Use "perceptive" in a sentence

1. Training Your Perceptive Powers

2. Sharpening Our Perceptive Powers

3. You're very perceptive, Mr. Abaddon.

4. Your majesty is most perceptive.

5. He's very perceptive about people.

6. His comment was trenchant and perceptive.

7. You're right. That's very perceptive of you.

8. Win and win and win. Very perceptive.

9. You're as perceptive as I had hoped.

10. Tom was too greedy, and not very perceptive.

11. So keen and perceptive as to seem preternatural.

12. This is a very perceptive assessment of the situation.

13. Our perceptive faculties grow quiet, unprejudiced, and unacquisitive.

14. Would people with sharp ears have been so perceptive?

15. He was a very intelligent and perceptive young detective.

16. It was very perceptive of you to notice that.

17. I like her novels - she's so perceptive about people's relationships.

18. To make wise decisions, you must use your perceptive powers.

19. 19 Our attaining maturity requires that we train our perceptive powers.

20. He was one of the most perceptive US political commentators.

21. Clearheaded definition is - having or showing a clear understanding : perceptive

22. (2 Peter 1:4) Keep using your Bible-trained perceptive powers.

23. High school students are remarkably perceptive and fresh in their views.

24. Her books are full of perceptive insights into the human condition.

25. (Hebrews 5:14) We give proof of maturity by training our perceptive powers.

26. 6 They are, however,[] unerringly perceptive of trusting relationships with professionals.

27. Laura had been perceptive enough to create the means of achieving this.

28. In mentally perceptive and responsive way "she got through the day Alertly…

29. The Bible contains a wealth of practical counsel based on perceptive personal observations.

30. We thus develop our ‘perceptive powers so as to distinguish right from wrong.’

31. You should intersperse colorful anecdotes about your experience with perceptive queries about the vacancy.

32. As with any skill, mastering the use of one’s perceptive powers requires training.

33. Perceptive, aren t you? I murmur Absentmindedly as I search for something to wear

34. The more he uses his perceptive powers, the better prepared he will be for adulthood.

35. Marty’s A Nation of Behavers is a characteristically perceptive new map of American religion

36. Marty's A Nation of Behavers is a characteristically perceptive new map of American religion

37. This analysis indicates a close structural analogy to the syndrome of perceptive visual agnosia.

38. His character sketches of the principal players are sharp, perceptive and often very funny.

39. Attention is awareness of the here and now in a focal and perceptive way

40. Keenly perceptive or discerning: an Acute critic of music; a critic with Acute judgment

41. 14 Another area in which your perceptive powers are needed is that of courtship.

42. Synonyms for Aware include cognizant, conscious, mindful, conversant, acquainted, familiar, informed, knowing, apprised and perceptive

43. And in every case a perceptive manager should be able to discern a clear pattern.

44. Synonyms for Cognitive include cerebral, mental, psychological, intellectual, intrapersonal, perceptive, rational, thinking, intellective and reasoning

45. It's no good trying to pull the wool over Harlod's eyes, he's far too perceptive.

46. The perceptive consultant should also be alert to the way power is distributed in the organization.

47. The writer of Hebrews says that our “perceptive powers” are employed in differentiating right from wrong.

48. He's congratulated her for being so perceptive ... but says the errors were actually made on purpose.

49. A system comprises a refined psycho-acoustic modeler (122) for efficient perceptive encoding compression of digital audio.

50. In the case of taste he may, musically speaking, have been even more perceptive than he realised.

51. 27 Some people are just much more sensitive and perceptive in transmitting or receiving data than others.

52. The most perceptive of the three, she was the first to realize the potential danger of their situation.

53. 24:45-47) Absorbing God’s thinking in this way can help us to train our perceptive powers.

54. And a perceptive listener will come to see the malice and will think less of the slanderer.

55. The “Clay Coated Recycled Boxboard Market”research report is a valued source of perceptive data for business planners

56. Alternatively, the characteristics can also be modified in a targeted manner in order to counteract a perceptive dissonance.

57. That is not to say that some people are not naturally more perceptive, sympathetic and shrewd than others.

58. If, for example, two perceptive functions are of equal weight, they tend to interfere with and jam each other.

59. On the other hand, the mere passing of much time will not of itself sharpen our perceptive powers.

60. He was not just ahead of his times, but a timeless figure whose prophetic words were cast as perceptive wit.

61. Another perceptive point made by Swan is the possible relationship between kiln design and the type of fuel used.

62. (Psalm 119:9-11) Perceptive powers are also developed by accepting mature counsel from parents, elders, and the Society’s publications.

63. This advice was perceptive considering that, in the U.S., plastics is the fourth largest manufacturing industry in terms of shipments.

64. Differentiation equivalence hamstring Lycoperdon foreproffer Bravadoed scales lymphation counterbalance multistage perceptive tophphi Raveaux dystopia skivvy prosthetics pocket hypoptilar general-purpose

65. This stilted and challenging environment, which came to be called stAgflation, eventually drove the more perceptive people into gold and silver.

66. In mentally perceptive and responsive way “she got through the day Alertly, despite being on drugs” Think you’ve got a good vocabulary?

67. This stilted and challenging environment, which came to be called stAgflation, eventually drove the more perceptive people into gold and silver.

68. "Afterward is a perceptive depiction of recovery from a trauma most of us have only read about in the news

69. Susan Zakin is the most perceptive and eloquent political columnist in print in Tucson and probably in the whole damn state.

70. Mark Bloomer and Brant Dahlfors lead by example, having established reputations for perceptive market intelligence, trusted industry relationships, and personalized customer service

71. The paintings collected in our gallery refer to surrealism, abstractionism, magic realism, neocubism - directions in the art, that express very strongly the internal perceptive visualisation.

72. Boston Adventureis a perceptive satire of upper-class Boston society and a quicksilver portrait of a young woman trying to navigate a singular transit between very different worlds

73. A psycho-acoustic modeler (122) produces masking information that is used in the perceptive encoding system to specify which amplitudes and frequencies may be safely ignored without compromising sound fidelity.

74. Prosodic information such as position of syllable in sentence and number of syllables in a prosodic word is the main factors of syllable distribution in perceptive multi-space of syllables.

75. To a person of Analytical ability, perceptive enough to realise that mathematical equipment was a powerful sword in economics, the world of economics was his or her oyster in 1935

76. If observed with a perceptive eye, every inch of the walls and corners adorned with moss and ivy becomes a verdurous poem, which, neither elegant nor powerful, represents plain and simple happiness.

77. ‘The government could then sell off the Airwaves to mobile phone companies.’ ‘Her bubbly personality plus her perceptive understanding of local issues mean that Liz is a natural on the Airwaves.’

78. When to Use Acuteness Acuteness is the noun derivation of the adjective acute, which is defined as “having or showing perceptive understanding or insight: shrewd” and “a keen, highly developed physical sense.” 37

79. Word History: Cute was originally a shortened form of aCute in the sense "keenly perceptive or discerning, shrewd." In this sense Cute is first recorded in a dictionary published in 1731.

80. Word History: Cute was originally a shortened form of aCute in the sense "keenly perceptive or discerning, shrewd." In this sense Cute is first recorded in a dictionary published in 1731.