Use "pliny" in a sentence

1. The Cryptocrystalline Talisman's description states, "Pliny the middle aged"

2. 7 Pliny, who preserved the story, notes that their comradeship flourished for some years.

3. 1751, John Boyle Earl of Orrery, The Letters of Pliny the Younger: The Aruspices, by whose admonition [ aruspicum monitu] PLINY had undertaken to rebuild the temple of CERES, were always more revered in …

4. Roman historian Pliny the Elder describes Battering rams being used for mining purposes

5. He began the aqueducts Aqua Claudia and Anio Novus, which Pliny the Elder considered engineering marvels.

6. The East Indian variety of Berberis was used in medicine by Galen, Pliny and Dioscorides

7. Pliny also stated that 20,000 Roman pounds (6,560 kg) of gold were extracted each year.

8. According to Pliny the Elder, red agates veined with white were found in the vicinity of Thebes.

9. In any case, Pliny the Elder quotes Pytheas as an authority on the amber-producing regions.

10. Is called in Greek * * * that which Benumbeth the hands of them that touch him * * * a Pliny and Plutarch affirm

11. 20 Pliny also asserted that the mathematician and astronomer Anaxagoras of Clazomenae had predicted the Aegospotami meteorite fall.

12. 27 Pliny also asserted that the mathematician and astronomer Anaxagoras of Clazomenae had predicted the Aegospotami meteorite fall.

13. Visit Brattleboro, Vermont! Winter, spring, summer and fall – the Greater Brattleboro Area is a four season destination! Pliny Park, Brattleboro

14. According to Pliny (Historia Naturalis, 12:36) the best variety is Bactrian Bdellium from Baluchistan, which is similar to that obtained from Nubia

15. Radish,earthwormsorlarvae, andbillygoat’sbloodwhen thegoatisina“rut”—Aquench-ing recipe reported to originate from the time of Pliny the Younger (ca

16. Some 50 years after Peter’s letters circulated among the congregations in this area, Pliny asked Trajan for advice on how to deal with Christians.

17. Pliny the Elder attributes the invention of Auspicy to Tiresias the seer of Thebes, the generic model of a seer in the Greco-Roman literary …

18. Birthwort is one of the old healing plants already in use by the ancient Egyptians and later by Hippocrates, Theophrastus, Dioscorides and Pliny

19. Pliny the Elder and Solinus both attribute Milo's invincibility in competition to the wrestler's consumption of Alectoriae, the gizzard stones of roosters

20. Background: in the 1st century A.D., Pliny the Elder mentioned the existence of Muscat in his natural history, this lively and fruity wine, long cultivated at Balme.

21. Pliny the Elder attributes the invention of Auspicy to Tiresias the seer of Thebes, the generic model of a seer in the Greco-Roman literary …

22. Pliny the Younger attributes the invention of Auspicy to Tiresias the seer of Thebes, the generic model of a seer in the Greco-Roman literary culture

23. Roman historian Pliny the Elder describes Battering rams being used for mining purposes, where tough, hardened rock needed to be broken to make valuable ores accessible.

24. Pliny the Elder reported that the Gauls and Iberians used the foam skimmed from beer to produce "a lighter kind of bread than other peoples."

25. But, Adjuncts have long held an important role in brewing, and some of today’s most sought-after beers (e.g., Pliny the Elder and Westvleteren 12) include Adjuncts

26. [citation needed] Pliny the Younger attributes the invention of Auspicy to Tiresias the seer of Thebes, the generic model of a seer in the Greco-Roman literary culture

27. As admiral of the fleet, Pliny the Elder had ordered the ships of the Imperial Navy stationed at Misenum to cross the bay to assist evacuation attempts.

28. Pliny the Roman historian during Caesar’s age, complained with a groan heard across the Roman empire that each year India earned at least 50 million sesterces from its manufacture.

29. The myth of the one-horned unicorn may have originated from sightings of injured scimitar oryx; Aristotle and Pliny the Elder held that the oryx was the unicorn's "prototype".

30. A plaster or poultice. ‘Pliny says, in so many words, that the cerates and Cataplasms, plasters, collyria, and antidotes, so abundant in his time, as in more recent days, were mere tricks to make money.’

31. Caucasus (n.) mountain range between the Black and Caspian seas, separating Europe and the Middle East, from Latin Caucasus, from Greek kaukasis, said by Pliny ("Natural History," book six, chap

32. Pliny tells us that the Anthropophagi are often found drinking from human skulls and that they wear human scalps around their necks so that the hair becomes some sort of horrible napkin or bib

33. According to the Naturalis Historia of Pliny the Elder, the Basilisk of Cyrene is a small snake, "being not more than twelve fingers in length," that is so venomous, it leaves

34. Addenda: Leaving out the highest outlier each, the average deviation of the rest of the bematists's measurements would be 1.9% with Pliny and 1.5% with Strabo at a measured distance of 1,958 respectively 1,605 miles.

35. Borrowed from Spanish, probably of pre-Latin substratal origin Note: The word Arroyo is traditionally compared with Latin arrugia, a word used by Pliny (Historia naturalis 33.70) for galleries excavated into mountainsides in the Iberian peninsula to extract gold.

36. The Greek word was used by Dioscorides as a noun meaning "quicklime." "Erroneously applied by Pliny to an incombustible fibre, which he believed to be vegetable, but which was really the Amiantos of the Greeks" [OED]

37. In ancient times, Pliny the Elder (N.H. 5.11) said that upon reaching the delta the Nile split into seven branches (from east to west): the Pelusiac, the Tanitic, the Mendesian, the Phatnitic, the Sebennytic, the Bolbitine, and the Canopic.

38. Ancient Greek authors, such as Diphilus and Mnesitheus, described its meat as "light" and "easily digestible", and Pliny the Elder noted in his Naturalis Historia (77–79 AD) that its rough skin was valued by craftsmen for polishing wood and ivory.

39. Wrote the Roman naturalist, Pliny The Elder (23–79): “Lust is an enemy of the purse, a canker to the mind, a corrosive to the conscience, a weakness of the wit, a Besotter [a stupefier] of the senses and, finally, a mortal bane of all the body.”

40. Among them are the historian Tacitus, the author and administrator Pliny the Younger, the biographer Suetonius, the poet Juvenal, and the stoic philosopher Lucius Seneca, who was a contemporary of Jesus and the leading intellectual figure in Rome in the middle of the first century.

41. 12 Juvenal, Satires 6, 10, 14 Pliny the Elder, Natural History 10 Plutarch, Lives Seneca the Younger, Apocolocyntosis divi Claudii; Octavia, 257–261 Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars: Claudius 17, 26, 27, 29, 36, 37, 39; Nero 6; Vitellius 2 Tacitus, Annals, XI.

42. The Birthwort is one of the old healing plants already in use by the ancient Egyptians and later by Hippocrates, Theophrast, Dioscurides, and Pliny. It was an ingredient in theriac, which was used as a panacea against ulcers, fevers, and snake bites

43. Anchusa ( plural Anchusas ) Anchusa and Cinnabar were used by the antients to give an agreeable colour to their ointments; and Pliny tells us that where the anchusa was used, they added salt to prevent the oil in those compositions from becoming rancid

44. Aviate lupinis will drastically enhance nutritional content of any recipe! Shop Now "Of all the seeds that are sown, there is not one of a more marvellous nature than the LUPINI, or more flavoured by the earth" Roman Philosopher Pliny the Elder in the year 76 AD

45. Ex Africa semper Aliquid novi "(There is) always something new (coming) out of Africa" Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, 8, 42 (unde etiam vulgare Graeciae dictum semper Aliquid novi Africam adferre), a translation of the Greek «Ἀεὶ Λιβύη φέρει τι καινόν»

46. Corporality secretion minimum speed limit folded sheet kanta, kantalippu, kantaosa nom de personne regeneration lagoon simbolis length crest voltmeter titled zamrznuti trade-mark intercede (v.) creation of mortgages Orient horseradish automobil zvanoj melodie holiday there is always something new out of Africa (Pliny the Elder) pranveror

47. 1300, from Latin Asia, from Greek Asia, speculated to be from Akkadian asu "to go out, to rise," in reference to the sun, thus "the land of the sunrise." Used by the early Greeks of what later was known as Asia Minor; by Pliny of the whole continent.