Use "paraphrases" in a sentence

1. Paraphrases, or free translations, of the Bible are not new.

2. Longobardi provides Leibniz with accurate translations or paraphrases of the Analects passages cited above.

3. Most of these are paraphrases of biblical texts, and like hymns they vary in theological emphasis and musical appropriateness.

4. 22 Most of these are paraphrases of biblical texts, and like hymns they vary in theological emphasis and musical appropriateness.

5. The Contemporary English Version paraphrases this verse: “We were completely honest when God created us, but now we have twisted minds.”

6. This is also called the “six Antitheses” because Jesus makes six quotations or paraphrases of commands of Moses in the Bible, and then he says, “But I say” and makes a similar but stronger statement.

7. Les sept livres d'Aphorismes du grand Hippocrate en latin et en françois : enrichis de tres-beaux et tres-doctes discours en forme de paraphrases, et d'explications tres-judicieuses prises des anciens & nouveaux autheurs

8. An ancient custom is referred to, Psalm 118:27 אִסְרוחַֿג בַּעֲבֹתִ֑ים עַדקֿרנות המזבח bind the festal victim with cords, unto the horns of the Altar: Ainsworth paraphrases: 'that is, all the court over, untill you come even to the hornes of the Altar, intending hereby many sacrifices,' so De; but Che 'bind