Use "persecuted person" in a sentence

1. Remember Those Persecuted

2. Persecuted for Righteousness’ Sake

3. I've been persecuted, stigmatized.

4. Throughout history religious minorities have been persecuted .

5. Remember to Pray for Persecuted Christians

6. A hooligan persecuted her with telephone calls.

7. The Puritans left England to escape being persecuted.

8. “Remember to Pray for Persecuted Christians”: (15 min.) Discussion.

9. Happy to Be Persecuted Like the Prophets

10. He made false papers for persecuted black South Africans.

11. ... Shame on accursed tsarism which tortured and persecuted the Jews.

12. Between 1975 and 1977, under Democratic Kampuchea, intellectuals were persecuted.

13. Despite all of this, they were viciously opposed and persecuted.

14. He was constantly persecuted by his implacable enemies.

15. Princes took counsel against him and persecuted him.

16. According to the Bible account, Ishmael persecuted Isaac.

17. They were persecuted by mosquitoes in the room.

18. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also.”

19. The Philistines persecuted Isaac because they envied his growing prosperity.

20. JESUS CHRIST was rejected, hated and even persecuted by this world.

21. For what basic reason are Jehovah’s people persecuted today?

22. Members of these sects are ruthlessly persecuted and suppressed.

23. What will help us to come off victorious when persecuted?

24. Throughout history, people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs.

25. In an effort to shatter true Christianity, Rome persecuted Jesus’ disciples.

26. Pope Innocent III gave instructions that the Albigenses be persecuted.

27. Dippers are also sometimes hunted or otherwise persecuted by humans for various reasons.

28. 12 In Italy, Jehovah’s Witnesses were bitterly persecuted by Mussolini’s fascist regime.

29. Blessed are those who are persecuted in the cause of uprightness.

30. "We've been persecuted because we were not accepted, because we were different.

31. We will be persecuted, as we have been in here, only worse!

32. In fact, Jesus even linked being happy with being persecuted as Christians!

33. The Copts have been persecuted by almost every ruler of Egypt.

34. Religious minorities were persecuted and massacred during the ten-year regime.

35. Therefore our policy towards refugees is for all persecuted minorities from neighbouring countries.

36. They're in the woods hiding because they've been persecuted for decades by vampires.

37. For what principal reason does Jehovah permit his people to be persecuted?

38. Why can we be happy when persecuted and figuratively “leap for joy”?

39. * In the years that followed, people suspected of being Moriscos were persecuted.

40. Alma the Younger, as a young man, persecuted the Church and its members.

41. Jesus specifically cited what as the reason to be happy though persecuted?

42. He was persecuted in Cultural Revolution, and was imprisoned illegally for a long time.

43. Why were Christians persecuted for refusing to sacrifice to the gods of Rome?

44. Synonyms for Beleaguered include harassed, aggravated, badgered, hassled, plagued, tormented, troubled, persecuted, pestered and vexed

45. Christian conservatives, by contrast, don't accord the practice the same space as persecuted Chinese Christians.

46. For example, in the 1960’s, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Malawi were bitterly persecuted.

47. 10 The US Government persecuted him under the pretext of various unwarranted " charges.

48. The Jesuits in a phase of ascendancy, persecuted and insulted the Buddhists with great acrimony.

49. Blessed are those persecuted... for their righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

50. After the war the Witnesses were again persecuted, this time by the Communist regime.

51. Congress, have portrayed her as a prisoner of conscience persecuted for her leftist views.

52. Though persecuted, misrepresented and ridiculed in various parts of the earth, they have not stopped their activity.

53. After the persecuted apostles had been dishonored because of Jesus Christ’s name, what did they do?

54. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

55. Ever since the news broke about her divorce, she has been persecuted by the tabloid press.

56. The seed of the Serpent, in turn, fiercely persecuted the followers of Jesus Christ.

57. After which, I was hunted down, pursued, persecuted, blackened, jeered at, scorned, cursed, proscribed.

58. In feudal society, some slave owners persecuted the common people with methods like dismemberment.

59. An account of the sufferings of the persecuted Protestants in the Archbishoprick of Saltzburg, with their

60. Ouellet has stated the Catholic Church is persecuted in contemporary secular Quebec for telling the truth.

61. The House of Atreus was an unfortunate family descended from and persecuted by the gods

62. The people kept their covenants, but they were betrayed, captured, and persecuted by wicked people.

63. This saw hundreds of women persecuted and sometimes executed, for alleged involvement in black magic.

64. A Further Account of the Sufferings of the Persecuted Protestants in the Archbishoprick of Saltzburg

65. Similarly, those who were persecuted by the successor king experienced relief from time to time.

66. To this day religious leaders conspire to have Jehovah’s Witnesses banned, persecuted, or punitively taxed.

67. Asylees are usually individuals who are persecuted politically or have committed crimes and are wanted for trial

68. Those who do not perform acts of ancestor worship are often persecuted by family members and neighbors.

69. Despite this, as of 2009 minority religions were still being persecuted in many parts of the world.

70. Blessed were the meek, the persecuted, the reviled, for we would be exalted in the Kingdom of Heaven.

71. And despite all of these positive things, who are still looked down on, ridiculed, and persecuted?’

72. When being reviled, we bless; when being persecuted, we bear up; when being defamed, we entreat.”

73. Romans (Caucasians) exceedingly persecuted the Israelites and anyone who dared to speak and teach the Word of God

74. They mocked and persecuted Jesus Christ, evidently viewing themselves as Abraham’s legitimate heir and Jesus as the intruder.

75. Having narrowly survived utter extermination, a despised, persecuted minority becomes the toast of Pennsylvania Avenue within a generation.

76. In Indian popular imagination Aurangzeb is a fanatical bigot and a precursor to ISIS because he persecuted

77. I lied, I stole, I cheated I gambled, I whored, I drank and persecuted, tortured and murdered.

78. Under the centuries - long feudal serfdom, the Tibetan serfs were politically oppressed, economically exploited and frequently persecuted.

79. Since the foundation of the DPRK, the government has persistently persecuted religiously active people, typically categorizing them as "hostile elements."

80. Jacinta is once again feeling rejected and persecuted when an unexpected turn in events brings about a happy denouement.