Use "physical education" in a sentence

1. School reentry Considerations: K-12 physical education, health education, and physical activity

2. From physical education, this article discusses the effects of bob physical education way and methods to eugenics from which a new concept, Physical Education Eugenic, was brought out.

3. 28 From physical education, this article discusses the effects of bob physical education way and methods to eugenics from which a new concept, Physical Education Eugenic, was brought out.

4. Teaching reforms in colleges and universities lave close relationship with quality education, life - long physical education education.

5. Bsed in Health and Physical Education - Program Map

6. A major method of physical education is of hints.

7. They have a very broad approach to education, which includes humanities, physical education, the arts.

8. She served as supervisor of physical education at the Bureau of Education in the 1940s.

9. Classroom physical Activity gives students opportunities for physical Activity during the school day in addition to physical education and recess

10. A real education has to give equal weight to the arts, the humanities, to physical education.

11. In 1940, Libby married Leonor Hickey, a physical education teacher.

12. After completing her secondary education in 2010, she studied physical education at the Universidad Andrés Bello.

13. She made the physical education teacher transfer to another school.

14. Ukraine greatly benefited from the Soviet emphasis on physical education.

15. Third period, after the usual hallway crush, is physical education.

16. Karen taught physical education, so she was in good shape.

17. History, geography, technology, music, religious education, art and physical education were not dealt with in separate departments.

18. New course innovation bring forward advanced requirement to physical education course.

19. The physical aptitude test is most often administered by a high school physical education teacher or sports team coach.

20. McCarthy was suspended from Caltech for failure to attend physical education courses.

21. 15 New course innovation bring forward advanced requirement to physical education course.

22. Physical education was incorporated into primary school curriculums in the 20th century.

23. The maximum capacity for students in the girls' physical education locker room is

24. Adapted Physical Education is physical education which has been Adapted or modified, so that it is as appropriate for the person with a disability as it is for a person without a disability

25. Purpose: The purpose of this research was to determine whether university students who participated in Conceptually based physical education (CPE) would achieve greater positive improvements in their physical fitness level, compared to students in traditional activity- and skills-based physical education (ASPE)

26. According to the report, physical education classes around the nation are not demanding enough.

27. Many schools teach square dancing in Physical Education, and there are actually square dance competitions.

28. Yet in 13 of the music or physical education, or both, have more than one.

29. Longitudinal horse straddle is a difficulty problem in the teaching of physical education in school.

30. Music and arts make students noble-minded and physical education makes students fit and elegant.

31. The exceptions were the teachers in such subjects as physical education, art, and the crafts.

32. Since his father is a geography-physical education teacher, he immediately fell in love with football.

33. It was invented in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1891, by Canadian-born physical education teacher James Naismith.

34. Pakistan has a fragile education system because of poor access to education, low enrollment rates, gender bias, lack of trained teachers, and poor physical infrastructure.

35. All - life sports mind will be built through school physical education, for - all sports and athletic sports.

36. Indeed, freedom of movement and a certain degree of exhilaration are essentials of all true physical education.

37. Ancient texts like the Ramayana and Mahabharata also show focus on physical activities as part of education.

38. Later in life, he was also an athletics coach, a physical education teacher, and a sports administrator.

39. 15 He advocated eugenics and pointed out that the main physical education course the children is playing.

40. An excellent resource for students of applied sports science, Physical Education teachers, fitness advisers, coaches and athletes.

41. A three - dimensional point with biotic, mentalistic, social is nowdays people" s Scientific recognition about physical education."

42. This is when the physical education program takes place as well, including a fair number of intramural sports.

43. On innovation of educative theory and method, it will advance school physical education to continue reform and deepen.

44. After Chiba went to junior high school in Kimitsu, the physical education teacher advised him to do artistic gymnastics.

45. Many districts have reduced time for the arts, history, science, civics, foreign languages, physical education, literature, and geography.

46. Since 1961, the Carmichael Gymnasium has met the recreation, fitness, physical education and wellness needs of the Wolfpack community

47. What teaching quality might look like in drama, physical education, music and art, for instance, scarcely gets a mention.

48. When circumstances are more dangerous, as in shop or physical education, a teacher would be expected to exercise greater care.

49. At first she went part-time and, after being uncertain about her major for a time, she settled on physical education.

50. We were standing around him in a ragged semi-circle in the gym at the end of our physical education period.

51. "curriculum of physical education and health" especially values the cultivation of sports experiences such as student's competitiveness, independency, fairness, and cooperativeness.

52. Quality education for all, adequately supported by physical, technical and other facilities, has remained a key focus area for SAARC leadership.

53. Physical education is highly valued and forms part of a fully integrated educational programme based on a unitary conception of man.

54. She then enrolled at Howard University in Washington D.C. from 1986 to 1988, and obtained a Master of Science in physical education.

55. Her father was a physical education teacher, and began to coach Ngarlemdana as she took up judo from the age of five.

56. How to put together Cadet service dress? Although Cadets primarily wear airman battle uniforms (ABUs) to class and physical conditioning (PC) gear for physical education classes, service dress is commonly worn for more formal events

57. Physical Attractiveness synonyms, Physical Attractiveness pronunciation, Physical Attractiveness translation, English dictionary definition of Physical Attractiveness

58. Using 3D landscape/cityscape models for education, situational analysis, and communication requires the timely conversion of geographic information systems (GIS) data to physical form.

59. Sudbury Board of Education Enrolment - 20,368 Draft policy provided for safe schools addresses theft, physical altercations, harassment, intimidation, extortion, vandalism, assault, drugs, and weapons.

60. She was a student at the University of Western Ontario from 1979 to 1983, where she received her Bachelor of Arts in physical education.

61. Finally, the MOU on cooperation in Youth and Sports Affairs, that will provide a framework for exchange of sports persons and sports teams, and also sports fitness and physical education, sports facilities, sports training and physical preparation.

62. J : Education, education, education! That's what our tome is all about.

63. Vocational education is sometimes referred to as career education or technical education.

64. Education: how do we improve education?

65. 21 Tertiary education follows secondary education.

66. Cultivating Genius and the historically responsive model offered in the book is for all teachers K-12 across all discipline areas, even physical and health education

67. Bushwalking and bowls in schools: we need to teach kids activities they’ll go on to enjoy September 15, 2019 4.16pm EDT Physical education is one of …

68. Currently, she occupies the graduation third sergeant in the Navy of Brazil and integrates the Center of Physical Education Admiral Nunes (CEFAN), the Military Sports Department.

69. Buddhistic Education System and Brahminical Education System

70. Keyword: Axiology, Value education, Teacher education, Curriculum

71. They have also got splendent achievement in the field of sports. They have accumulated a wealth of experience of combining athletics with the Institutes of Physical Education.

72. Physical therapist Assistants provide physical therapist services under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist

73. With respect to physical punishment of pupils by teachers, article # paragraph # of the Enforcement Decree of the Elementary and Middle School Education Act stipulates that “When the chief of school educates pupils in accordance with the regulations specified in article # paragraph # of the Act, he/she shall employ such disciplinary or admonitory methods as not causing physical pain to pupils except in cases unavoidable for the purpose of education,” in principle prohibiting physical punishment in schools

74. • Education Allowance - Secondary Education Away From The Post

75. Physical alteration.Augmentation

76. Barriers Environmental Barriers are associated with the physical settings and milieu in which medical education occurs, including limitations such as time, space, and instructional, human, and technological resources

77. Adolescents need and have a right to comprehensive sexuality education, a curriculum-based process of teaching and learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical and social aspects of sexuality


79. Anhedonias, Social Physical Anhedonia Physical Anhedonias Social Anhedonia Social Anhedonias

80. Physical Recovery