Use "plaintiffs" in a sentence

1. Boilerplate, largely non-responsive answers to plaintiffs’ Averments

2. He did, however, scribble notes throughout the plaintiffs' presentation.

3. For insider dealing does not lack victims but rather, credible plaintiffs.

4. The summons Cited three of the plaintiffs in the case.

5. The plaintiffs obtained an injunction in the High Court.

6. The High Court found in favour of the plaintiffs.

7. Federal law allows plaintiffs to collect up to $ 000 per infringement.

8. And announced that it will sue the plaintiffs for libel.

9. 10 The plaintiffs' loss of business was pecuniary or economic damage.

10. Libel plaintiffs are virtually obliged to go into the witness box.

11. Defendants to pay plaintiffs' costs in House of Lords and below.

12. Plaintiffs-Appellees opposed that motion by response dated May 29, 2018

13. The plaintiffs Commencedan action in private law for recovery of the money due

14. Was it possible that the plaintiffs had colluded with Beristain to handpick the interviewees?

15. The plaintiffs devoted much of their rebuttal case Wednesday to damage control.

16. The plaintiffs asserted that Joseph Jackson had received a demo tape from them.

17. The new plaintiffs accuse an Avis franchisee, not the Avis system, of discrimination, he said.

18. Plaintiffs Nicholas and Veronica Bozine appeal from summary judgment entered in favor of defendants Century 21 Hearst Realty (Century 21) and Jason Lepore, and from the order denying plaintiffs' request for reconsideration

19. The action for malicious falsehood is much less favourable to plaintiffs than defamation.

20. They are as repelled by money-grabbing, opportunistic plaintiffs as by reckless, gluttonous corporations.

21. Afterward, the plaintiffs asked for a court order prohibiting Lawrence from verbally abusing them.

22. Here, Monsanto’s proposed Bifurcation would create structural and substantive prejudice against Plaintiffs, discussed in detail below.

23. What would this rate of consumption have been if the plaintiffs had not conducted any sponsorship advertising? 63.

24. Tudor Grange agreed to indemnify the bank should any of the other plaintiffs try and bring an action.

25. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Sullivan says that both plaintiffs and defendants were liable to Amercement

26. Nor did he grant the plaintiffs' request to sequester the panel until they reach a verdict.

27. So the plaintiffs called Fung back on their rebuttal case to tell jurors he had goofed.

28. The plaintiffs will have a chance to cross-examine Simpson after Baker finishes his questions.

29. Such awards are made to discourage plaintiffs from bringing groundless lawsuits which burden the courts.

30. After the defense finishes its closing argument, the plaintiffs will have the opportunity for a brief rebuttal.

31. 25 So in all of the plaintiffs' claims here rest on an assertion of de jure sovereignty.

32. The Court of Appeal held that this was sufficient to entitle the plaintiffs to an interlocutory injunction.

33. The Amlong Firm is a litigation firm that focuses primarily on representing plaintiffs in employment matters

34. The allegation was that the defendants had supplied contaminated water to the plaintiffs thereby causing them personal injury.

35. Addicts would have to measure up to certain requirements if they are plaintiffs who could collect damages under the bill.

36. The Supreme Court ruled that plaintiffs at least be granted stays of deportation until lower courts had adjudicated their cases.

37. Heirs of Hubert Burat (buras), et al.,plaintiffs-appellants, Janet Easterling and Jackburas, Movants-appellants, v

38. The Amlong Firm is a litigation firm that focuses primarily on representing plaintiffs in employment matters

39. Through representative or class actions, a group of plaintiffs collectively brings a claim for damages to court.

40. Dale (Malani) Kotchka-Alanes is an attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada specializing in Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Plaintiffs

41. That action halted two lawsuits in which plaintiffs were seeking a total of $155 million in compensation for molestation.

42. The plaintiffs failed to recover as no tangible injury had been done to their property - no apparatus had been damaged.

43. Counsel of Record for Plaintiffs-Appellees Case: 19-10011 Document: 00514939271 Page: 3 Date Filed: 05/01/2019

44. By Donald Zuhn -- In a brief filed on November 30, Plaintiffs-Appellees in Association for Molecular Pathology v

45. 4 In the present case, the concept of unjust enrichment suggests that the plaintiffs should have a remedy.

46. The defendants' conduct was not unconscionable, nor an interference with any legal or equitable right of the plaintiffs.

47. Was it possible that the plaintiffs had colluded with Beristain to handpick the interviewees?Kroll wanted me to find out.

48. Bondholder Plaintiffs' claim as to the remaining Defendants has been dismissed and is presently on appeal in the U.S

49. Bias can be toward an ethnic group, homosexuals, women or men, defendants or plaintiffs, large corporations, or local parties

50. But according to plaintiffs' attorneys, the privilege log could be invaluable in helping them pry loose potentially damning documents.

51. Plaintiffs Matthew Herlihy and Anthony Lauriello accused the festival organizers of "false representations, material omissions... negligence, fraud, and violations of consumer protection statutes."

52. We spent hours and hours with our plaintiffs and experts, trying to come up with ways of explaining these concepts simply yet accurately.

53. The class action plaintiffs Allege that the agencies ignored this order and have continued on with business as usual

54. This segregation was alleged to deprive the plaintiffs of the equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment.

55. In the civil case, the plaintiffs sought to shield him from such harsh treatment by limiting the scope of his testimony.

56. We take our 400 or so plaintiffs and everything you've dug up we file a lawsuit to provoke a reaction.

57. Parker J: The plaintiffs ... relied on the maxim that no one can be allowed to derogate from his own grant.

58. 11 The archdiocese had already settled with about 10 plaintiffs, but several other men are still involved in the lawsuit.

59. Plaintiffs have officially Appealed their lawsuit to overturn Seattle's grocery store hazard pay ordinance, after it was dismissed on Thursday.

60. Since plaintiffs naturally inclined to value their lost property exorbitantly, defendants did have reason to think seriously about restoring it.

61. A Bailiff nowadays in the United States is a peace officer of the court, providing security for judges, juries, plaintiffs and defendants

62. The Court of Appeal affirmed the existence of an implied duty not to prepare to compete and gave judgment for the plaintiffs.

63. T}BS Agre~EM~NTmadc on this day, by and between JO~{NMAGU~Eand PATRiCIA MAOUIRE, (hereinafterjointlyreferred to as plaintiffs), and STEVEN A

64. “Perhaps if Plaintiffs’ election challenger Affiants had attended the October 29, 2020 walk-through of the TCF Center ballot counting location, …

65. Fung was one of three witnesses called by the plaintiffs to address the glove issue as part of their rebuttal case.

66. On 11 February 1987 the plaintiffs succeeded in raising a sufficient sum to meet the liabilities and the receivers were discharged.

67. In these cases, he granted summary judgment for the defendants despite plaintiffs' tender of expert testimony linking Agent Orange with health effects.

68. The plaintiffs argued that the hose and attachment were a fixture that should have been left behind, while the defendant argued that they were Chattel

69. ‘It should be noted that the defendant Counterclaimed against the plaintiffs for general damages of $250, 000.00 and punitive damages of $50, 000.00.’

70. The plaintiffs had sought to challenge the law as a vio-lation of the Eighth Amendment of the US Constitution, which prohibits "cruel and unusual punishment".

71. On December 17, 2015, your Affirmants appeared in the action by advising Plaintiffs then attorneys Kriss & Feuerstein LLP in writing that we represent

72. Plaintiffs-Appellees Reuben Walker and Steven Diamond filed a class action complaint challenging the constitutionality of the $50 fee for filing residential mortgage foreclosure complaints in circuit courts

73. If a disaster happens at the plant, prospective plaintiffs cannot sue Acme Coal or Energen and target their assets because neither company owns or operates the plant.

74. “The Afflicted Four,” as the suit refers to the plaintiffs, claim that Netflix pitched the project to them as a show “that would help spread understanding of rare, but very real, chronic

75. 26 Plaintiffs in the case had said Myriad's monopoly on the test, conferred by the gene patents, kept prices high and prevented women from getting a confirmatory test from another laboratory.

76. (AP) — A federal judge is letting part of a lawsuit proceed Alleging a Georgia county denied services to residents of Sapelo Island in part because they are Black, but with fewer plaintiffs

77. The basis for both intervention motions was the notion that Plaintiffs-Appellees’ lawsuit to remove ineligible vote rs from the voter rolls would lead to an outcome that would imperil eligible voters , …

78. California provides for Apportioned noneconomic damages on a percentage share, and any company may be Apportioned a percentage of fault, whether it settled with the plaintiffs, was never sued before by the plaintiff or has since declared bankruptcy.

79. In some common law jurisdictions, Contributory negligence is a defense to a tort claim based on negligence.If it is available, the defense completely bars plaintiffs from any recovery if they contribute to their own injury through their own negligence.

80. Plaintiffs ask for de novo review and a decl Aratory judgment on the question of whether Aetna’s and IBC’s health care plans allow network medical providers to bill a subscriber for care when Aetna or IBC has de nied coverage