Use "possess a language" in a sentence

1. Dominiques possess a rose comb while Barred Rocks possess a single comb.

2. They will possess the same cognitive structures and whatever maturational schedules thereof that underlie hearing children's language acquisition.

3. Likely, you do not possess all the Bible-based publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses that are available in your language.

4. • Possess an adequate understanding of local social and cultural issues, and meet the language requirements to function effectively on–site?

5. " What faculties must a man possess?

6. Reptiles possess a scaly, dry skin.

7. * You possess a testimony; share it.

8. Every Alabamian clan possess a red

9. Crustose lichens never possess a lower cortex

10. What attributes should a good manager possess?

11. Bryozoans possess a unique feeding structure called a lophophore

12. 02 Beagles possess a great sense of smell

13. You possess wisdom now.

14. Possess your allegiance still?

15. In these dirty Anime shows, breasts possess a mighty

16. Alkyds possess good moisture and …

17. The people possess inviolable rights.

18. Different workers possess different skills.

19. Self-Actualized people possess a great deal of autonomy

20. Worsley claimed to possess a degree from Trinity College.

21. I'm afraid he doesn't possess a sense of humour.

22. They possess a single, polar flagellum used for motility.

23. Father, what demons possess you?

24. Aeons possess the following traits

25. Applicant should possess sound health.

26. Does George Bush possess a disarming grin, or a facetious smirk?

27. He credited her with a maturity she did not possess.

28. They possess a superbly engineered heat exchanger in their legs.

29. All four feet possess scent glands.

30. Acquisitive: Characterized by a strong desire to gain and possess

31. Yes, they will possess a double portion in their land.

32. I'm here to un-possess you.

33. Vowels possess greater sonority than consonants.

34. Lust awakens the desire to possess.

35. Dead you alone would possess him.

36. Did Mills possess such prized information?

37. It's a banality, but you don't possess art, it possesses you.

38. In a Backslidden state, he cannot possess his soul in patience

39. Coelenterates possess a simple gastric cavity, where they digest their food

40. 22 He credited her with a maturity she did not possess.

41. The ability to possess a level of Cuteness above all others

42. The Archivist must possess a genuine appreciation for children and adolescents

43. "Maine Acadians possess a strong sense of who they are.

44. It is illegal to buy , sell or possess a squirt gun.

45. Page 10 What will the righteous possess?

46. Mercury was believed to possess magical properties.

47. Aleut Language Facts: Aleut is a language of the Eskimo-Aleut language phylum

48. To have or possess (a desirable feature): a mall that Boasts 80 shops

49. Does George Bush possess a disarming grin,[Sentence dictionary] or a facetious smirk?

50. Albanian language is a unique language in the

51. However, many Crabapples possess other ornamental features

52. They possess property all over the world.

53. The zirconium phosphate may be amorphous and possess a framework-type structure.

54. All Bushtits possess Legendary skill in climbing

55. Aquarians basically possess strong and attractive personalities

56. ▪ Possess abundant knowledge. —Daniel 12:4.

57. Sclerous concrete materials possess the characteristics of imperceptibility, microcosmic and more micro-pores, even excellent high-performance cement possess so.

58. They possess a deeply forked tail and an adipose fin (Figure 4).

59. Alkalis are soluble bases, meaning they possess a pH higher than 7

60. Language is not a code because language is Arbitrary

61. The assembler language is a kind of symbolic language.

62. Conscience is the most dangerous thing you possess

63. All sarcopterygians possess teeth covered with true enamel.

64. What good qualities do my in-laws possess?

65. Zorna is said to possess miraculous healing powers.

66. It is generally illegal to make, possess, or sell heroin without a license.

67. Aniseeds possess expectorant, antispasmodic, carminative, and parasiticidal properties

68. 17 Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.

69. Robert: It says they “will possess the earth.”

70. The proletariat must possess the truth of Marxism.

71. A Difficult Language

72. Compared with humans, many creatures possess amazing hearing.

73. “The meek ones themselves will possess the earth”

74. She pretends to various abilities she doesn't possess.

75. Kant maintained the view that human minds possess pure or a priori Concepts

76. In order to mine Abyssalite, a duplicant must possess the Superhard Digging skill

77. Do you think you can possess the world in such a heretical way?

78. Blood platelets possess the power of Ameboid movement

79. 26 We possess a soul, a nonmaterial essence that escapes the rigid fatalism of matter.

80. Language loss occurs when the language has no more native speakers and becomes a "dead language".