Use "outsider" in a sentence

1. I felt a complete outsider.

2. Their jargon is impenetrable to an outsider.

3. The race was won by a 201 outsider.

4. His outsider image, to start with, is phony.

5. The winning horse was a rank outsider.

6. The odds on the outsider were 100?

7. She always wagered on an outsider.

8. Amorous Outsider Interloper = Your Ex-Spouse’s Lover

9. Things often appear chaotic to the outsider.

10. And the outsider can never really reach the core.

11. It would be fatal to bring in outsider.

12. You've selected an outsider over your own daughter?

13. Amazingly, the job went to a rank outsider.

14. I'm an outsider, the only foreign woman in the group.

15. An outsider might misconstrue the nature of the relationship.

16. That's how it seemed to the mystified outsider.

17. 6 It would be fatal to bring in outsider.

18. The outsider sees the best of the game. 

19. 6 His outsider image, to start with, is phony.

20. To an outsider, the system seems complex and confusing.

21. 29 To the outsider the prosperity of Northern Ireland is baffling.

22. Here she felt she would always be an outsider.

23. The image is an artefact, one made by an outsider.

24. To everyone's surprise, the post went to a rank outsider .

25. Last year he was a rank outsider for the title.

26. 26 Teach Your Children —Have You Ever Felt Like an Outsider?

27. The horse that won the race was a rank outsider.

28. To an outsider it may appear to be a glamorous job.

29. Sometimes an outsider will win at long odds, but not often.

30. Synonyms: nonprofessional, outsider, layperson, layman or woman More Synonyms of Amateur

31. An outsider, for example someone from another school district, should evaluate the teachers.

32. Better me than some outsider, some religious nut job bent on Armageddon

33. A far better approach is to use an outsider as a collaborator.

34. Branch leader Togawa Taro actually asked an outsider to kill his sub-head

35. She was always the outsider, refusing to conform to traditions, obstinate and impudent.

36. 27 When push comes to shove, however, most voters shy from outsider chic.

37. is a coming-of-age story about an outsider who, agai

38. 10 It is easy for an outsider to pick holes in our programme.

39. It is unwise for an outsider to obtrude his opinions into a family quarrel.

40. That horse is a complete outsider; I wouldn't waste your money on it.

41. She felt very much an ignorant outsider, but unobtrusively attached herself to charge.

42. The consummate aerospace industry outsider has finally cemented his place in the fraternity.

43. Drummond, also an outsider, started Radio 3's rapprochement with the outside world.

44. Wright, Richard THE OUTSIDER (1989) Whenever a dimension runs Amuck, he will appear to …

45. To an outsider, the issues that we fight about would seem almost laughably petty.

46. Not even the most dedicated Outsider hack works after midnight, except on deadline days.

47. Outsider offspring inherit a position outside of the morph - line between Mommy and Daddy.

48. They came from growing up always feeling he was an outsider and an outcast.

49. I do not need a classification from an outsider to find out what Sachsenhausen was like.

50. The firm has gone from being an outsider in the market to being a market leader.

51. The situation is that of the outsider meeting the pleasures of a different, reputedly splendid civilization.

52. Shop Antiquities and other folk, tribal and outsider art from the world's best furniture dealers

53. 29 I would always be an outsider here - no matter that I spoke fluent Spanish.

54. To cross them was to break tradition, to sever one's links and become an outsider.

55. Jean Chretien is an outsider, an Arriviste, and a rags-to-riches political scrapper

56. I would always be an outsider here - no matter that I spoke fluent Spanish.

57. Antonyms for Autochthon include nonnative, foreigner, stranger, nonnational, outsider, tourist, settler, visitor, newcomer and incomer

58. Although she's lived there for ten years, the villagers still treat her as an outsider.

59. 17 She had no wish to share her father with any outsider and regarded us as interlopers.

60. She had no wish to share her father with any outsider and regarded us as interlopers.

61. Thus, whether one feels like an outsider or an insider, the story can be equally enchanting.

62. Because Dad left the tribe to marry an outsider, however, he was considered a pariah.

63. For one, they say, she is an outsider in an administration where cronyism has created problems.

64. Bluish is made an outsider by her condition, and she frequently has to leave early for doctor's appointments

65. In the final pages, the narrator seems to accept his 000-year-old heritage as an outsider.

66. 30 Although she's lived there for ten years,[] the villagers still treat her as an outsider.

67. Macy brilliantly shows Teach to be a nervy outsider who desperately wants to be part of the game.

68. It's important in building our organizational machines not to exclude the dissenter, the"Outsider", the non-conformist.

69. No one would argue he is a visionary leader, that he is an outsider or a populist.

70. 8 Dewey himself campaigned with the portly dignity of an incumbent,[] while Truman screeched and kicked like an outsider.

71. But for all the spurious emphasis on homogeneity, there are also moments when everyone becomes a gaijin, an outsider.

72. With Ross Perot off the track for now, Forbes is the only true outsider in the presidential race.

73. Forbes also is strengthening his ties to Republicans in Congress, even as he continues to play the outsider.

74. His attitude was that of a well-bred man reluctant to discuss some family difference with a prying outsider.

75. I am giving you the priesthood as a Bestowed service, but the outsider who comes near shall be put to death.”

76. All were rooted in the nineteenth-century stance of the artist as critical outsider, disdainful of the niceties of the bourgeoisie.

77. 8 The militarisation of the Soviet economy, baffling to an outsider, is complemented by a militarisation in the sphere of education.

78. However, deprived as they were of serious critical accolade, they were doomed to outsider status by the art world itself.

79. Champerty definition: (formerly) an illegal bargain between a party to litigation and an outsider whereby the Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

80. The outsider sees to him is happy, can I know that he is drinking bitterness wine and intentionally wants to inebriate.