Use "preeclampsia" in a sentence

1. Borderlining preeclampsia frustrated

2. In healthy primipara , preeclampsia incidence is about 6%, but 18% or higher in pregnant women ever contracted preeclampsia.

3. The etiology of preeclampsia remains unknown. The role of thrombophilia in pathogenesis of preeclampsia is controversial.

4. • Antepartum complications (e.g., preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, abruptio placentae)

5. Scientists have linked a protein to the condition during pregnancy called preeclampsia.

6. Researchers say preeclampsia affects about five percent of pregnancies.

7. What causes preeclampsia has been a mystery with much debate.

8. Danger signs . Preterm labor, rupture of membranes, bleeding, edema, signs of preeclampsia.

9. However, questions remained about what happened within the placenta to cause preeclampsia.

10. Preeclampsia should be considered initially in women with hypertension and proteinuria.

11. Perinatal outcome was associated with the gestational weeks at onset of severe preeclampsia.

12. F . Women with severe preeclampsia should be delivered or hospitalized for the duration of pregnancy.

13. To learn more about preeclampsia, visit the U. S. National Library of Medicine.

14. Health experts say the discovery could lead to new ways to identify and treat preeclampsia.

15. A . Screening . Pregnant women are routinely screened for signs and symptoms of preeclampsia at each.

16. Objective Respiratory chain enzymes defect can be found in placentae of some patients with preeclampsia.

17. Preeclampsia is characterized by new onset of hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation.

18. Background - Preeclampsia and gestational hypertension are associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease later in life.

19. A novel pharmaceutical preparation for preeclampsia, eclampsia, and toxemia and their related symptoms and related disorders of pregnancy

20. Mothers who are very young or are in their later childbearing years are more prone to preeclampsia.

21. Only the patients carrying the allele M 235 T have correlation between genotype DD of ACE and preeclampsia.

22. Preeclampsia, once called toxemia of pregnancy, is the most dangerous of these disorders, occurring in about 2.6% of pregnancies.

23. HELLP syndrome occurs in about 0.7% of pregnancies and affects about 15% of women with eclampsia or severe preeclampsia.

24. * Preeclampsia can lead to premature delivery and is a leading cause of fetal and maternal death, especially in developing lands.

25. A therapeutic agent for the treatment of toxemia, preeclampsia and eclampsia and the method for preparing the therapeutic agents is disclosed.

26. Although more studies are required to determine if gum disease causes an increased risk of preeclampsia, it is always wise to take good care of your gums and teeth.

27. The article reviewed progress in research on relationship between thrombophilia and varied types of preeclampsia, anticoagulant therapy and pregnancy outcomes and so on.

28. Objective:To explore the risk factors and nursing strategy during induction of labor after intrauterine fetal death of early onset of severe preeclampsia patients.

29. Women with preeclampsia are at increased risk for abruptio placenta, acute renal failure, cerebral hemorrhage, disseminated intravascular coagulation, pulmonary edema, circulatory collapse, and eclampsia.

30. Investigation of abortion –, premature birth rate, fetal retardation, malformation, hospitalization, modus of labour, birth weight, gestational age, perinatal mortality, hypertonia, preeclampsia, anemia, kidney function, rejection crisis, mechanical compression, kidney function after 1 and 5 years postpartum.

31. Battledore insertion of cord was also found to have increased association with placenta previa, abruptio placentae, preeclampsia, preterm delivery, cord prolapse, foetal distress, increased incidence of emergency LSCS, low Apgar score, NICU admission, low birth weight and congenital malformations (8, …

32. Studies show that gum disease in pregnant women is associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia, a serious complication that is characterized by, among other things, a sudden rise in blood pressure, severe headache, and edema (excess buildup of fluid in the tissues).

33. Notable topics included in this nursing test bank include: nursing care of the pregnant mother (obstetric nursing), labor and delivery, prenatal nursing care, Antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum nursing care, nursing care of patients with preeclampsia, placental and cord anomalies, cesarean birth, labor complications, postpartum depression

34. Variable name Maternal variables Age Maternal length of in-hospital stay Case mix group Cesarean section Previous cesarean section Breech presentation Dystocia Fetal distress Severe preeclampsia and eclampsia Gestational diabetes Placenta previa Abruptio placenta Polyhydramnios Multifetal pregnancy CIHI manual: admission date—birth date CIHI manual CIHI manual CCPa: 86 ICD-9: 6542, 6606 ICD-9: 6522, 6696 ICD-9: