Use "paddies" in a sentence

1. Rice paddies and corn fields stretched away from the road. Water buffalo pulled plows or wallowed in the paddies.

2. Water buffalo pulled plows or wallowed in the paddies.

3. In rice paddies, Coypu could become particularly devastating.

4. It was from the rice paddies to the pine grove.

5. It was from the rice paddies to the pine grove

6. Rice paddies and corn fields stretched away from the road.

7. 19 Methane is also given off by rice paddies and ruminant animals, including cattle.

8. Mines have been scattered in rice paddies and jungles, maiming and killing civilians.

9. Methane is also given off by rice paddies and ruminant animals, including cattle.

10. In Thailand mothers routinely give birth in rice paddies and then go right back to work.

11. Lately I've been so busy in the rice paddies, I only did a bit of dusting...

12. In Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam, where rice paddies are predominant on the landscape, rice consumption reach 70%.

13. You're going to be spending the rest of your life in the rice paddies.

14. The valley was scrubby here: elephant grass, occasional tall trees, and dry rice paddies.

15. In nature Marsilea is found in ponds, ditches, swamps, rice paddies, and other areas with standing water.

16. Rice, on the other hand, is grown in river valleys, where paddies can be easily created by flooding.

17. Then we lined up in columns of two and moved out into these rice paddies.

18. And don't worry, you'll only be staying here till one of the Paddies shoots you anyway.

19. The symmetry of the rice paddies and rubber plantations could only be appreciated from the air.

20. All of which led to, and this is a case of, an image of rice paddies.

21. However, with land suitable for irrigated rice paddies in short supply, other grains supplement or even dominate.

22. Instead of picking up a gun that morning, Charlie went out into the rice paddies and worked.

23. Many rivers across the island overtopped their banks and inundated surrounding areas, including an estimated 194,000 acres of rice paddies.

24. There is what looks to be a white coastline, brilliant greens, the rice paddies etched on the land.

25. Those dry rice paddies that we walked through, we could swim through; they all filled up with water.

26. Leaving the main road, we continued on foot through rice paddies, waist-deep in muddy water, toward our destination.

27. No trees or foothills this time; it was all cleared land, dry rice paddies, and sandy, weed-patched fields.

28. In the midday sun the flooded paddies formed a mirrored mosaic across which tropical clouds scudded in fragmented disarray.

29. In rice paddies, toxic chemicals killed fish, shrimps, crabs, frogs, and edible herbs and wild plants—most being valuable supplementary foods.

30. This abundance of water irrigates fields and rice paddies and enriches them with precious silt, enabling farmers to grow three crops of rice annually.

31. However, it becomes very clear that the villagers are aiding the VC when the squad is ambushed in the rice paddies just outside the village.

32. Studies have shown that this can be significantly reduced while also boosting crop yield by draining the paddies to allow the soil to aerate to interrupt methane production.

33. It grows in flooded paddies where the water can harbour inorganic Arsenicals that are readily absorbed into the growing plant and are passed into the grain.

34. He spoke of how some people glamorize the criminal misfits of society while the best men die in Asian rice paddies to preserve the freedoms that those misfits abuse.

35. SAKU, Japan: Winding past rice paddies and lazily blowing its whistle along bubbly creeks, a two-car train in rural northern Japan is the latest entrant in the battle against global warming.

36. The Bhutanese people have been growing red rice as their staple grain for centuries grown at 8, 000 feet in stunning rice paddies cascading down the steep mountainsides of the Paro Valley, This Himalayan heirloom rice is irrigated with mineral-rich Glacier water appreciated for its beautiful russet color and complex nutty flavor, Bhutan red rice is the only whole grain rice that cooks in only