Use "pagans" in a sentence

1. They are pagans.

2. Apparently, to make it easier for pagans to accept “Christianity.”

3. I heard the pagans captured you when they raided Lindisfarne.

4. And, we know Conclusively that Tubal-Cain is Vulcan of the Pagans

5. Tip: Pagans are the humans and creatures who worship the Trickster god.

6. Convert pagans to christianity; was converted to pacifism by the war.

7. It is obvious, that the snake on these coins symbolizes the pagans.

8. It was a standard sequence of conquest, and not confined to pagans.

9. We should never give in to these vile pagans, to these brutes.

10. Would they plan sensuous dancing or wild music that might be the rage among pagans?

11. One encyclopedia explains that Roman pagans celebrated the birthday of the sun on December 25.

12. Whether addressing pagans, Jews, or Christians, Paul always showed his ability to “become all things to people of all sorts.”

13. The Charismatics see direct satanic involvement in this revival, and say the neo-pagans are devil-worshipping.

14. Instead of proclaiming the gospel and converting the pagans, the Catholic Church “Christianized” the pagan religions and “paganized” Christianity

15. Samhain was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and prepare for winter .

16. Baelfire is a name originally meaning "bonfire", it comes from the Pagans belonging to the Pagan feast of Beltane

17. In Bible times, pagans regularly watched gladiatorial contests and other forms of human torture in the arenas of the Roman Empire.

18. Calling the Corners is a short ritual that Pagans, Wiccans, witches, and other magical practitioners do before they begin spellwork or spiritual work

19. That was when pagans indulged in orgies during the festivals of both the Roman Saturnalia and the Celtic and German feast of winter solstice.

20. WikiMatrix And in the olden times, which were the times of the pagans and best forgotten, though they could never make these villagers forget them, the merry - Begots were the

21. But then it was discerned that the observance of December 25 was actually pagan and was chosen by apostate Christendom to make it easier to convert pagans.

22. A dedicated group of volunteers in Asphodel have worked together with Pagans around the world for more than eight years to bring almost 50 small-market Pagan books to press

23. Pagans adored these symbols long before the birth of Christ, yet Christendom hails these as Christian and adoringly speaks of them as “the beautiful spirit of Christmas.”

24. (Ac 10:38) The apostle Paul accomplished conversions of persons, even pagans, “not with persuasive words of [men’s] wisdom but with a demonstration of spirit and power.”

25. (De 21:10-14) Within the Promised Land itself God’s warning concerning marriage alliances with pagans was often ignored, with resulting problems and apostasy. —Jg 3:5, 6.

26. A dedicated group of volunteers in Asphodel have worked together with Pagans around the world for more than eight years to bring almost 50 small-market Pagan books to press

27. In the sixteenth century, Francis Xavier wrote that Hindus were under the spell of the Brahmanas, who were in league with evil spirits, and that the elimination of Brahminism was the first priority in the large operation of bringing Salvation to the wretched Pagans of India.