Use "organisms" in a sentence

1. Aerobic organisms are organisms that need oxygen to make energy

2. Insects, those six- legged organisms and spiders or mites, the eight- legged organisms.

3. Insects, those six-legged organisms and spiders or mites, the eight-legged organisms.

4. Lacking bones: Boneless organisms

5. Are Coagulase-negative organisms

6. Cladistics assumption 3: organisms chan… a method of hypothesizing relationships among organisms based… any group of organisms are related by descent from a common an…

7. Biogenesis, biogeny 1. the process by which living organisms develop from other living organisms. 2

8. Amoebas are single-celled organisms

9. That makes up multicellular organisms.

10. Biologics or Biologic drugs are products made from living organisms or contain components of living organisms

11. Archaea are tiny, simple organisms

12. There's consequences for carbonate organisms.

13. Archaea are tiny, simple organisms.

14. Biosphere: is the sphere that includes all living organisms, from plants to bacteria to multicellular organisms

15. The designation 'micro-organisms' means: organisms forming countable colonies when incubated aerobically under the conditions described.

16. Biogenetic: 1 adj of or relating to the production of living organisms from other living organisms

17. Biologics or biologic drugs are products made from living organisms or contain components of living organisms

18. All species are black, wingless organisms.

19. This cycle occurs in ureotelic organisms.

20. Living organisms are created by chemistry.

21. All Bacteria are single-celled organisms.

22. Simple organisms like bacteria mutate rapidly.

23. All organisms have irritability while alive.

24. Almost all Corals are colonial organisms.

25. Anthozoans are colonial or solitary organisms

26. Corals and other reef-building organisms

27. Biophysicist researches living organisms and cells

28. Biophysicist researches living organisms and cells

29. Bacteria are small single-celled organisms

30. For very simple organisms, such as micro-organisms, the behavioral mode is not as important as the genetic mode.

31. Genetically modified organisms: The bill provides for additional safeguards against the import, containment and release of Genetically Modified Organisms.

32. PAthogens are organisms that can cause disease

33. - 'Harmful organisms (Alternaria, etc.) not exceeding 10 %',

34. Organisms exist only during certain geological intervals.

35. " Evolution is organisms adapting to their environment. "

36. Different organisms have different numbers of Chromosomes

37. Auxotrophs are mutant organisms, especially mutant microorganisms

38. age, size (mass) range of test organisms.

39. What does Biogenesis mean? The principle that living organisms develop only from other living organisms and not from nonliving matter

40. Terrestrial organisms Terrestrial organisms are exposed to added aluminum when alum sludges from DWTPs are applied to agricultural soils.

41. Organisms that Carnivores hunt are called prey

42. An Acetamide utilization test is performed for the distinction between the fermentative group of organisms and the oxidative group of organisms

43. Crinoids are neither abundant nor familiar organisms today

44. Unlike alive biotic organisms, Abiotic factors are nonliving

45. Many of these organisms are microscopic in size.

46. Biogenetic - of or relating to the production of living organisms from other living organisms Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

47. Allopatric is where organisms are geographically isolated causing reproductive isolation, sympatric is where organisms become reproductively isolated in the same environment

48. Archae are unicellular organisms that lack a nucleus

49. Alkaloids perform various physiological functions in living organisms

50. Calculating the Most Probable Number of Aerobic Organisms

51. Among the organisms, an actinomycete from the genus.

52. Lymphatic vessels also provide routes for disease organisms.

53. Biocides are substances that can destroy living organisms

54. There are no GMOs -- genetically modified organisms -- whatsoever.

55. Diatoms and other tiny organisms form Antarctic plankton.

56. Benthic organisms can be classified according to size

57. Biotic [ bī-ŏt ′ĭk ] Consisting of living organisms

58. Amebas are heterotrophic organisms that feed on bacteria

59. 15 Bezanik is diving to collect marine organisms.

60. In fact, individual organisms don't evolve at all.

61. 3 It often prepares organisms for associative learning.

62. In these carbonate factories, precipitation is biotically controlled by heterotrophic organisms, sometimes in association with photo-autotrophic organisms such as red algae.

63. Biogenic sedimentary rocks are rocks created from organisms

64. The living organisms of a region: the Biology …

65. Biomagnification: Pollution affects populations of organisms within ecosystems

66. -Inactive yeasts; other single-cell micro-organisms, dead:

67. The artificial reproduction of organisms... without sexual contact.

68. These disease-bearing organisms are known as vectors.

69. Bacteria are microscopic, single-celled organisms that exist in their millions, in every environment, both inside and outside other organisms. Some Bacteria are …

70. Fundamentals of Biometeorology, Interactions of Organisms and the Atmosphere

71. Biopolymers are macromolecules that are synthesized by living organisms

72. Organisms require both Biotic and aBiotic factors to survive.

73. Bioluminescence (bī'ōlo͞o'mĭnĕs`əns), production of light by living organisms

74. A related problem for aerobic organisms is oxidative stress.

75. This will affect other organisms in the food web.

76. Adverse air quality can kill many organisms including humans.

77. Diarrheal disease organisms get transmitted in basically three ways.

78. Pagon the aggregate of organisms contained in the ice covering a body of water; the organisms are usually in a state of Anabiosis

79. Codon usage frequency table tool shows commonly used genetic Codon chart in expression host organisms including Escherichia coli and other common host organisms.

80. Evolutionists say that the next step was for the ‘simple’ single-celled organisms such as the amoeba to develop into many-celled organisms.