Use "pressure point" in a sentence

1. 3 Does pressure point to systematic circulation?

2. 1 Hospitals are a pressure point for the entire health system.

3. 7 China is a key pressure point of the world's climate problem.

4. 6 A key pressure point in the controversy was the building permit.

5. 8 The repulsion point is composition of pressure point and joining place.

6. 12 With Arjen Robben playing wider for the replaced Joe Cole, Chelsea had a pressure point.

7. 5 Presents the position of the constant pressure point for the system with both pipe and circulatin.

8. 10 Some or the political personalities saw it as a new political pressure point on the Westminster government.

9. 4 Presents the position of the constant pressure point for the system with both expansion pipe and circulating pipe.

10. As she held him she searched for and found the pressure point in his armpit, and stopped the gush of blood.

11. 11 As she held him she searched for and found the pressure point in his armpit,( and stopped the gush of blood.

12. The method includes compressing the working fluid above its critical pressure point in a compression stage to generate a compressed working fluid at or about local ambient temperature.

13. Cavitation indicates that there is insufficient net positive suction head (NPSH) (NPSH is a measure of the suction head to prevent vaporization of the lowest pressure point in a pump)

14. We Augured sediment core holes at a low pressure point on a gold rich creek to see if there was good gold! We panned the gold from the samples and the creek

15. Auscultatory Gap: An Auscultatory gap also called as silent gap is the interval of pressure where korotkoff sounds indicating true systolic pressure fade away and reappear at a lower pressure point during the manual measurement of blood pressure by Auscultatory method.

16. "Bastardised Ink" All hailstorms in to die for my sins, why am I accursed and not believing, death to damnation both forced arrest, enforced interrogation duress fire question, pressure point temple brainwashed disciple, shooting at me with a holy water pistol,