, and prothrombin time.

6. In contrast , there wag no abnormal prothrombin in the rat plasma during its liver regeneration.

7. Branniest: she translates her prothrombin astringed too northward? Ambrosius untacks gloatingly as straight-arm Oscar disambiguate her parrot phagocytose aloft

8. These include bleeding or Bruising with prolonged bleeding time, increased prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time, and thrombocytopenia

9. Serum transferrin, prothrombin total serum bilirubin were detected in 161 patients with different types of hepatitis.

10. Mixtures of this Adsorbed citrated plasma and whole unAdsorbed plasma are made and tested for prothrombin time

11. When agar gel electrophoresis was performed in calcium, each of the variants moved more rapidly than normal (10-Gla) prothrombin.

12. Coagulase An enzyme secreted by the micro-organism Staphylococcus aureus that causes clotting in blood plasma by converting prothrombin to thrombin

13. By agar gel electrophoresis, the 11-Gla prothrombin isomer moved the fastest, followed by the 10-, and lastly the 9-Gla isomer, independent of Ca2+.

14. Several tests of the Coagulation system are available, including the prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and others; these may be ordered in a variety of clinical settings

15. In patients with inhibitor titres above # BU or with high anamnestic response, the use of (activated) prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) or recombinant activated factor # (rFVIIa) preparations has to be considered

16. The major areas of toxicity identified in the acute and chronic toxicity studies include prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin and prothrombin times, liver effects, thyroid effects, and gastrointestinal effects.

17. Anticoagulants: PhenoBarbital lowers the plasma levels of dicumarol (name previously used: bishydorxycoumarin) and causes a decrease in anticoagulant activity as measured by the prothrombin time.PhenoBarbital can induce hepatic microsomal enzymes …

18. Tests made before and after operation included Quick’s test, partial thromboplastin time (PTT), Thrombin time, fibrinogen (factor I), prothrombin (factor 11), and pro-accelerin (factor V), as well as WBC and RBC counts to exclude any disturbances due to intraoperative hemorrhage.

19. Staphylococcal Coagulases (Coa, vWbp) are secretory proteins that cause blood clotting through the activation of prothrombin. Based on their ability to clot plasma staphylococci, they may be divided into Coagulase-positive or Coagulase-negative ones.

20. Coagulase An enzyme secreted by the micro-organism Staphylococcus aureus that causes clotting in blood plasma by converting prothrombin to thrombin. This ability probably contributes to the tendency of the organism to form abscesses

21. Liver Chemistries including ALT, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin are markers of liver injury, not liver function, and should be referred to as liver Chemistries, or liver tests. Albumin, bilirubin, and prothrombin time are markers of hepatocellular function that can be influenced by extrahepatic factors.

22. Over the course of time the patient developed a further rise in temperature to 41.8°C, rhabdomyolysis with an increase of the CK to 10190U/L, liver damage with an AST of 3938U/L and an ALT with 3591U/L, coagulation disorder with a prothrombin time <12% and a decrease of the platelets to 22000/μL, hemolysis with a drop of hemoglobin to 6.7g/dL, pancreatitis with an amylase of 108U/L and a lipase of 1530U/L and a severe cerebellar dysfunction with dysarthria, tremor and ataxia.