Use "pluralism" in a sentence

1. This pluralism in soccer took place at the same time greater political pluralism was occurring.

2. the philosophical doctrine of pluralism.

3. T1 - Alethic pluralism, generic truth and mixed conjunctions

4. Left-inclined critics of pluralism reject this as inadequate.

5. Related to Benefices: Beneficed, ecclesiastical benefice, Clerical pluralism

6. Agonies of pluralism Germany and the New Right

7. Alethic pluralism holds that there are many truth properties

8. They are committed to democracy, human rights and pluralism.

9. On the Internet modernity and pluralism go hand in hand.

10. Biblicists tend to minimize pervasive pluralism in Bible reading

11. Consociationalists do not embrace cultural pluralism for its own sake

12. Governmental pluralism was not of course peculiar to the early modern period.

13. Canada is a nation with the characteristics of multiethnic and cultural pluralism.

14. Institutions for change Rural development demands institutional pluralism and democratic participation.

15. But how was this pluralism to be embodied in the electoral process?

16. Slowly, back-scratching consensus might Cede to the checks and balances of pluralism

17. Canada, Singapore and U.S.A. are countries with the characteristics of multiethnic and culture pluralism.

18. Slowly, back-scratching consensus might cede to the checks and balances of pluralism.

19. Gandhi’s concept of peace was embedded in the matrix of tolerance and pluralism.

20. It is in fact not a doctrine of neutrality but of moral pluralism.

21. Many reformers now say it will take many years to achieve political pluralism.

22. What about adapting the country of origin principle and the principle of media pluralism?

23. Our two nations have been shaped by enduring foundation values of openness, pluralism and tolerance.

24. Neo-Corporatism is a much more structured theory of interest group activity than pluralism

25. They wrestle with ways to reconcile pluralism with the absolute Truth of the Torah.

26. Amphibolies: On the Critical Self-Contradictions of "Pluralism" Bruce Erlich am.phib'

27. In Bangladesh, secularism and pluralism are under stress and must be supported without hesitation.

28. Above all, we share common values and commitment to democracy, pluralism and human rights.

29. Callinicos' Marxism has been repelled from the ramparts of pluralism for being ... well, Marxist.

30. 10 They wrestle with ways to reconcile pluralism with the absolute Truth of the Torah.

31. After years of state control, the country is now moving towards political/religious/cultural pluralism.

32. Alethic pluralism is the view that the nature of truth is not uniform across domains

33. Let there be no doubt: this composition actually reflects the pluralism within our Member States.

34. Indeed many other art-historical givens have been rendered obsolete by pluralism and cultural diversity.

35. Deng was no automatic lover of liberty, no inveterate believer in the virtues of pluralism.

36. His confidants are throwbacks to the past, lukewarm at best to economic and political pluralism.

37. Rich countries increasingly use foreign aid as a lever to promote political pluralism and individual freedoms.

38. The assembly, charged with drawing up a new constitution, could pave the way for political pluralism.

39. Moral pluralism asserts the existence of a multitude of incompatible but morally valuable forms of life.

40. The complexity of Chinese subject's nature depends on the educative functional pluralism of the Chinese subject.

41. 24 The assembly, charged with drawing up a new constitution, could pave the way for political pluralism.

42. It depicts the consistent reaffirmation of the faith of the people of India in democracy, pluralism and tolerance.

43. Pluralism or membership of associations, he suggests, provides the individual with the participation lacking in a liberal democracy.

44. Contextualism, though, is an exciting new alternative as psychology in all its pluralism continues to evolve as a science

45. The necessity for submission to greatness had now come to be placed in stark opposition to a scholarly pluralism.

46. The Commission will add further building blocks to European audiovisual policy, advancing the debate on media pluralism and media literacy.

47. They underscored the importance of pluralism, democracy, and rule of law as key values to achieve peaceful co-existence.

48. In the Consultation the emerging model of organic union is a dialectic between unity and pluralism, between structures and life.

49. Order variety has 3 layers: mercerization variety of economy order, unfamiliarity variety of communication order and pluralism variety of culture order.

50. 26 In the Consultation the emerging model of organic union is a dialectic between unity and pluralism, between structures and life.

51. Political Pluralism and the Media Media analysis often arouses controversy, not just about the findings themselves but about their policy implications.

52. The Rush die scandal has exposed the weaknesses of any benign multiculturalism premised on the assumption of easy harmony and pluralism.

53. We accept the need to work constructively with Russia, although we expect hard words on Chechnya and on Russia's vanishing political pluralism.

54. The paper is a reflection on the four views currently prevalent in the West concerning citizen education: liberalism, republicanism , communalism, and pluralism.

55. 11 The Rush die scandal has exposed the weaknesses of any benign multiculturalism premised on the assumption of easy harmony and pluralism.

56. The Old Testament, Christianity, and Pluralism But these are minor Cavils given the theoretical power and the enabling opening which Olaniyan provides.

57. implementation and actions The Commission will add further building blocks to European audiovisual policy, advancing the debate on media pluralism and media literacy.

58. Under the circumstances of reasonable pluralism, public reasoning asks us to deduce just principles by the recognized universal beliefs and deducible forms so as to reach "overlapping consensus".

59. Allopaths, maharajas, & vaidyas: nizams, jams, & hakims : medical pluralism in the princely states of India : an exhibit at the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda Maryland, September 15 …

60. This pioneering book delivers a systematic account of Agonistic democracy, and a much-needed analysis of the core components of agonism: pluralism, tragedy, and the value of conflict

61. As an archipelagic state, Indonesia's geographic heterogeneity and its unique historical development have given rise to the pluralism in the ethnic group, religion and culture of the country.

62. We have to preserve the culture of openness symbolized by the Gateway of India – the values of pluralism, co-existence and diversity that we cherish and the killers abominate.

63. America is a great philosopher that preaches and practices social pluralism and ethnic or racial equality – in the midst of cultural prejudice and social discrimination. Dr T.P.Chia 

64. Corporatism describes forms of associational behavior in which organizations are less competitive than in pluralism, and where certain types of interests—especially labor and capital—are status prioritized within the system of interest representation

65. Androcentrism, Feminism, and Pluralism in Medicine It might be countered that not all of these questions were epistemically relevant and therefore need not all be value-free (for instance, decisions on the choice of research projects)

66. N2 - A difficulty for Alethic pluralism has been the idea that semantic evaluation of conjunctions whose conjuncts come from discourses with distinct truth properties requires a third notion of truth which applies to both of the original discourses.

67. At the practical level, the concept of pluralism captures the main features of the information civilization more accurately, because plurality can exist and even flourish in anarchy, that is, a decentralized and acephalous domain, one without central government.

68. Finally, like all mature democracies, we believe in the rule of law, pluralism in society, tolerance, acceptance of other views and functioning within the framework of a Constitution which provides for equality, fraternity and liberty to each and every individual.

69. By the time of the English Civil War Birmingham's booming economy, its expanding population, and its resulting high levels of social mobility and cultural pluralism, had seen it develop new social structures very different from those of more established areas.

70. 2 — Chantal Mouffe / Deliberative Democracy or Agonistic Pluralism — I H S Further developed by theorists like Anthony Downs inAn Economic Theory of Democracy 2 the aggregative model became the standard one in the field, which called itself empirical “ political theory”

71. Our close relations based on cultural affinities, the shared values of multi-ethnicity and pluralism and the common quest of our peoples for peace and development have ensured that the relationship between our two peoples remains warm and friendly.

72. ‘Multiculturalism can be invoked by minority groups to attack the Conformism and conservatism of the larger society, and to pressure it to accept the new realities of openness and pluralism.’ ‘Authentic existence is a breaking free from the Conformism and conventions of the …

73. ‘To Countercheck the view that pluralism is tolerable or inevitable, the CDF published a declaration, Dominus Iesus.’ ‘When two time travelers fight over something, they employ multitudes of selves to check and Countercheck each other until there are swarms of you around.’

74. ‘This is a complex social and Cultural problem which will not be solved by hasty legislation.’ ‘Social and Cultural trends that used to take years to cross the Atlantic are speeding up.’ ‘Modern societies are said to be characterized by deep diversity and Cultural pluralism.’

75. India supports the efforts of the Government of Afghanistan to reintegrate those individuals who abjure violence, give up armed struggle, do not have links with terrorist groups and are willing to abide by the values of democracy, pluralism and human rights as enshrined in the Afghan Constitution.

76. We support the efforts of the Afghan Government to reintegrate those individuals who are willing to abjure violence, do not have ties with terrorist groups, and are willing to abide by the values of democracy, pluralism and human rights, as enshrined in the Afghan Constitution.

77. The Committee expresses concern at the continued existence of legal pluralism with discriminatory components and obsolete provisions in customary law and statutory law, the latter including criminal law regarding adultery; the labour and taxation laws; and family law, particularly with regard to the difference in ages at which women and men may enter into marriage

78. From Miroslav Volf, one of the world's foremost Christian theologians—and co-teacher, along with Tony Blair, of a groundbreaking Yale University course on faith and globalization—comes Allah, a timely and provocative argument for a new pluralism between Muslims and Christians.In a penetrating exploration of every side of the issue, from New York Times headlines on terrorism to passages in

79. La intención era reinterpretarlos en un Contexto contemporáneo.: The idea was to reinterpret them in a contemporary context.: Hoy vivimos en un Contexto de pluralismo ético.: Today we are living in a context of ethical pluralism.: En ese Contexto se manifiesta la militarización creciente.: It is against this background that the rampant militarization of society has taken place.