Use "poisons" in a sentence

1. Curare is a common name for various dart poisons (arrow poisons) originating from South America

2. Some plants have more virulent poisons.

3. Curare [koo rah ree] is a common name for various dart poisons (arrow poisons) originating from South America

4. Murderess, poisons, et cetera, ad infinitum.

5. She is now immune to all poisons

6. 8 The poisons quickly paralyze the fish.

7. Pollution befouls the air and poisons water .

8. Vegetable Poisons - Saffron, Hemlock, Henbane, Strong Scented Lettuce.

9. 2 Belladonna and red arsenic are deadly poisons .

10. Turns out that rats are also resistant to poisons.

11. Biotoxins are poisons that come from plants or animals.

12. Antidotes are used to counteract the toxicity of poisons

13. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, …

14. It poisons the mind and spirituality of the voyeur.

15. Extracts from the croton have been used as fish poisons.

16. Valli poisons the child and the child also becomes insane.

17. 27 The river still carries a lethal dose of poisons.

18. 4 In the last chapter, she poisons herself with arsenic.

19. Hemlock is one of nature's oldest and most deadly poisons.

20. 26 Vile Poisons (Assassination) reduced to 3 ranks, now increases damage of poisons and Eviscerate by 7/14/20% and increases dispel resistance by 10/20/30%.

21. The CIA comes up with exotic poisons one after another.

22. About 800, 000 children are exposed to poisons each year.

23. Thus Paré had proved that bezoars could not cure all poisons.

24. These poisons are called Abortifacients because they may cause early abortions

25. In addition, they could overcome poisons, end delirium and needless worry.

26. We're taking relatively benign medicines and we're turning them into poisons.

27. Contact or absorption of poisons can cause rapid death or impairment.

28. Diseases and poisons are types of Afflictions, as are curses and radiation

29. " The Apostates is not about religious freedom or religion that poisons

30. Aldrin International Programme on Chemical Safety Poisons Information Monograph 573 Chemical 1

31. Carboxyhemoglobin, Blood - Carbon monoxide is the most common of the gaseous poisons

32. Poisons spewed into the atmosphere are at alarming levels in many countries.

33. 19 The poisons seeping from Hanford's contaminated land quickly dilute in the water.

34. 19 Antidotes are available for only a limited number of drugs and poisons.

35. 13 The poisons seeping from Hanford's contaminated land quickly dilute in the water.

36. New pep —new color and vitality—freedom from bowel Biggishness and intestinal poisons

37. Common materials that are used as Burnable poisons are boron and gadolinium [1,2].

38. Some mushrooms are edible while others, which look almost identical, contain deadly poisons.

39. The term is sometimes restricted to poisons spontaneously produced by living organisms (Biotoxins)

40. Bezoars are used to brew the following potions: Antidote to Common Poisons; Locations

41. (See also Acid Rain; Chemicals; Ecology; Nuclear Waste; Poisons; Toxic Leaks; Toxic Wastes)

42. This fluid is vital for fighting infection, diluting poisons, and removing damaged tissue.

43. He should assail the stronger with weapons, fire, and the administration of poisons.

44. Bezoars were formerly considered to be antidotes to poisons and to possess magic properties.

45. Bezoars were formerly considered to be antidotes to poisons and to possess magic properties.

46. Bezoars were formerly considered to be antidotes to poisons and to possess magic properties.

47. Bezoars were formerly considered to be antidotes to poisons and to possess magic properties

48. Bezoars were formerly considered to be antidotes to poisons and to possess magic properties.

49. Air pollution Affect to people’s health:-Some environmental poisons can cause acute illness and

50. The Poisons Act prohibits the sale of poison to persons below the age of

51. Figurine - Dark Iron Scorpid : Every swing poisons your foe for 15 damage over 10 sec.

52. The Eighth Ray Antidoting the Poisons of Spirit Chalice Ritual© is a simple, highly focused ritualised method of working with an alchemical process to antidote the ‘poisons of spirit’ and their related shadow behaviours

53. The Eighth Ray Antidoting the Poisons of Spirit Chalice Ritual© is a simple, highly focused ritualised method of working with an alchemical process to antidote the ‘poisons of spirit’ and their related shadow behaviours.

54. Cyanide compounds are powerful poisons which prevent the utilization of oxygen by the body tissues

55. Alchemy is used to craft powerful Potions and Poisons that can be used in combat

56. Alkaloids: A group of bitter tasting plant poisons, many of which are of medical importance

57. The poisons generated by remorse inveigh against the system, and eventually produce marked physical deterioration.

58. THE BOTTOM LINE: Pornography poisons loving relationships and ultimately brings heartache and pain. —Proverbs 6:27.

59. One of the greatest hazards for today's free-roaming feline is the use of rodent poisons.

60. The Alchemic Carbine is a crossbow-type ranged weapon which poisons enemies hit by its bolts

61. 15 Many confined invertebrates secrete slime or mucus that insidiously poisons the fishes and often themselves.

62. Cyanide is a mitochondrial toxin that is among the most rapidly lethal poisons known to man

63. The Language of Light is designed to transmute the poisons associated with 3000 strands and below.

64. Curare (uncountable) a plant, Strychnos toxifera, formerly used in arrow poisons in South America due to its D-tubocurarine content other South American plants with similar toxins that were also used in arrow poisons, mostly in the family Menispermaceae

65. Perfect adjustment would be maintained, so that bodily cells would be continually replaced and poisons thrown off.

66. QuestionPM Modi: The poisons of casteism and communal vote banks have caused enough damage in our country.

67. Only one Valence had returned, to die slowly of poisons he had absorbed during the long march.

68. In emergency situations, Activated charcoal can be used to remove dangerous toxins and poisons from your body

69. She was a vampire who posed as a chemistry teacher who tested her students about various poisons.

70. All this stuff about poisons in the water supply is a load of hogwash, if you ask me.

71. Curare: A muscle relaxant used in anesthesia (and, in the past, in arrow poisons by South American Indians)

72. Similarly, poisons and other hazardous materials are usually marked with symbols and warnings on the packaging and containers.

73. Botulinum toxin, one of the most toxic poisons known, is derived from the spore-forming bacteria Clostridium Botulinum

74. In the world of poisons, the Cytotoxins that are most interesting are those contained in the venom of snakes

75. When one animal eats another, such as birds eating fish that contain pesticides, the poisons accumulate rapidly in the eater.

76. Elena Anaya as Isabel Maru / Doctor Poison: The chief chemist associated with General Ludendorff who specializes in chemistry and poisons.

77. One could anticipate far more poisons being put down, and such activities must have a detrimental effect on the environment.

78. Intestinal Ills; Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc., Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc., Due

79. Among these are drugs, poisons, severe accidents, especially to the central nervous system, and various malfunctions of the brain.

80. 1 Description 2 Potions 3 Locations 4 Pottermore at Playstation Home 5 See also "A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat, which will protect you from most poisons." Bezoars are used to brew the following potions: Antidote to Common Poisons