Use "pressed down" in a sentence

1. He pressed down on the pedal.

2. He pressed down the plunger of his cafetiere.

3. 12 She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.

4. His hands pressed down on both her shoulders.sentencedict .com

5. The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch.

6. 11 He pressed down the accelerator pedal of his car.

7. He racked his camera and pressed down the shutter release.

8. She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal.

9. 28 She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal.

10. He describes that he was pressed down and assaulted by the police.

11. He pressed down on the cradle, waited a moment then dialled again.

12. Nell pressed her arms and legs outwards, slithering down in short movements.

13. The grass had been pressed down in place where people had been lying.

14. 7 She stuffed the papers back in the box and pressed the lid down.

15. Make sure that the wire retainer clips are pressed down firmly to hold the towel in place.

16. Adjective [ADJECTIVE noun] Beaten earth has been pressed down, often by people's feet, until it is hard

17. With no freeboard to counterbalance, the leeward rail pressed down, admitting the flood, and the boy bailed furiously.

18. The scaled-down absorption tubes are pressed into silicone rubber seals and connected by narrow stainless steel tubes.

19. So she was hard-pressed to turn down the near constant requests to buy from those sales associates' kids.

20. He Chuckled immoderately and pressed his cowlick down, which defiant tuft popped instantly back to its position of attention

21. The valet had gone down on his knees, his head pressed to the floor, his whole body visibly shaking.

22. Real Cineraria Leaves, Pressed Leaves, Dried Leaves, Natural Leaves, Pressed Plant Materials oshibanaartist

23. He pressed the doorbell.

24. I'm pressed for time.

25. She pressed his hand softly.

26. She pressed on the doorbell.

27. Olinthus pressed his hand joyfully.

28. They just pressed the lever.

29. He pressed my arm back.

30. I gingerly pressed the buzzer, embarrassed.

31. That suit ought to be pressed.

32. She pressed herself against the wall.

33. He pressed the lid firmly shut.

34. I inadvertently pressed the wrong button.

35. Poland pressed on with economic reform.

36. The policeman pressed him with questions.

37. Charlie pressed his nose against the window.

38. Don't scamp work because pressed for time.

39. The hostess pressed fish on her guests.

40. These emit a piercing shriek when pressed.

41. The union pressed for a superannuation scheme.

42. Caroline pressed Walpole for reform, largely unsuccessfully.

43. The seeds can be pressed for oil.

44. A prickly heat pressed against his face.

45. When pressed, he would make shameless excuses.

46. The police pressed on with the investigation.

47. His cheek pressed against the studded metal.

48. He pressed his hand to his pillowcase.

49. He pressed heavily on his companion's wrist.

50. The children pressed close to their mother.

51. Pressed against the sofa were four barrels.

52. The cold pressed into his rib cage.

53. Perhaps you pressed the Erase button instead?

54. Her face was pressed against the pane.

55. She herself, when pressed, indignantly refuted the suggestion.

56. I pressed the accelerator until the engine screamed.

57. He pressed his nose up against the window.

58. Cling Juicery mainly focuses in cold-pressed juices

59. Cleanse 2 is Pressed Juicery's most popular Cleanse

60. One volunteer is worth ten pressed men. 

61. The weight of irrational guilt pressed on her.

62. Confused and agitated, he pressed the call button.

63. I pressed the brake pedal, but nothing happened.

64. We' re being pressed on the Ieft flank

65. When pressed they knock off 10 per cent.

66. Checked again and again, they still pressed forward.

67. 15 The grapes are hand-picked and pressed.

68. 2 The cold pressed into his rib cage.

69. The engine stalled. He pressed the accelerator hard.

70. 16 Bella pressed her face into the pillow.

71. Many tablets today are coated after being pressed.

72. 5 I stopped the tape and pressed rewind.

73. She pressed on the accelerator,roaring the engine.

74. The driver must have pressed on the accelerator.

75. Motives® Euphoria Blush Palette - Includes six pressed Blushes

76. The weather was dreadful but we pressed on regardless.

77. 5 I pressed control Alt Delete but nothing happened.

78. 27 The juice of the grapes was pressed out.

79. He pressed hard on the brake but nothing happened.

80. This prospect pressed a peril button in Yeremi's brain.