Use "pressure point" in a sentence

1. 18 The colligative properties are boiling point, freezing point, osmotic pressure, and vapor pressure.

2. 3 Does pressure point to systematic circulation?

3. 8 The repulsion point is composition of pressure point and joining place.

4. The gauge samples air pressure at the pressure take off point 9 through conduit 9a.

5. The curve between the critical point and the triple point shows the Butane boiling point with changes in pressure.

6. 9 At its boiling point a liquid has a vapor pressure equal to the external pressure.

7. Remember that the Boiling point of water depends solely on pressure

8. It shows that as pressure increases the melting point decreases slightly.

9. 1 Hospitals are a pressure point for the entire health system.

10. 7 China is a key pressure point of the world's climate problem.

11. 6 A key pressure point in the controversy was the building permit.

12. The fluid has a temperature and pressure above the critical point of carbon dioxide, but at least one of the temperature and pressure is below the critical point for water.

13. But if the pressure gets too much this magma reaches bursting point

14. This shows the effect of pressure on the melting point of ice.

15. wet static absolute pressure at the location of dew point measurement [kPa]

16. In incompressible flows, the stagnation pressure at a stagnation point is equal to the total pressure throughout the flow field.

17. The balance environment dew point, ambient temperature, and atmospheric pressure shall be recorded;

18. The Boiling point of a solution, then, will be greater than the Boiling point of the pure solvent because the solution (which has a lower vapor pressure) will need to be heated to a higher temperature in order for the vapor pressure to become equal to the external pressure (i.e., the Boiling point).

19. Acupressure is manual pressure applied to a specific slightly depressed point on the body.

20. Unfortunately, the actual vapor pressure of Allicin, like its boiling point, is so far

21. The melting point increases with depth in the Earth because of the increasing pressure.

22. Further, for said operating point, a control pressure number is determined (24) as a function aerodynamic flow sizing at said operating point.

23. The Boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which its vapor pressure is equal to the pressure of the gas above it.The normal Boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which its vapor pressure is equal to one atmosphere (760 torr)

24. My last point comes from my earlier observation, namely to uphold the maximum pressure campaign.

25. For example, dew point, Tdew, and absolute pressure ptotal, shall be measured to calculate xH2O.

26. Since there's a vacuum everywhere, the pressure at this point P1 is equal to zero.

27. When the pressure of condensate gas falls to dew point below, its phase will change.

28. Acoustics point of view, sound and noise constitute the same phenomenon of atmospheric pressure fluctuations about the mean atmospheric pressure; the differentiation is greatly subjective

29. This Boiling point calculator finds the pressure at altitude assuming that the pressure at sea level is constant and equal to 1013 hPa (1.013 bar)

30. of tyres near their point of contact with the ground, and connections for tyre pressure gauges

31. Today's barometers read the station pressure accurately to the second decimal point; for example, 101.25 kPa.

32. 12 With Arjen Robben playing wider for the replaced Joe Cole, Chelsea had a pressure point.

33. Without a seam or weld point, this Annealed tubing can withstand higher pressure and resist corrosion

34. The reference point for timing of swallows was taken from the onset of this pressure wave.

35. 16 Vapor pressure and boiling point depends on molecular mass and the type of intermolecular forces.

36. Auscultatory Gap: An Auscultatory gap also called as silent gap is the interval of pressure where korotkoff sounds indicating true systolic pressure fade away and reappear at a lower pressure point during the manual measurement of blood pressure by Auscultatory method.

37. 20 Under the assumptation that the "Pressure Zero Temperature Point" exists, with the corresponding state method, a new vapor pressure equation was established in this thesis.

38. The point must fall into the bottle so that the pressure can be transmitted to the manometer.

39. 5 Presents the position of the constant pressure point for the system with both pipe and circulatin.

40. The dew point, Tdew, and absolute pressure, ptotal, downstream of an osmotic-membrane dryer shall be monitored.

41. 15 They characteristic of low melting point, low vapor pressure, adjustable acidity, strong solubility and high viscosity.

42. The dew point, T dew, and absolute pressure, p total, downstream of a thermal chiller shall be monitored.

43. 10 Some or the political personalities saw it as a new political pressure point on the Westminster government.

44. Azeotropic point are the Azeotropic temperature taz, pressure Paz, and liquid-phase composition, usually expressed as mole fractions

45. When above the dew point pressure, the vacancy solution theoretical model is adopted for the gas adsorption calculation.

46. 4 Presents the position of the constant pressure point for the system with both expansion pipe and circulating pipe.

47. A liquid at its boiling point will evaporate more quickly than the gas can condense at the current pressure.

48. For example, liquid helium does not freeze under atmospheric pressure regardless of temperature due to its zero-point energy.

49. Bernoulli's equation can be used in almost any situation to determine the pressure at any point in a fluid.

50. The freezing point of water at standard atmospheric pressure is very nearly 0?C, and the corresponding boiling point is very nearly 100?C. Formerly known as centigrade temperature scale.

51. D0250 Depegram Curve, plotted using data from an aerological sounding, which represents the dew point as a function of pressure.

52. Helium-4 is a liquid at normal pressure near absolute zero, a consequence of its high zero-point energy (ZPE).

53. The touch plate is pressure sensitive and even offers polyphonic Aftertouch — pretty amazing at this price point, we might add.

54. As the velocities and pressure fields are solved for at each nodal point, the accuracy of the solution is preserved.

55. Isobar of pressure was calculated by using the model. All of the peak value of pressure can be determined by testing any point at the isobar and the workload can be reduced.

56. Carbon dioxide is compressed in a multi-stage geared compressor by means of a substantially isothermic process to a pressure which lies above the pressure of the critical point of carbon dioxide.

57. As she held him she searched for and found the pressure point in his armpit, and stopped the gush of blood.

58. 1 Measuring plasma osmolality using freezing point depression or vapor pressure will immediately indicate that plasma osmolality and tonicity are normal.

59. Pressure algometry is typically used to assess mechanical hyperalgesia; however, this technique only assesses pain at a single point at a time.

60. As if the whole point of the Salomon system were simply to see who wilted under the pressure and who did not.

61. There has been no conclusive research, but the thoughts behind using a Brimless helmet are that the brim becomes a point of pressure that could create a point of concussion on your forehead.

62. Flowing air pressure to pressure relief valve- in kPa absolute (recorded gauge pressure plus recorded barometric pressure

63. Flowing air pressure to pressure relief valve — in kPa absolute (recorded gauge pressure plus recorded barometric pressure).

64. Without ABS a driver can get maximum braking effort by braking to the point of wheel lock, and then reducing the pressure ever so slightly to the point where the wheels are rotating again.

65. Most do so either from the rotation of a wind-driven turbine (‘rotating cups Anemometer’) or from the wind pressure through a tube aligned by a vane to point into the wind (‘pressure-tube Anemometer’).

66. To compare a pressure expressed in gauge pressure with a pressure expressed in absolute pressure the atmospheric pressure should be deducted from the absolute pressure which is missing in the definition of maximum working pressure.

67. Flowing air pressure to pressure relief valve in kPa absolute (recorded gauge pressure plus recorded barometric pressure).

68. 11 As she held him she searched for and found the pressure point in his armpit,( and stopped the gush of blood.

69. 26 Up to the point of overload and pressure, you might say that the inexorable logic of the Hay Fever Theory does hold.

70. Pressure gages and differential pressure gages

71. Many factors such as components, gas-oil ratio (GOR) and non-equilibrium effect have some affects on dew point pressure of condensate gas.

72. From a physical point of view, the impact of under-inflation on fuel consumption # emissions and safety is relative to the absolute pressure

73. The sum of hydrostatic pressure and Atmospheric pressure is called Absolute pressure.

74. p = Flowing air pressure to pressure relief valve- in kPa absolute (recorded gauge pressure plus recorded barometric pressure

75. Components for the aforementioned goods, including pressure regulators, pressure amplifiers and pressure exchangers

76. Electronic pressure systems, pressure instruments, including digital pressure calibrators, pneumatic and hydraulic dead weight testers, digital correctors, U-pipe manometers, digital pressure modules, analog pressure instruments

77. Bedsores are also called pressure injuries, pressure sores, pressure ulcers, or decubitus ulcers

78. From a physical point of view, the impact of under-inflation on fuel consumption/CO2 emissions and safety is relative to the absolute pressure.

79. The first pressure is greater than the second pressure on an absolute pressure scale.

80. The extraction conditions preferably include a temperature and pressure each elevated above ambient and optionally to at least the critical point of the solvent.