Use "procurator" in a sentence

1. Appointee: See: agent , delegate , deputy , licensee , nominee , proctor , procurator , trustee

2. See the box “Felix —Procurator of Judea.”

3. Have you no respect for our Roman procurator?

4. The office of a procurator is called a procuracy or procuratorate.

5. Adviser: See: accessory , accomplice , advocate , arbiter , counsel , counselor , esquire , informant , informer , pedagogue , procurator

6. First, the Roman procurator Florus seized 17 talents from the sacred temple treasury.

7. The appointment of a freedman to the post of procurator with a military command was unprecedented.

8. Albinus, LUCCEIUS°Albinus, LUCCEIUS °, Roman procurator of Judea, 62–64 c.e

9. One of these bears a Latin inscription reading, “Erastus, procurator and aedile, laid this pavement at his own expense.”

10. Criminal actions by the judge, procurator, investigator or official leading the initial inquiry underpinning an enforceable judgement

11. The administration of Ostia was turned over to an imperial Procurator after construction of the port.

12. · Criminal actions by the judge, procurator, investigator or official leading the initial inquiry underpinning an enforceable judgement;

13. Shear discovered a pavement with an inscription, in Latin, that reads: “Erastus, procurator [and] aedile, laid this pavement at his own expense.”

14. In Xenosaga, Bunnie is the Vector Industries mascot and Procurator of the U.M.N., and is well-known across all regions of the galaxy

15. But in 66 C.E. when the Roman procurator of Judea, Gessius Florus, seized funds from the sacred temple treasury, the enraged Jews had had enough.

16. Shear discovered a pavement or paving block with this inscription: “ERASTVS PRO: AED: S: P: STRAVIT” (“Erastus, procurator and aedile, laid this pavement at his own expense”).

17. Article 33 When disposing the distraint involved in cases, the department of handling cases shall put forward opinions which is subsequently submitted to the procurator-general for making a decision.

18. They arranged that Belgrano and Saavedra would meet with Juan José de Lezica, the senior alcalde (municipal magistrate), while Castelli would meet with the procurator Julián de Leiva, to ask for their support.

19. The Office of the Federal Procurator for the Defence of Workers (PROFEDET) in the STPS offers workers and their unions free advisory, conciliation and legal representation services, fostering a culture of prevention and promoting conciliation as an expeditious means of settling disputes

20. After this he thought Adaunt and put his flesh to more penance, and by the disposition of our Lord he entered into the order of Charterhouse, where he was received, and was there so virtuous in his living, that among the strangers he was so friendly and so well beloved that after a little while he was made procurator of the house.