Use "persevere" in a sentence

1. Persevere in prayer.


3. Persevere in Prayer Despite Shortcomings

4. We just have to persevere. "

5. May we therefore “persevere in prayer.”

6. Instead, we keep calm and persevere.

7. Just persevere, knowledge, finally discovered the secret.

8. If we persevere, we cannot but succeed.

9. What strengthened Jeremiah to persevere despite opposition?

10. Just persevere, knowledge[ ], finally discovered the secret.

11. It can be tricky at first, but persevere.

12. 3 We also persevere because we love our neighbor.

13. 1 It can be tricky at first, but persevere.

14. What an incentive to “persevere in prayer”! —Romans 12:12.

15. Persevere and keep going until you reach your ideal weight.

16. Understanding this will help us to persevere in our work.

17. Persevere Enjoy traditional home cooking in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.

18. Yes, our brothers persevere there despite hardship, as they do everywhere.

19. Never having developed the will to persevere, they give up easily.

20. Such wholesome association strengthens our determination to persevere in our ministry.

21. You'll need to persevere if you want the business to succeed.

22. In their path to independence the East Timorese have learned to persevere

23. (Psalm 1:2) Persevere in prayer, asking Jehovah to help you endure.

24. When things get difficult, you just have to grit your teeth and persevere.

25. What should prompt us to persevere in making public declaration to Jehovah’s name?

26. It took a generous helping of entrepreneurial confidence to persevere during this incident.

27. 4 If you persevere with the work,( you'll succeed in the end.

28. Their switchboard is always jammed, but you can get through if you persevere.

29. To clear static, persevere by taking drastic steps to fight all interference and distraction.

30. ▪ In spite of opposition, the brothers in France persevere in their Kingdom preaching.

31. Fourth, repentance requires a seriousness of purpose and a willingness to persevere, even through pain.

32. If they turn their backs on us, mock us, even persecute us, we persevere.

33. 15. (a) With regard to what should we never fail to persevere in prayer?

34. Persevere, therefore, to acquit yourselves like men, and you shall receive the everlasting kingdom.

35. You will find success if you persevere in learning about God and his will

36. Then, despite our problems, we will be able to persevere in his service with joy.

37. All that you need to do is persevere-and the rest will take care of itself.

38. Jehovah will likewise answer our fervent pleas for holy spirit if we “persevere in prayer.” —Rom.

39. Did he persevere in the attempt to complete it after falling ill somewhere along the way?

40. Persevere the Party's absolute leadership the army take the road of fewerbetter troops with Chinese characteristics.

41. She was not alone, not lost, she had him, he told her, and implored her to persevere.

42. Half wanting to quit, half determined to persevere he was caught for some moments, indecisive and forlorn.

43. Cannot but formal used to say that something will certainly happen: If we persevere, we Cannot but succeed.

44. He urged the athletes to keep up their spirit of optimism, and persevere to achieve even greater heights.

45. Then you will be better equipped to preach now and better prepared to persevere in times of persecution.

46. Sometimes they will murder your bait or play football with the base of your float, but persevere nevertheless.

47. If you persevere at your search for a job, you are sure to find something suitable in the end.

48. Our godly devotion grows stronger as we observe faithful pioneers who persevere year after year in the face of untold problems.

49. The RAF elected to persevere with the Avon to simplify supply and maintenance, since the Canberra bomber used the same engine.

50. Unique to Luke’s record also is Jesus’ admonition to persevere in prayer as did a certain widow who had been wronged.

51. In spite of his loathing for her, in spite of the wickedness that had taken hold of him, Beth would persevere.

52. May all parties have the courage to persevere in order to overcome present perils, there as in other regions of Europe!

53. Those who persevere, gain new insights into their target market, and actually find out how to monetize their blog, directly or indirectly.

54. A Battler is an Australian colloquialism referring to "ordinary" or working class individuals who persevere through their commitments despite adversity

55. Synonyms for Continue include keep, persevere, pursue, carry on with, go on with, keep on with, proceed with, persist in, persist with and press on with

56. 74 synonyms for Continue: keep on, go on, maintain, pursue, sustain, carry on, stick to, keep up, prolong, persist in, keep at, persevere, stick at

57. At the same time, he urged Christians to persevere courageously in the midst of adversities, trusting in God and staying firm in their Gospel witness.

58. 6 You can be successful at starting studies if you apply the suggestions given, persevere in the field service, and trust in Jehovah for his blessing.

59. The Breastplate of righteousness is a wonderful piece of armor that, as Christians, we desperately need in order to persevere and fight the good fight (1 Tim

60. Welcome to, a site to help the saints in the churches in North America, and especially those in the United States, persevere in daily intercessory prayer.

61. If we are to persevere in speaking the word of God, it is important that we study the Scriptures in a manner that allows us to absorb their message fully.

62. If you “persevere in prayer” and never give up hope, “in the course of many days,” you may well find again “bread” that you have sent out upon the surface of the waters. —Rom.

63. In 1942 he wrote: "In me an ardent desire has grown to persevere this crisis and live long enough to be able to witness the turning point, the beginning of a new rise."

64. Definition of Courage : mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym Example Sentences Learn More about Courage Synonyms & Antonyms for Courage

65. For my part, I will continue to be beside you with my prayers and affection, so that you may persevere enthusiastically on the journey of the Agora, this unique triennial journey of listening, dialogue and mission.

66. Though disappointed and mortified, this vile woman resolved to persevere; and conscious how completely be was enslaved by his passion for her, she assailed him with a succession of Blandishing arts, until she at length discovered the coveted secret.

67. The Aleph Institute, founded in 1981 at the express direction of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, provides crucial financial, emotional and spiritual assistance to thousands of shattered families – helping them persevere through extraordinary crises – while providing support for their loved ones in prison and mental institutions.

68. For instance, God’s Word admonishes us: “Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom,” “keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you,” “persevere in prayer,” and “hold fast to what is fine.” —Matthew 6:33; Luke 11:9; Romans 12:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:21.

69. Absolutions is a Non-Profit Agency designed to guide individuals & families determined to persevere over Life's Challenges. Our agency is unashamedly based on Christian Principles, however our Licensed Professional Counselors are trained to meet the needs of anyone seeking help regardless of their individual spiritual orientation.

70. I mean, these people had nothing, and they were so petrified, they wanted to give up, but the woman in the center rallied for them to persevere, and abolitionists on the ground helped them get a quarry lease of their own, so that now they do the same back-breaking work, but they do it for themselves, and they get paid for it, and they do it in freedom.

71. Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. it's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere. Barack Obama