Use "plausible" in a sentence

1. Circumstantial, yes, but plausible.

2. His story sounded plausible.

3. His story certainly sounds plausible.

4. She was a plausible liar.

5. Another quite plausible explanation presented itself.

6. This, too, is a plausible scenario.

7. Too smooth and plausible by half!

8. Her story sounded perfectly plausible.

9. His story was/sounded perfectly plausible.

10. A satellite killer with plausible deniability, hmm?

11. Langham's story sounded plausible at the time.

12. Coalition mongering is the only plausible explanation.

13. There is only one really plausible explanation.

14. I cast about for a plausible defense.

15. His explanation sounds fairly plausible to me.

16. He was so plausible that he conned everybody.

17. It was a very plausible piece of disinformation.

18. Coordinative method leads from Abducing a plausible hypothesis

19. Sometimes sharply contrasting hypotheses can seem equally plausible.

20. The only plausible explanation is that he forgot.

21. So, is the field of gerontology a plausible pursuit?

22. I stood still, trying to invent a plausible excuse.

23. Such talk, however plausible, is actually specious and groundless.

24. Their argument sounds plausible but is it really valid?

25. She could find no plausible explanation for its disappearance.

26. But for other experiments the interpretation seems very plausible.

27. It is plausible that disorder follows a similar pattern.

28. She was so plausible she would have deceived anyone.

29. The arrow represents a plausible evolutionary tendency of adaptability.

30. It's just as plausible as some of your theories.

31. This explanation fits the facts and is psychologically plausible.

32. Someone asks me who you are, I have plausible deniability.

33. It’s only slightly more plausible than ‘Atlanteans,’” one observer says

34. 3 I stood still, trying to invent a plausible excuse.

35. Described as a chirpy cockney who could tell a plausible story.

36. The hypothesis of al-Bharad hitting France on June 18 is plausible.

37. Adam’s call for Collaborating with the enemy is the plausible step

38. The only plausible explanation, Tyler says, is “a single, huge, quantum step.”

39. Again, I think it's a strong ambition but it is a plausible one.

40. Look, the government needs plausible deniability, so these places, they are completely autonomous.

41. These same nitrogen oxides, in high but apparently plausible concentrations, will defoliate plants.

42. And every single part of this mechanism is actually plausible in biology.

43. Every position has been successfully undermined and abandoned on specious and plausible excuses.

44. A politician or chief executive needs plausible Blamability of someone else for effective implementation.

45. Nothing could be further removed from a plausible causal connection with terrorism than religion

46. Often, the price quoted by Mr. Market seems plausible, but sometimes it is ridiculous.

47. There was no way the story could be made to sound even remotely plausible.

48. Please, someone, give me a plausible, terrestrial explanation for this kid's alien DNA.

49. It provides a superficially plausible answer to deep and troubling questions about existence.

50. The likely dangers of traditional internationalism are starting to outweigh any plausible benefits.

51. The most plausible instances of a priori concept are the formal concepts of logic.

52. The most plausible instarces of a priori concepts are the formal concepts of logic.

53. How can Captives cope with the in - creasing equity requirements? There are several plausible answers.

54. Backcasts and pathways start with a predetermined ‘end’ point—a desirable and plausible future

55. Each of these assumptions, by itself , was so plausible as to seem primitively obvious.

56. Synonyms for Conjecturable include divinable, guessable, imaginable, conceivable, possible, believable, comprehensible, credible, plausible and thinkable

57. A synthetic memory of an earthquake would automatically be supplemented by Confabulated but plausible cliques

58. I told him I couldn't think of any reason why antimatter wasn't a plausible explanation.

59. It looks more plausible to play 21 ... d8 and then invade on d4 with a knight.

60. Our first impulse is to accept the plausible as true and to the uncongenial as false.

61. We’ve designed Baed Stories lingerie to look not only irresistibly tempting but rather plausible, too

62. He can't just wave his little wand in the air to make a plausible defense materialize.

63. He did not think it plausible that all the differences could be explained in this way.

64. A second plausible argument for intervention is that thin people subsidise fat people through health care.

65. As we shall see in Chapter this claim has now become less plausible and less acceptable.

66. The power of the BowtieXP diagram is that it gives you an overview of multiple plausible scenarios.

67. There are many synonyms of Condonable which include Defendable, Excusable, Fit, Logical, Pardonable, Permissible, Plausible, Tenable, Valid, …

68. The close proximity of the site to the Canjuers military base makes such a theory generally plausible.

69. 18 Again, the distributed associative memory model may well suggest efficient and plausible ways of doing this.

70. A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.

71. A high washout rate due to upwelling and subsequent seaward and alongshore transport is the most plausible explanation.

72. They then used the internet to obtain plausible specifications for their nonexistent product and put together a prospectus.

73. 30 A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.

74. 15 A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.

75. 14 The market clearing paradigm is reasonably robust and the Rational Expectations assumption is here most plausible.

76. An enactment which threatened the essential elements of any plausible conception of democratic government would lie beyond those boundaries.

77. In any plausible way of forming Jupiter the hydrogen and helium are initially well mixed at a molecular level.

78. He gave evasive, convoluted answers to direct questions and had plausible excuses for all his actions during the war.

79. 28 They then used the internet to obtain plausible specifications for their nonexistent product and put together a prospectus.

80. Therefore, word sequences that are grammatically acceptable are considered to be more plausible than word sequences that are grammatically unacceptable.