Use "peasants revolt" in a sentence

1. 27 The peasants threatened to revolt.

2. 28 The peasants rose in revolt.

3. The resulting measures angered the peasants, leading to the Peasants' Revolt of 1381.

4. The peasants doff their hats.

5. A group of Bareheaded peasants …

6. The peasants reaped their rice.

7. Instead, they rebel, or revolt.

8. The rich peasants answered mockingly.

9. The peasants leaned down to reap wheat.

10. Zhao Shenyan is conspiring to revolt

11. Book 2 addresses the Komnenian revolt.

12. Children always revolt against parental disciplines.

13. The army quickly crushed the revolt.

14. The peasants were ploughing the field.

15. 10 The farmers rose in revolt.

16. What is the revolt of Jacob?

17. Absalom’s conspiracy and revolt (1-12)

18. 16 The army is in revolt .

19. The government squashed the revolt cruelly.

20. Teenagers often revolt against parental discipline.

21. Land - hungry peasants push up the hillsides.

22. 18 Has the revolt been contained?

23. 1637 – Shimabara Rebellion by Christian peasants.

24. This revolt too was put down.

25. 4 The people rose in revolt.

26. 5 Satan’s revolt is still going strong.

27. 20 The threatened revolt just fizzled out.

28. The counterrevolutionary revolt was quickly got under.

29. Autocracy often causes the people to revolt.

30. The author glorified the life of the peasants.

31. 4 Forget those godforsaken southerners,[] those peasants.

32. Aztec peasants are armed with a simple club.

33. 9 The government squashed the revolt cruelly.

34. The revolt was suppressed with total ruthlessness.

35. 3 Children always revolt against parental disciplines.

36. The peasants are working with a will.

37. The quarry comprised destitute peasants, rural reds, bucolic Bolshies

38. The peasants were dismally disheartened by the long drought.

39. 25 Rumors of a revolt were afloat.

40. 11 There's no fear of revolt now.

41. 2 The army quickly crushed the revolt.

42. Rumors of a revolt were afloat.

43. Violent revolt was simmering in the country.

44. San Salvador rose in revolt against federal authority.

45. Peasants are busy weeding under the scorching sun.

46. The infantry were peasants, coddled, soft and fat.

47. Peasants are still unreconstructed small capitalists at heart.

48. 1637: Shimabara Rebellion (1637–38) mounted by overtaxed peasants.

49. Peasants used to be subject to the local landowner.

50. They forced thousands of peasants into their reactionary armies.

51. The peasants owed service and obedience to their overlord.

52. Ultimately the Ottomans managed to quell the revolt.

53. Karykes, the leader of a revolt in Crete.

54. The army has put down/suppressed the revolt.

55. Artel definition, (in Russia or the Soviet Union) a peasants' or workers' cooperative; an association of workers or peasants for collective effort

56. The authorities dragooned the peasants into leaving their farms.

57. The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land.

58. Only a few of the nation's peasants are literate.

59. 2 The peasants are reaping good harvests in succession.

60. Before and during the revolt, the Colonized always

61. What will be the consequences of Judah’s revolt?

62. The Jerusalem Bible calls it “the Great Revolt.”

63. 14 There was an armed revolt in process.

64. The revolt was swiftly quashed by government troops.

65. After that the Urabi revolt was put down.

66. 21 Violent revolt was simmering in the country.

67. The government immediately moved to quash the revolt.

68. Attempts to negotiate peace ended in armed revolt.

69. Troops loyal to the President crushed the revolt.

70. The peasants are reaping good harvests in succession.

71. It's inevitable in China that the peasants besiege the cities.

72. 3 This revolt is a kind of catharsis.

73. 30 Autocracy often causes the people to revolt.

74. 26 The people broke out/rose in revolt.

75. 19 The revolt was suppressed with total ruthlessness.

76. A revolt in Cyrene was crushed the same year.

77. Before long the Romans moved to crush the revolt.

78. 22 The regime was overthrown by a popular revolt.

79. This class included all poor commoners, peasants and laborers.

80. Large numbers of peasants died by the act of God.