Use "point source of radiation" in a sentence

1. Resistance to light source radiation

2. Collimator, device for changing the diverging light or other radiation from a point source into a parallel beam

3. One natural source of rAdiation is from space

4. The density logger consists of a radiation source.

5. A curing radiation source can accelerate binding of powder together.

6. The radiation-driven implosion asymmetry can be obviously improved using time-modulation of radiation temperature source .

7. Granite is a natural source of radiation, like most natural stones.

8. The source of radiation may provide a well collimated visible optical beam or colinear beam of visible and infrared radiation.

9. Characteristics of a radiation source may also be measured using scintillating materials.

10. Accidental Contamination at a "Point Source"

11. The curing device (60) can be an actinic radiation source, such as an ultraviolet light source or an electronic beam source.

12. " # he UV-resistance testing of internal materials to light source radiation is not necessary:"

13. The UV-resistance testing of internal materials to light source radiation is not necessary:

14. Measures are usually taken to shield the investigator from environmental radiation rather than to prevent the radiation escaping from the source.

15. There was a nuclear battery onboard; it looks like that was the source of the radiation.

16. Point - to - point video conferencing program VideoNet source code, you can look at.

17. The lens is arranged to focus the actinic radiation from the light source.

18. An acquisition unit acquires actual values of the image capture parameters from the radiation source controller.

19. It forms by radiation, advection, or adiabatic cooling of moist air to its dew point.

20. RAdiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through space at the speed of light

21. Devices comprising a radiation tunnel (2) in which an X-ray source and a detector unit are disposed, the detectors of which are aligned with the X-ray source so as to detect transmitted radiation, are known for detecting suspicious objects.

22. “At that point,” says one source, “Pilate passes out of history into legend.”

23. Appearing to emanate from a source other than the actual point of origin.

24. In this paper, two approaches of shifting guiding spot are studied: additive radiation source cajolery and shift chain cajolery .

25. Linked to one of approximately ten thousand Source Classification Codes (SCC; for point sources) and Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) Source Categories (ASC; for other source types).

26. The four different designs of three-level voltage source converters are neutral point Clamped, T-type, active neutral point Clamped and hybrid neutral point Clamped [26]

27. An exact coordination between particle energy and impulse size is reached by the 60 keV γ-radiation of americium-241, without an influence of the relative geometry of the counting tube and the radiation source.

28. The space-heating apparatus (A) of the present invention is provided in an inner area of a specified space (S) partitioned off from the outside, and comprises: a first radiating source (100) for irradiating electromagnetic radiation (120); and a second radiating source (200) for absorbing or reflecting the electromagnetic radiation (120) irradiated by the first radiating source (100).

29. Still others point to scientific studies that suggest that electromagnetic radiation can cause cancer and death.

30. Led light source structure of high illuminating power equipped with metal circuit for preventing leakage current and improving heat radiation capability

31. Collimators & Collimation X-Ray Collimators A collimator is a device that limits the radiation output of an X-ray source

32. Collimators & Collimation X-Ray Collimators A Collimator is a device that limits the radiation output of an X-ray source

33. By definition, one square centimeter of a blackbody at the freezing point of platinum emits one-sixtieth of a Candela of radiation

34. ‘Light-emitting diode (LED) light source’ means a light source where the element for visible radiation is one or more solid state junctions producing injection-luminescence/fluorescence;

35. ‘Light-emitting diode (LED) light source’ means a light source where the element for visible radiation is one or more solid state junctions producing injection-luminescence/fluorescence.

36. The Cufflinks source code for each point release is available below as well

37. RAdiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through space and may be able to penetrate various materials

38. Ionizing radiation, these forms of high energy radiation have biological effects.

39. Brachytherapy definition is - radiotherapy in which the source of radiation is placed (as by implantation) in or close to the area being treated.

40. 20 As the calibration instrument of the radiation temperature measurement equipment, the blackbody source has developed rapidly with the development of the infrared thermal measurement.

41. A data trust boundary is a point where data comes from an untrusted source.

42. Bureaucracy affirms the importance of a point of power (authority) as the main source of legitimacy of an organization’s activity

43. 5 An alternative explanation is that familial infection is occurring from a point source.

44. 3-Point Bending involves placing the material across a span supported on either ends of the material and bringing down a point source to the center

45. The apparent Candlepower is the Candlepower of a point source which will produce the same illumination at a given distance as produced by a given light source.

46. Consumptive Use of Surface and Ground Water Consumptive water use causes diminishment of the source at the point of appropriation

47. Concentrated solar power energy is a carbon-free source of electricity and is best suited for regions and countries with strong radiation such as …

48. Device for determining the angle of incidence of radiation on a radiation incidence surface

49. Particle radiation is the radiation of energy by means of fast-moving subatomic particles.

50. This includes: electromagnetic rAdiation, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rAdiation (γ); particle rAdiation, such as alpha rAdiation (α), beta rAdiation (β), proton rAdiation and neutron

51. The light source is adapted to generate actinic radiation for illuminating a photomask pattern onto the exposure field on the semiconductor wafer.

52. Sources of ionizing radiation The average yearly dose of ionizing radiation is approximately 2.7 millisieverts.

53. Phase aberration in the acquired ultrasound image may be corrected, if necessary, using each microbubble (28) as a point source or point-like scatterer.

54. Radiation damage to lens, thyroid and other tissues of relevance in radiation protection

55. Internal radiation therapy (Brachytherapy) allows a higher dose of radiation in a smaller area than might be possible with external radiation treatment

56. Method for high precision optical distance measurement using an adjustable point light source and multi-channel ccd sensor arrays based on optical triangulation and point by point scanning, especially contactless measurement of three dimensional objects

57. Radiation epidemiology investigates the effects on human health of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

58. What is Brachytherapy? Brachytherapy is a treatment in which a protected radiation source is placed directly within or near the tumor site

59. Contamination dosimeter with radiation ram for alpha radiation

60. 29 Agricultural non - point source pollution is driven by dynamical factors, water character and landform characteristics.

61. Brachytherapy, also called internal radiation therapy, is a type of radiation to treat cancer

62. Brachytherapy is a type of internal radiation therapy in which seeds, ribbons, or capsules that contain a radiation source are placed in your body, in or near the tumor. Brachytherapy is a local treatment and treats only a specific part of your body

63. The signal transmitter (1) has a radiation characteristic with a large aperture angle ($g(a)"), despite the use of a light source with little lateral extension.

64. In 1916, Einstein predicted gravitational waves, ripples in the curvature of spacetime which propagate as waves, traveling outward from the source, transporting energy as gravitational radiation.

65. RAdiation enteritis continues to be a major health concern in recipients of rAdiation therapy

66. Method for measuring a dose of radiation by an ionizing beam capable of creating cerenkov radiation

67. Point source insulation using silencer, damping, attenuators on noise sources, e.g. fans, acoustic vents, mufflers, and acoustic enclosures of filters.

68. Radiation dosimeter

69. Radiation therapy uses high-powered radiation to kill cancer cells .

70. From a therapeutic point of view, the musculature as a producer of signal substances and source of afferent neuronal information must be activated.

71. Corrosion and leach resistant coatings, coatings cured by application of radiation, in particular ultraviolet radiation

72. Differentiated accrual and interest payments are the result of the different method and function of a tax at source (see point 86).

73. They detect and quantify alpha, beta and gamma radiation, detect neutron radiation, and conduct gamma radiation spectroscopy.

74. Broadly speaking, Bremsstrahlung or braking radiation is any radiation produced due to the deceleration (negative acceleration) of a charged particle, which includes synchrotron radiation (i.e

75. Absorbed, Equivalent, and Effective Dose Radiation dose is a measure of the amount of exposure to radiation

76. Matplotlib.axes.Axes.Annotate¶ Axes.Annotate (self, text, xy, * args, ** kwargs) [source] ¶ Annotate the point xy with text text.

77. Radiation capable of causing these dangerous ions is called, as you may have guessed, ionizing radiation.

78. Point-source entry Localized entry of agrochemicals into drinking water, such as by accidental spills and manure leakage into domestic wells.

79. Heat radiation structure of ultrasonic transducer

80. An Altar is a focal point to concentrate the magic present in the surrounding area into single usable source of power