Use "pass sentence upon" in a sentence

1. Legal definition for Adjudge: To pass upon judicially; to decide, settle, or decree; to sentence or condemn

2. Upon your decease the capital will pass to your grandchildren.

3. Upon his decease the house will pass to his wife.

4. Upon your decease the house will pass to your wife.

5. He stood emotionless as he heard the judge pass sentence.

6. Judges no longer have the power to pass the death sentence.

7. Attaint means to pass sentence of attainder or convicted of high treason or felony

8. 11. upon completion of this dedicated cargo gate, all cargo traffic shall pass through it.

9. England and the Kingdom, Britain and the Empire, the old prides and the old devotions, glide abeam, astern, sink down upon the horizon, pass – pass.

10. Judge Gerald Butler told him he had no option but to pass a custodial sentence.

11. Judge: Do you have anything to say in mitigation or extenuation before I pass sentence?

12. Authoritatively in a sentence 1 His book Authoritatively discourses upon war and peace

13. An Italian prelate pronounced the sentence of condemnation upon Hus and his writings.

14. He has observed all four symbolic beasts and can pass judgment upon them according to firsthand knowledge.

15. The body has no colourful feng sf wing[sentence dictionary], mind ACTS upon mind.

16. 🔊 According to my supervisor, the job promotion is Contingent upon my ability to pass the management exam

17. Brooked Sentence Examples Use Brooked in a sentence "city upon a hill" was a theocracy that Brookedno dissent, religious or political

18. 13 And it came to pass that Coriantumr pursued him; and Lib gave battle unto him upon the seashore.

19. A £50 deposit is required when ordering,[sentence dictionary] and the balance is due upon delivery.

20. So will I send upon you famine and evil beasts, and they shall bereave thee; and pestilence and blood shall pass through thee; and I will bring the sword upon thee.

21. The Adjudicating Officers have to decide upon such matters and pass an order within 60 days of accepting the RERA complaint.

22. Solomon Spalding writes in the Biblic style, and commences almost every sentence with, "And it came to pass," -- "Now, it came to pass." Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet

23. Prison sentence Commuted to expire on January 19, 2019 and unpaid balance of $2,500 fine remitted when his sentence expires, conditioned upon enrollment in residential drug treatment

24. 21 And it came to pass that Moroni, having no hopes of meeting them upon fair grounds, therefore, he resolved upon a plan that he might adecoy the Lamanites out of their strongholds.

25. 22 And it came to pass in the three hundred and forty and sixth year they began to come upon us again.

26. 12 And it came to pass that he fought with Lib, in which Lib did smite upon his arm that he was wounded; nevertheless, the army of Coriantumr did press forward upon Lib, that he fled to the borders upon the seashore.

27. Conferment Sentence Examples The status had its origin in the Conferment of citizenship upon Tusculum in 381 B.C

28. If he placed no reliance at all upon it(sentence dictionary), he can not complain of a misrepresentation.

29. Adjective or Pronoun? Some words can be pronouns or Adjectives, depending upon how they are used in a sentence

30. The noises insisted upon her serving her sentence: she must allow them to sound violently fortissimo for an hour.

31. Python pass By reference vs pass by value

32. Volleyball: Introducing rules, dig pass, and overhand pass.

33. I just want to impress upon you that even though your thesis may pass, there are still some grammatical mistakes to be corrected.

34. Sometimes, the condemned person would be Cudgeled to death upon the wheel, as the spokes allowed a club or cudgel to pass through it

35. Operation, application and uses of the following filters: low pass, high pass, band pass, band stop.

36. 9 Pass, pass,( pass and look to pick holes in United's suddenly creaky back four.

37. An integrator that is useful in forming low pass, band pass, high pass, and band stop filters.

38. It'll pass.

39. The Cairhienin were able to pass until the Aiel War because of their gift of water to the Aiel upon their coming to the Waste

40. And I'd want one that could pass and would pass.

41. Examples of in a sentence Fantastic apparitions of angelic and supernatural beings, gorgeously Arrayed and mostly upon horseback, are frequently introduced

42. The sum of behaviour is to retain a man's own dignity(Sentence dictionary), without intruding upon the liberty of others. 

43. Making another pass

44. Band-pass filter

45. EZ Pass transponders.

46. Your boarding pass.

47. Band pass filter

48. High pass filters

49. Motorbikes pass through

50. " Pass the ball! "

51. Pass the word.

52. 27 synonyms for Befall: happen to, fall upon, occur in, take place in, ensue in, transpire in, materialize in, come to pass in, betide, come, come about

53. Many developers confuse Java being pass by value or pass By reference

54. McArthur Pass Trail to Ottertail/Goodsir Pass Junction Permit Required Bear Activity

55. This is due to the fact that female offenders had shorter average sentence lengths upon federal admission to institution on warrants of committal.

56. At drop-off, each Consignor will receive one Pre-Sale pass, one “guest” Pre-Sale pass, and one Half-Price sale pass

57. Pass me the salt.

58. Dielectric band pass filters

59. Pass through a magnetometer;

60. Multi-band pass filter

61. Pass the celery, Kitty.

62. Let me pass, please.

63. Pass the word, Roscoe.

64. Band-pass filtering is carried out by means of two low-pass filters.

65. It is situated in the San Gorgonio Pass, also known as Banning Pass

66. Please pass the pie.

67. Multilayer band pass filters

68. Multi-band-pass filter

69. Optical low pass filter

70. “Please Pass the Tortillas”

71. Pass the orange chicken.

72. As verbs the difference between Adjudge and judge is that Adjudge is to declare to be while judge is to sit in judgment on; to pass sentence on

73. The screen pass completely fooled the defensive linemen who were expecting a long pass.

74. 1 And it came to pass that the Lord commanded me, wherefore I did make plates of ore that I might engraven upon them the arecord of my people.

75. The sensing circuit further includes a band pass filter having a single high pass pole.

76. No amount of water can absolve him of his accountability for passing that unjust sentence upon Jesus. —Matthew 27:11-26; Luke 23:13-25.

77. What about the travel pass?

78. Don' t forget your pass

79. 2 All things must pass.

80. Would you pass the soap?