Use "parliaments" in a sentence

1. Its duties are similar to those of political parliaments.

2. In Australia, all of the state parliaments except Queensland's are also Bicameral.

3. It's now unlikely that future parliaments will bring back the death penalty.

4. The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty.

5. On 10 December, the accord was ratified by the Ukrainian and Belarusian parliaments.

6. The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation between the Parliaments of both countries.

7. The Inter-Parliamentary Union plays a crucial role in the effective functioning of parliaments.

8. Information systems allowing the participation of national parliaments and civil society in the legislative process

9. Information systems allowing the participation of national parliaments and civil society in the legislative process.

10. However, after the King's death, the nobility demanded and received the restoration of the regional parliaments.

11. Access for parliaments and civil society to consultation procedures and the trade policy review mechanism (TPRM)

12. The parliaments of both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of February 19

13. Information systems allowing the participation of national and regional parliaments and civil society in the legislative process.

14. 17 Idleness and pride tax with a heavier hand than kings and parliaments. Benjamin Franklin 

15. According to the new law local parliaments would be empowered to conduct inspection and auditing of local governments.

16. The Commission reiterates its commitment to take national Parliaments’ contributions received during the pre-legislative phase into account.

17. The English and Scottish parliaments, however, did not recognise this title until the Acts of Union of 1707.

18. It is the duty of all members of EU national parliaments to reject this affront to their democratic dignity.

19. 14 Today the parliaments of the Arab states seem to take themselves for the caliphal palaces of yesteryear.

20. Its constitution was formally adopted in late 19 following ratification by the parliaments of its member states.4??

21. A general election in June 1999 produced the first freely elected national, provincial and regional parliaments in over 40 years.

22. The treaty was due to enter into force after ratification by the parliaments of the five signatories by Jan. 19

23. Tskinvali establishes relations with communities, parliaments, business circles of Latin American and Oceanian countries and plans mutually beneficial economic collaboration with them.

24. Each group is a relatively loose coalition without the sort of party whip familiar in national parliaments; no group has consensus on all policies.

25. These issues have been debated ad nauseam by this House and by most national parliaments and the outcome is always the same in this Parliament.

26. This report catalogues some of the modalities and examples of interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and IPU covering the period since the adoption of the 2010 resolution.

27. Over the years UNDP has accumulated influence in the area of democratic governance, especially in new and politically sensitive areas such as corruption, human rights and capacity-building of parliaments

28. Over the years UNDP has accumulated influence in the area of democratic governance, especially in new and politically sensitive areas such as corruption, human rights and capacity-building of parliaments.

29. Decision: The Joint Parliamentary Assembly agreed to remind parliaments of the ACP countries that delegates should be Members of Parliament and should only be replaced by Ambassadors on genuinely exceptional occasions.

30. After over a decade of progressive socialist presidents putting people ahead of cronyism, Latin America’s oligarchs, through the abuse of the courts, parliaments, and electoral systems, have put Caudillos in office throughout the region.

31. We therefore hope to benefit from the capable and consistent participation of members of national parliaments at all of our meetings, and this will be a channel which will ably supplement the ones in the Commission' s initiative.

32. Similarly, the parliamentary traditions of the Member States do not warrant the conclusion that the formation of a political group by Members declaring that they abjure any political affinity would be possible in most of the national parliaments.

33. 1616, Francis Bacon, Act of Council on Commendam Case his Majesty had observed that ever since his coming to the crown , the popular sort of lawyers have been the men that most Affrontedly in all Parliaments have trodden upon his prerogative

34. The Stolen Generations (also known as Stolen Children) were the children of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who were removed from their families by the Australian federal and state government agencies and church missions , under acts of their respective parliaments

35. Antient Parliamentary Elections: A History Showing How Parliaments Were Constituted And Representatives Of The People Elected In Antient Times Homersham Cox, Hacking Movable Type (ExtremeTech) David Raynes, As The Crow Flies Robin Lythgoe, Configurations Of Exile: South Asian Writers And Their World Chelva Kanaganayakam

36. Antient Parliamentary Elections: A History Showing How Parliaments Were Constituted And Representatives Of The People Elected In Antient TimesHomersham Cox, Leeds and Liverpool Canal: A Photographic JourneyDavid Lyons, IBSS: Sociology: 1969 Vol 19 (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences: Sociology)International Committee for Social Science Information and …

37. Talking to Online here on Wednesday, he said that he has forwarded his resignation to parliaments Secretariat here on Wednesday owing to some domestic issues and non-acknowledgement of his demands, however, he withdrew his resignation after assurance from PML-F Chief Pir Pagara to Acknowledger his demands".

38. ‘Spain is a parliamentary monarchy with a Bicameral legislature.’ ‘Legislative power resides in a Bicameral parliament composed of the Assemblée Nationale and the Senat (Senate).’ ‘The introduction of self-government from the 1850s created Bicameral parliaments, with elected lower houses but nominated upper houses in two colonies.’

39. Chartism was a national political movement, associated with working-class radicalism, with the avowed goal of forcing the British parliament to accept the “Six Points” of the People’s Charter: a vote for every man over 21, secret ballots, no property qualification for MPs, salaries for MPs, equal constituencies, and annual parliaments.

40. The Absolutist monarchs had seen this power centralize and expand as they became rulers of modern nation-states, which had emerged from more medieval forms of government, where nobles, councils/parliaments, and the church had held powers and acted as checks, if not outright rivals, on the old-style monarch.

41. COSAC notes that the European Parliament is planning and organizing a meeting with representatives of civil society (Agora) and proposes joint parliamentary meetings between national parliaments and the European Parliament to exchange views and to evaluate the outcome of the European Council and the perspectives for treaty reform during the expected Intergovernmental Conference.

42. He was the father of reform, and more than two generations before the coming of the Chartists he was fighting in and out of season for annual parliaments, universal suffrage and the ballot, demands which, to the ears of most of his astonished class, must have sounded as the Blasphemings of the restless pit.

43. This thesis (1) characterizes the gender and skin type distribution of IJB-A, a government facial recognition benchmark, and Adience, a gender classification benchmark, (2) outlines an approach for capturing images with more diverse skin types which is then applied to develop the Pilot Parliaments Benchmark (PPB), and (3) uses PPB to assess the classification accuracy of Adience, …

44. But as much as it seems to us justified to deal with these policies as subjects of common interest, that is to coordinate our efforts better at European level, it would also seem absurd to remove them from the competence of the nations and national parliaments, because that is what the demand for communitarisation means in reality.

45. Bridewell Chapel was united with St Bride, Fleet Street in 1864.' 'Bridewell Chapel, is an antient, and was formerly a Royal Chapel; for this spacious Court was antiently the Royal Palace of King John, in 1210, and other Kings of England, where the Parliaments sate; and here King Henry Eighth most magnificently entertained the Emperor Charles

46. The Chairman said that the Meeting had had as its theme “Implementing the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory- The role of Governments, intergovernmental organizations and civil society”, and had focused inter alia on the responsibility of Governments and intergovernmental organizations and the role of parliaments and civil society in promoting respect for international law

47. In view of the need to ensure that the additional allocations made available for the 2017 budget year are financially committed, including through amendments to affected programmes, it was considered to be appropriate to provide for an exception to the 8-week period referred to in Article 4 of Protocol No 1 on the role of national Parliaments in the European Union, annexed to the Treaty on European Union, to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community.