Use "orderly sergeant" in a sentence

1. Sergeant Crease is a training Sergeant at Camp Elliott.

2. Sergeant, sidearm.

3. Staff sergeant.

4. The orderly confirmed that.

5. Form an orderly queue.

6. Sergeant Scheumann, captain.

7. Sergeant, Cruchot escaped

8. Gunnery Sergeant Beckett.

9. It's an orderly room.

10. Roger that, Gunnery Sergeant.

11. Please form an orderly queue.

12. Forget the bread, Sergeant.

13. She lost her voice, sergeant...

14. Sergeant, abort the dialling sequence.

15. Thank you, Sergeant- regimental adjutant

16. Sergeant likes his little joke.

17. Sergeant, how is Ritchie doing?

18. He was promoted to sergeant.

19. Oh, gosh, it's Sergeant Gosch.

20. I'll instruct my orderly to issue the pass.

21. To live in a stable and orderly community.

22. The tools were arranged in orderly rows.

23. His elder brother is a sergeant.

24. The captain bawled for the sergeant.

25. Sergeant, dial the Alpha site now

26. Sergeant, point those headlights this way.

27. There's nothing nostalgic about you, sergeant.

28. I'm a Japanese sergeant, Tanaka Eiketsu

29. You think a lot, Sergeant Leye.

30. He has been promoted to sergeant.

31. Sergeant Horvath, do an ammo check.

32. It is indeed an orderly religion.

33. The troops embarked in orderly fashion.

34. The sergeant was demoted to private.

35. "I'm only a sergeant," said Clements.

36. The sergeant will rig you out .

37. She lost her voice, sergeant... monsignor

38. Company Sergeant, you run position two.

39. The unit headed by Sergeant Bell.

40. Here people seem very orderly and polite.

41. All very neat and orderly, it seems.

42. The elections were conducted in an orderly fashion .

43. I know several kinds of waste, Sergeant.

44. What the hell's going on here, Sergeant?

45. As commanded, I yelled, “Yes, Sergeant Instructor.”

46. Chief of staff's quarters, Sergeant Aguirre speaking.

47. He was demoted from sergeant to corporal.

48. The sergeant was drilling the new recruits.

49. Sergeant, you got your men this far.

50. Sergeant Fredericks, get a razor and water.

51. Please leave the building in an orderly fashion.

52. Sergeant Stratton, you're a highly effective operative.

53. "Fall out, men!" shouted the sergeant-major.

54. The headstones were all erect and orderly.

55. The trees were very neat and orderly.

56. The sergeant bellowed orders at the platoon.

57. Nettles played detective sergeant Jim Bergerac, who …

58. Don't let it get to you, sergeant.

59. He was busted from sergeant to private.

60. The sergeant dressed down the new recruits.

61. "Company, fall in!" shouted the sergeant-major.

62. Ken passed the books to Sergeant Parrott.

63. She put the letters in three orderly piles.

64. Apoptosis is a more orderly process of cell death

65. My orderly had to roll me on the floor.

66. The sergeant barked an order to his squad.

67. The sergeant ordered his men to fall in.

68. Sergeant Andrews will escort you to your car.

69. 14 Ken passed the books to Sergeant Parrott.

70. The Gaijin were piling arms in an orderly fashion.

71. "It is rich, Aphoristic, orderly, and precise" (Clifford Allbutt)

72. They waited in a dignified and orderly manner outside the church.

73. 21 He has a part-time job as a hospital orderly.

74. Sergeant, tell them Indians to stop that yowling.

75. Laws are key to maintaining an orderly society.

76. His sidekick Sergeant Lewis is a Labour voter.

77. His conversation unhurriedly and clearly , orderly, very charming.

78. Sergeant laughed to see the commotion he'd caused.

79. The sergeant lifted an admonitory finger at us.

80. The sergeant Bawled [=shouted, yelled] at the soldier