Use "placebo effect" in a sentence

1. I wanted to eliminate the placebo effect.

2. And of course, also there's the placebo effect.

3. She was only given a placebo, but she claimed she got better - that's the placebo effect.

4. Chocolate may seem like an Aphrodisiac because of the placebo effect

5. The placebo effect is one of the most fascinating things in the whole of medicine.

6. Medicine has generally regarded the placebo effect as a nuisance: it does make research on new medical drugs very difficult.

7. In placebo-controlled trials, the incidence of akathisia in bipolar patients was # % with aripiprazole and # % with placebo

8. Abstract Subliminal self-help Audiotapes to aid weight loss were evaluated to determine if their apparent effectiveness is due to a placebo effect

9. Effect of intravenous sodium Amytal on cutaneous sensory abnormalities, spontaneous pain and algometric pain pressure thresholds in neuropathic pain patients: a placebo-controlled study

10. Hypericum-Arnica contre placebo dans les nevralgies dentaires

11. The other half will receive an inactive placebo.

12. 16 The other half will receive an inactive placebo.

13. No significant difference was found between either treatment and placebo.

14. Antibiotics versus placebo for prevention of postoperative infection after Appendicectomy

15. Criteria for inclusion of treatment trials were randomization and placebo control.

16. The Placebo Defect 'Abreaction' is the follow-up to 'El-Insomne'

17. It enrolled 6090 patients and assigned them to enalapril or placebo.

18. Placebo capsules contained liquid paraffin for adults and olive oil for children.

19. In schizophrenia patients the incidence of akathisia was # % with aripiprazole and # % with placebo

20. Blinding is facilitated by the use of placebo treatments or sham procedures

21. Arches is a multinational, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, phase III trial

22. A significant improvement was found with active treatment but not with placebo.

23. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive a placebo or the cholesterol-lowering drug pravastatin.

24. A simple needle acupuncture produces higher electric potentials than a simple placebo acupuncture.

25. The purpose is to determine which treatments produce effects over and above placebo levels.

26. Half of the mice were injected with GMCSF, the other with a placebo saline solution.

27. The mean breath hydrogen curves after acarbose, miglitol, and placebo are shown in Figure

28. Effect of azithromycin on asthma exacerbations and quality of life in adults with persistent uncontrolled asthma (Amazes): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, John Hunter Hospital Charitable Trust.

29. Most effective Antihypertensive agents in reducing BPV and in preventing stroke.13 However, the unique effect of these agents in terms of BPV reduction is still unproved in the setting of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

30. Rotarix did not increase the risk of intussusception relative to placebo within 31 days following vaccination.

31. Those with moderate risk are randomly assigned to either an oral insulin or a placebo.

32. Expectations and beliefs modulate the experience of pain, which is particularly evident in placebo analgesia.

33. We showed that enalapril prevented such deterioration in normotensive diabetics with microalbuminuria compared with placebo.

34. Sixty-Three randomly selected subjects (43 Canakinumab treatment; 20 placebo treatment) were analysed Blindedly to treatment assignment

35. Responsive Ac, which seems to be more placebo than actual temperature control in some comparable places.

36. Thirty two of the remaining patients were randomised to receive cisapride, and 34 to receive placebo.

37. At each dosing point, an average of 7% of eligible children received the supplement or placebo.

38. These small concessions have been made as a placebo to stop the workers making further demands.

39. Blinding is also done to address or control for the placebo effect, a phenomenon in which a simulated (and ineffective) treatment can sometimes improve a patient’s condition, simply because the person has the expectation that it will be beneficial

40. Adverse effect synonyms, Adverse effect pronunciation, Adverse effect translation, English dictionary definition of Adverse effect

41. Placebo-controlled trials are accepted in early phase II trials in some circumstances beyond those listed above.

42. Only constipation and dyspepsia were reported by a higher percentage among those receiving Cholestagel, compared with placebo

43. The part of the Conservative is played by the banker who sold the victim this placebo.

44. There was no difference between the aspirin and placebo groups in the incidence of cerebral haemorrhage.

45. Again, the placebo could be powerful because it meets some psychological need for attention and treatment.

46. When the tPA test is over, doctors will find out whether they gave her a useless placebo injection.

47. Half then used a nasal spray for a further 10 days, while half used a placebo spray.

48. 57 men were randomly and double-Blindedly divided into a collagen peptide group and a placebo group

49. Here, we sought to identify a neurobiological signature of response to Antidepressant treatment as compared to placebo

50. Regorafenib monotherapy for previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer (Correct): an international, multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial Lancet

51. Manual treatment effects to the upper cervical Apophysial joints before, during, and after endotracheal anesthesia: a placebo-controlled comparison.

52. Secondary Effect: Effect Rate: Induces Attract

53. There were 40 virologically confirmed cases of dendritic keratitis treated in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study.

54. Acromegalic patients (n=#) have been treated in a #-week, randomised, double-blind, multicentre study comparing placebo and pegvisomant

55. For example, a Blind date is a date in which the people involved have not previously met; a Blind experiment is one in which information is kept from either the experimenter or the participant to mitigate the placebo effect or observer bias.

56. In the pioglitazone add-on study, the absolute weight increases with placebo, Xiliarx # mg daily were # and # kg, respectively

57. The diagnosis of exercise-induced anaphylaxis is made by the means of a double-blind placebo-controlled provocation test.

58. Leg cramps also occurred in about 5 percent of women on raloxifene compared with 5 percent on placebo.

59. The sodium and placebo tablets were taken ad libitum, with the suggested range of 1–4 per hour.

60. Dieters who took supplements made with Chlorophyll-containing membranes lost about 3 pounds more than the placebo group.

61. Beneficial effects of colchicine for moderate to severe COVID-19: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial RMD Open

62. The amazing thing is another company did the right scientific trial, where they gave half placebo and half the drug.

63. Comeuppance’s effect is not a redirection effect

64. Mean changes at 16 weeks in individual components of the Leicester score relative to placebo are shown in fig

65. For example, instead of receiving vitamin C as the experimental group is doing, the control group receives a placebo.

66. In the pioglitazone add-on study, the absolute weight increases with placebo, Jalra # mg daily were # and # kg, respectively

67. Manual treatment effects to the upper cervical Apophysial joints before, during, and after endotracheal anesthesia: a placebo-controlled comparison

68. Randomized trials comparing misoprostol with either placebo or another uterotonic to prevent or treat postpartum haemorrhage were checked for eligibility.

69. The absorption chiller (10) may be a single-effect, double-effect or triple-effect absorption chiller.

70. Effect on envelopes, wind effect, altitude and temperature effects.

71. Joule Thomson effect more notable than the Joule effect?

72. However, a key finding using newly developed cough monitoring systems is a lack of efficacy versus placebo of currently available Antitussives

73. This study compares sequentially the effect of supplementation with EAA, and with α-KA versus placebo in 15 ambulatory patients with chronic renal failure (average creatinine clearance 10.8 ml/min), maintained on a protein diet of 0.57 g/kg body weight (40 g for a 70-kg patient).

74. Jingjie essential oil has antiallergic and anti - inf lamatory effect , bronchus - expanding effect and pain relieve effect.

75. Bladder effect.

76. Fade effect

77. Aerodynamic effect

78. Bladder effect?

79. Effect Parameters

80. Such media are particularly suitable for electro-optical displays featuring active matrix addressing based on the ECB effect, PA LCD effect, FFS effect, or IPS effect.