Use "potential energy" in a sentence

1. There is also gravitational potential energy.

2. Calorimeters are used to measure potential energy

3. These are kinetic energy and potential energy.

4. Potential energy is convertible to kinetic energy.

5. Hence, the loss of gravitational potential energy of the block equals the gain of elastic potential energy of the spring.

6. She would say, "This ball has potential energy.

7. Equation expresses the principle of minimum potential energy.

8. Systems tend to a minimum in potential energy.

9. The potential energy savings is very, very significant.

10. 1 These are kinetic energy and potential energy.

11. Marine gas hydrate is a great potential energy source.

12. Most Catapults rely on a buildup of potential energy

13. 9 Marine gas hydrate is a great potential energy source.

14. In the circumstances the potential energy turns to kinetic energy.

15. This would lead into a study of kinetic and potential energy.

16. The potential energy surface with zero - point energy correction is drawn.

17. A3340 Available Potential Energy - APE That small portion of the total potential energy of the atmosphere which may in principle be converted to kinetic energy under adiabatic flow.

18. A2200 APE - Available Potential Energy (A3340) That small portion of the total potential energy of the atmosphere which may in principle be converted to kinetic energy under adiabatic flow.

19. This is a surface based Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) measurement only

20. Electric potential is the potential energy of electrons at a certain point.

21. We store potential energy to the elastic skin to make it move.

22. The air flows down to a shaft and thus loses potential energy.

23. Electric potential can be thought of as potential energy per unit charge.

24. A two - dimensional potential energy surface was presented to show the direct dissociation.

25. We seem to be considering chemical bonding solely in terms of potential energy.

26. You may say, gee, - that's sort of a strange thing-- negative potential energy.

27. The potential energy in the reservoir height is then captured with low-head turbines.

28. The problem is how to make a spring elastic potential energy is not reduced?

29. 1 day ago · Potential energy at the Antinode of a standing wave

30. Well potential energy is equal to mass times the acceleration of gravity times height, right?

31. It loses potential energy until it reaches a minimum at the bottom of the hill.

32. 6 In fact , the eyes , gesticulation or appearance potential energy transmit more information than utterance.

33. Energy in units of the maximum potential energy of the given configuration. Valid values from %# to %

34. Our results suggest that the dissociation mechanism involves non-adiabatic transitions among 0+ potential energy curves.

35. The third property of a polymer which affects its mechanical behaviour is the between-chain potential energy.

36. Cellulose represents an important potential energy source for herbivores but the breakdown of cell fibre presents herbivores with difficulties.

37. A water turbine is a rotary machine that converts kinetic energy and potential energy of water into mechanical work.

38. So going back to the potential energy, we have the mass times the acceleration of gravity times the height.

39. A particle potential energy is introduced to make the model suitable for the perfect gas with arbitrary specific heat ratio.

40. (iv) Staggered Conformations about carbon-carbon single bonds are more stable (have a lower potential energy) than the corresponding eclipsed Conformations

41. Anharmonicity Until this point, we have been using the harmonic oscillator to describe the internuclear potential energy of the vibrational motion

42. Apply an Anharmonic wave function which is more appropriate for describing the distribution of nuclear probability on an Anharmonic potential energy surface

43. Berthing loads are quantified in terms of transfer of kinetic energy of the vessel into potential energy dissipated by the fender(s)

44. The Other is to get the value through the stationary value principle of general potential energy or other similitude method with correlation energy.

45. According to Hertz contact theory, this paper discussed the elastic deformation in the ball screw systems and elastic potential energy caused by it.

46. On the curve of potential energy versus angle of internal roation for isopentane, label each energy maximum and minimum with one of the Conformations.

47. Accretion disks emit copious amounts of energy from the conversion of gravitational potential energy into radiation as the Accreted material falls or spirals inward

48. The new potential energy curve, with the previously computed adiabatic corrections, has been used to calculate the vibrational levels for H2, HD, and D2.

49. For a compound particle, the constituents ' rest mass and also their kinetic energy of motion and potential energy of interactions contribute to the particle's total mass.

50. The study also shows that the forecast accuracy is significantly higher when an index based on a combination of winds and convective available potential energy is used.

51. Part A If This Piece Of Abductin Is 3.2 Mm Thick And Has A Cross-sectional Area Of 0.57 Cm² , How Much Potential Energy Does It …

52. In the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, the electronic molecular Hamiltonian is diagonalized on a set of distinct molecular geometries (the obtained eigenvalues are the values of the adiabatic potential energy surfaces).

53. If this piece of Abductin is 3.0 mm thick and has a cross-sectional area of $0.50 cm^2$, how much potential energy does it store when compressed 1.0 mm?

54. This paper deals with the problem of how to skilfully select spring elastic potential energy zero in applying law of conservation of mechanical energy, and makes some analyses combined with examples.

55. It is proved that the elastic potential energy induced by ground stress is first of all consumed in coal solid fragmentation, which creates conditions for gas energy release from coal solid.

56. What is a Bowstring? The Bowstring is probably one of the most important parts of the Bow. The tendon is responsible for converting the potential energy into kinetic energy and transferring it to the arrow

57. Linde and others, cosmic inflation -- exponential expansion of the universe driven by the potential energy contained in an `inflaton' field -- has become a successful paradigm of early universe Cosmology and the origin of structure in the universe

58. In the early 1960s, Kołos and Wolniewicz published a number of pioneering papers on the potential energy curves of the hydrogen molecule, including several corrections to the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, including adiabatic, non-adiabatic, and relativistic terms.

59. This week’s theme Words that appear to be coined after someone (but aren’t) This week’s words ruminate Bushwa obambulate trumpery hilarity “There is no material with which human beings work which has so much potential energy as words.” ~Earnest Calkins

60. 1 $\begingroup$ I was just doing some problems on wave motion from a book and there was this question asking the potential energy at Antinode of a standing wave , So according to me the answer shouldn’t be zero , however the answer is