Use "predation" in a sentence

1. Predation One of the major causes of mortality in small mammals is predation.

2. Anglerfish are named for their characteristic method of predation.

3. Some trait must provide them with immunity from predation.

4. Zooplankton include cod eggs and larvae; the intensified predation works against cod recovery. The decrease in zooplankton eased predation on algal phytoplankton, which increased.

5. Was it not a countenance made for predation?

6. The effects of this predation could be devastating.

7. Their colour pattern will then protect them from predation.

8. But it does endure its share of predation by man.

9. Predator control of Coyotes because of wildlife predation is …

10. Keywords: Anemochory, Anemophily, protogyny, seed predation and seedling ecology, Shorea tumbuggaia

11. Cowbird parasitism and nest predation in fragmented grasslands of southwestern Manitoba.

12. The step from predation to this symbiosis is a short one.

13. Young boa Constrictors face predation by birds, mammals and other reptiles

14. Predation concentrated on individual whelks feeding on the open rock surface.

15. In relatively benign environments, predation is the dominant biological interaction that structures communities.

16. From predation, tissue loss, and adipocere, I'd say between three months and two years.

17. It was probably driven to extinction by hunting, animal predation, and loss of habitat.

18. Hamilton gave some entertaining examples of animals attempting to escape predation by clumping.

19. Under natural conditions some bands die out due to severe drought, disease, or increased predation.

20. At this stage immediately after metamorphosis, they are vulnerable to another unexpected source of predation.

21. The abandonment of trees makes the species, especially the young, prone to ground predation.

22. All these spikes evolved originally as a way of preventing predation by larger fish.

23. Predation: Ground beetles (carabids) eat common Chickweed seed that is lying on the soil surface.

24. Cubs also die from starvation and abandonment, and predation by leopards, hyenas and wild dogs.

25. To better understand the extent of predation on Cetaceans, it is essential to understand how a Cetacean …

26. This was treated in general terms in Chapter 1 and with specific regard to predation in Chapter

27. Furthermore, the importance of predation can be seen as yet another element in the disturbance picture.

28. Predation: For obvious reasons, Bluegill eggs, larvae and young-of-the-year (less than 1 year

29. In addition, Errington's hypothesis of differential susceptibility of certain classes of animals to predation was examined.

30. Predation by introduced species and anthropogenic climate change now are two major threats to Avifaunae worldwide

31. The ecologists even logged moonlight intensity as this has an effect on predation levels and the rodent's activity.

32. To capitalize on this effective predation of boll weevils by ants, unnecessary applications of insecticides should be eliminated.

33. Some of these isolated populations are subject to predation, others to starvation, flooding, severe winters or summer drought.

34. 12 Perhaps this synchronous transformation is the means by which the toads limit predation by their own kind.

35. Increasing intraspecific predation first reduces the amplitudes of predator-prey oscillations; a further increase then causes damping.

36. In addition the ease of capture of different insect types affects their rate of predation by swallows.

37. The top-down hypothesis will require additional data on predation rates before it can be scientifically assessed.

38. Perhaps this synchronous transformation is the means by which the toads limit predation by their own kind.

39. Even without ageing, organisms are at risk of death and impaired fertility from disease, predation and accidents.

40. To effectively avoid predation, is it more advantageous to invest in increased Conspicuousness or greater noxiousness, or to …

41. In these species mating occurs in early spring and rapid breeding may be an adaptation to avoid predation.

42. For example, the increased predation in a habitat caused by an immigrant predator would be described as Allogenic

43. The most notable feature of Billfishes is their spear-like snout or bill, which is a powerful weapon in predation

44. A lizard dropping its tail to escape predation is an iconic example, however, Autotomy occurs in a diversity of other organisms

45. Within one generation, the predation rate drops to the level found in areas where the animals have long co-existed.

46. The most notable feature of Billfishes is their spear-like snout or bill, which is a powerful weapon in predation

47. Many believe that the predation and competition by seals are responsible for the absence of recovery in many groundfish stocks.

48. It is a reflex born of predation by voracious crabs that nip at the tender tubeworm plumes with their claws.

49. It would therefore appear that the ensuring of successful pollination must override the importance of losses due to seed predation.

50. Boa constrictor Boa Constrictors are nonvenomous snakes found in Central and South America. They are named after their mode of predation: constriction.

51. In contrast to this, extrinsic factors like food supply and predation are held by other workers to control the population cycles.

52. The bobcat is a primary predator of small game, and only occasionally kills livestock (individual, not habitual predation by all Bobcats)

53. ‘This concept helps link mutualism to Antagonisms such as herbivory, predation, and parasitism, interactions defined largely by the existence of costs.’

54. 20 It is a reflex born of predation by voracious crabs that nip at the tender tubeworm plumes with their claws.

55. This is an adaptation to survive predation from the many animals that hunt them - not least man for the cooking pot!

56. River Cooters suffer from loss of habitat, predation by animals, slaughter on the highways, and use as a food source by some people

57. A study of predation inSmithistruma truncatidens andS. emarginata produces a variety of arguments supporting the hypothesis that the foraging workers attract Entomobryan Collembola.

58. Research has focused on quantifying coyote predation on neonates, but little research has addressed the potential influence of Bedsite characteristics on survival

59. Crested Auklet populations are declining due to predation at nesting sites by introduced predators such as Arctic foxes, red foxes, and rats

60. The main types of the coordination in the family business CAS mainly include the following: Commensalism , Amensalism, Mutualism, Competition, Predation, and Adaptation etc.

61. Laysan Albatrosses are numerous, though they face threats from longline fishing, plastic trash in the ocean, and predation by dogs, rats, and cats

62. We determined selection gradients of coyote predation on neonate movement rate and plant cover and diversity at Bedsites during the first 10 days of life.

63. We determined selection gradients of coyote predation on neonate movement rate and plant cover and diversity at Bedsites during the first 10 days of life.

64. Autotomy refers to the voluntary shedding of a body part; a renowned example is tail loss among lizards as a response to attempted predation

65. Proliferation of introduced rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) and alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in the 1930s through the 1950s provided additional stress from competition and predation.

66. There is strong evidence that predation of chicks and females has led to a serious age and sex imbalance, even amongst ostensibly healthy populations.

67. LIMITING FACTORS AND THREATS Natural Mortality There are a number of potential sources of natural mortality, including predation, parasitism, disease, biotoxins, and accidental beaching or entrapment.

68. We determined selection gradients of coyote predation on neonate movement rate and plant cover and diversity at Bedsites during the first 10 days of life.

69. Survival of predation to 10 days (0.726; 95% CI = 0.586-0.833) was weakly associated with plant diversity at Bedsites but not related to visual obstruction

70. This is part of a larger Government programme to reduce Cormorant predation on commercial fish in the fishponds around Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay.

71. Chelicerates were originally predators, but the group has diversified to use all the major feeding strategies: predation, parasitism, herbivory, scavenging and eating decaying organic matter

72. Automimicry. Automimicry - type of mimicry where one part of an animal resembles another part, and this adaptation is believed to help protect it from predation

73. Rats are known to depredate Black-footed Albatross nestlings (see Predation section, above), but have been eradicated from most islands where the species is nesting.

74. Because of their long spawning season, Bluegills have very high reproductive potential, which often results in overpopulation in the face of low predation or low fishing pressure.

75. Neonate Bedsites had greater plant cover values compared with random sites (t = 30.136; p < 0.001), indicating bedsite selection was consistent with the hider strategy used to avoid predation

76. Several studies have found that adult birds of altricial species adjust their parental care behaviour (i.e. nest visits) in response to the current risk of predation for their offspring.

77. Biomagnification results from the process of bioaccumulation and biotransfer in which the tissue concentration increases in organisms higher up the food chain as a result of predation (see Figure 5)

78. Neonate Bedsites had greater plant cover values compared with random sites (t = 30.136; p\0.001), indicating bedsite selection was consistent with the hider strategy used to avoid predation

79. Although six species of fish larvae were collected, predation occurred primarily (98%) on alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus); 2% of the predators were attached to spottail shiner (Notropis hudsonius) larvae.

80. Neonate Bedsites had greater plant cover values compared with random sites (t = 30.136; p < 0.001), indicating bedsite selection was consistent with the hider strategy used to avoid predation