Use "proclaimed" in a sentence

1. He proclaimed himself emperor.

2. So they proclaimed it.

3. Blazed: as in heralded, proclaimed

4. Good news proclaimed for Judah (15)

5. He is a self-proclaimed racist.

6. He proclaimed undying love for her.

7. His manners proclaimed him a gentleman.

8. His son was immediately proclaimed king.

9. The President proclaimed the republic's independence.

10. His accent proclaimed that he was Irish.

11. 19 January - The Batavian Republic is proclaimed.

12. The day was proclaimed a public holiday.

13. The government has proclaimed a new law.

14. The government proclaimed both of them national heroes.

15. The stripes on her uniform proclaimed her seniority.

16. Their offices are bogus, their elevation self-proclaimed.

17. Today, Abkhazia is a self-proclaimed republic

18. 25 His manners proclaimed him a gentleman.

19. Protesters proclaimed that the girl was innocent.

20. The president proclaimed a state of emergency.

21. My mother is a self-proclaimed Bigot who

22. Demonstrators demanded full sovereignty for the self - proclaimed republic.

23. After its independence India was proclaimed a republic.

24. He's a self-proclaimed expert on national defence.

25. (b) What refreshing good news was proclaimed by Jesus?

26. 'I think we have been heard today,' he proclaimed.

27. The declaration proclaimed the full sovereignty of the republic.

28. Singh later absconded and was named a proclaimed offender.

29. The ringing bells proclaimed the birth of the prince.

30. When the Macriani were defeated he probably proclaimed himself emperor.

31. The temples of this Church are precisely as proclaimed.

32. The Republic was proclaimed in public with great ceremony.

33. He had loudly proclaimed the quality of his wife.

34. He is President of his own self-proclaimed republic.

35. The self-proclaimed interim government says it expects further violence.

36. All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.

37. "Last one in the sea is a sissy," proclaimed Idris.

38. The salesman proclaimed that his tonic would cure all diseases.

39. 'Joy of Salvation' Proclaimed as Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Baptizes 1,200

40. The Estate Administration Act was proclaimed as of April 1, 1999.

41. My husband actively proclaimed God’s Kingdom until his death in 1977.

42. The prisoners passionately proclaimed their innocence in front of the jury.

43. For example, Enoch courageously proclaimed Jehovah’s judgment against ungodly sinners.

44. Beyond this self-effacing act, they emphatically proclaimed God’s holiness.

45. 3 The ringing bells proclaimed the birth of the prince.

46. 12 The declaration proclaimed the full sovereignty of the republic.

47. The charter proclaimed that all states would have their own government.

48. The district unilaterally proclaimed its independence from the national government.

49. 21 The prisoners passionately proclaimed their innocence in front of the jury.

50. The ringing bells proclaimed the news of the birth of the prince.

51. 9. (a) What was the message of comfort that Jesus proclaimed?

52. They are self-proclaimed "stone-pelters", named after their weapon of choice.

53. When Jesus’ disciples publicly proclaimed this good news, however, persecution broke out.

54. On 29 January, Lon Nol proclaimed a unilateral cease-fire throughout the nation.

55. * Illustrative only - Actual calculations to be made once settlement legislation has been proclaimed.

56. With the first Montenegrin constitution being proclaimed in 1855, known as "Danilo's Code".

57. Accepting defeat, Cheung destroys the banner that proclaimed himself to be the Grandmaster.

58. Radetzky, the Austrian Northern Italy Aflame commander-in-chief, proclaimed martial law

59. " President Cleveland proclaimed the opening of the Cherokee Strip, September the 16th. "

60. Amalfitan merchants rescued Siconulf from prison, and he was proclaimed prince in Salerno.

61. The self-proclaimed "mad painter" Hokusai (1760–1849) enjoyed a long, varied career.

62. The test of proclaimed ideals is how well they work in actual practice.

63. 9 The ringing bells proclaimed the news of the birth of the prince.

64. During the 1970’s, Jim Jones proclaimed himself the “messiah of the People’s Temple.”

65. The Privy Council immediately proclaimed the Elector of Hanover King George I of England.

66. 2. (a) What even more marvelous news needs to be proclaimed in our day?

67. As Jesus proclaimed the good news throughout Palestine, crowds gathered to hear him.

68. By the law of the horde their greatest warrior was proclaimed their king.

69. So many people are self-proclaimed environmentalists that it doesn't mean much anymore.

70. More accurately, he was proclaimed Emperor of the armies of Germania Inferior and Superior.

71. But when Jesus’ faithful disciples publicly proclaimed this good news, fierce opposition broke out.

72. The declaration was null and void as it was proclaimed in completely illegal circumstances.

73. Synonyms for Championed include said, claimed, alleged, asserted, affirmed, maintained, proclaimed, argued, attested and contended

74. ON May 31, 1996, news sources proclaimed what appeared to be a message of peace.

75. 8 The empire collapsed like a house of cards, and the republic was again proclaimed.

76. Synonyms for Bruited include cried, announced, trumpeted, advertised, broadcast, broadcasted, hawked, proclaimed, publicized and barked

77. Synonyms for Adduced include said, claimed, alleged, asserted, affirmed, maintained, proclaimed, argued, attested and contended

78. Hitler appointed a new Nazi government, and on March 13 the Anschluss was proclaimed

79. The Throne Room gives access to the balcony where the Danish monarchs are proclaimed.

80. DECADES in advance, Bible students proclaimed that there would be significant developments in 1914.