Use "out of the question" in a sentence

1. That's out of the question.

2. That is out of the question.

3. Defending yourself was out of the question.

4. Come on... marriage is out of the question!

5. It didn't seem absolutely out of the question.

6. To withhold religious liberty was out of the question.

7. Sleep — during this interval is out of the question.

8. Demilitarization of the country was out of the question.

9. The captain said that it was out of the question.

10. The noise redoubled, and sleep was out of the question.

11. Another trip abroad this year is out of the question.

12. Ohio Street with its burlesque houses is out of the question.

13. A new bicycle is out of the question we can't afford it.

14. Most Annalists believe that $200/barrel is not out of the question

15. Well, that's damn chivalrous of you, but completely out of the question.

16. Indeed, it was out of the question given the dollar's enfeebled position.

17. Park was told that a summit meeting was out of the question.

18. It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.

19. You can't go in that old shirt - it's out of the question.

20. Nevertheless, an Allergic response to PEG is not out of the question

21. We cannot go out in this weather—it is out of the question.

22. The evacuation of civilians remains out of the question while the fighting continues.

23. Borrowing from a bank was out of the question because of their destitute circumstances.

24. Hiring a certified public accountant to manage your finances is probably out of the question.

25. Investors and analysts took that to mean a rate cut is out of the question.

26. Some of these families are so poor that Christmas presents are out of the question.

27. When it comes to running our automobiles without gasoline, coal is out of the question.

28. As for the notion of canvassing his licentious friends, it was out of the question.

29. An accelerated public-investment program that avoids low-return projects is not out of the question.

30. It is out of the question to run up the white flag after your heroic resistance."

31. 22 As for the notion of canvassing his licentious friends, it was out of the question.

32. It is a relatively small basement room, so a large imposing piece was out of the question.

33. Any kind of scientific dialogue between the two parties now seems to be out of the question.

34. A good old - anking is out of the question: no modern child - rearing manual would permIt'such barbarity.

35. 27 Without the suit, supersonic flight was an impossibility, high-speed evasive action out of the question.

36. Investors and analysts took that to mean a rate cut before mid-year is out of the question.

37. Switching to other sales channels is normally out of the question owing to the difficulties referred to above.

38. But staying behind or resting was out of the question because one risked getting shot by the guards.

39. To do so would have threatened the stability of Franco's position and was, therefore, out of the question.

40. Since that was now clearly out of the question Peter decided to get himself away and consider his position.

41. It was out of the question to get married in front of the mayor, a representative of the system.

42. Excommunication also remained out of the question because much of the Church membership stood in awe of these exploits.

43. To replace the old pipes by laying stronger ones under the same road system was out of the question.

44. It was out of the question to put on an exhaustive exhibition, because it would have been too voluminous.

45. A professional career as such seemed out of the question; his only ambition in life was to be an artist.

46. What is possible for a large suburban congregation is out of the question for a tiny congregation in a rural situation.

47. To defy convention, surrender her virginity, to a man she neither loved nor desired must be quite out of the question.

48. A Cull hunt is often ruled out of the question due to human population densities, so game managers have employed many different tactics with varying degrees of success

49. He agreed that the first option was out of the question, and accepted the moves to “Canalize” the revolutionary upheaval and ask for an end to the fighting.22

50. It’s clear that flying off the handle and starting scuffles is out of the question in any case, but it is also inadmissible to ignore agent provocateurs trying to furtively create a crisis.

51. However, not all bases make equally good destinations; for example, positive charges can jump only from guanine to guanine (the other three bases thymine, adenine, and cytosine are out of the question for this).

52. ‘Abandonware justifies itself by preserving gaming history in a 'living' way.’ ‘Everything has to be absolutely above-board, so emulators and even Abandonware are out of the question, alas.’ ‘A few examples are Abandonware, MP3 downloads, warez and their kind.’

53. Alchemize fillastre kyoukouha gasket hiyowai diaper out of the question faeces; excrement besondere Auflage north-northeast startigilo disciplinable direito comercial placidity versieren placer nekvalitetan argilo Centenarian exercitor vochtigheidsmeter fletar spark discharge ported E wave karappo serduq (m.); imzattat (m.) estatuaria

54. But is it appropriate for a home defense shotgun used in the interior of the home? In interior (not mixed interior/exterior) home defense situations, Buckshot and slugs are totally out of the question, unless perhaps you are using them in a .410 shotgun.

55. According to the BugE-n daily's Erhan BaE-yurt, treason is the Basest act that a citizen can commit against his/her country, hence it is considered a crime in all countries of the world and it is out of the question for a perpetrator of this crime to be pardoned

56. He Bethought himself of a pair of ear-bobs: it was true, the patriarch's better-half was of an age and appearance that seemed to put personal vanity out of the question, but when is personal vanity extinct? He Bethought him of a hatchet, which might be spared from his slender stores.