Use "oppressive" in a sentence

1. Another oppressive night descended.

2. David’s rulership was not oppressive.

3. Their teaching became oppressive, condemnatory, negative.

4. Or a land of oppressive darkness?

5. Submission to God is never oppressive.

6. The political situation has grown increasingly oppressive.

7. The silence in the meeting was becoming oppressive.

8. 17 Oh, how oppressive this continual delirium is.

9. The silence between them started to grow oppressive.

10. 5 The political situation has grown increasingly oppressive.

11. Some of them appeared intolerant, fanatic, and cruelly oppressive.

12. When and how did oppressive rule have its start?

13. 3 It was even dimmer here, and more oppressive.

14. It lingers in the oppressive policies of foreign regimes.

15. The oppressive afternoon heat had quite tired him out.

16. The oppressive heat and humidity make that smell stronger.

17. Why was the reign of King David not oppressive?

18. She provided a religious front for their oppressive deeds.

19. Around them the darkness was absolute, the silence oppressive.

20. Burdensome definition is - imposing or constituting a burden : oppressive

21. The climate in Barquisimeto is hot, oppressive, and overcast

22. Same cinder block construction, low ceilings, oppressive fluorescent lighting.

23. By midday the irk of his pack became too oppressive.

24. We were unable to sleep because of the oppressive heat.

25. 17 The oppressive afternoon heat had quite tired him out.

26. Regulation can vary from laissez-faire to the oppressive and capricious.

27. In the eastern Pyrenees the high summer temperature can be oppressive.

28. The citizens of Kwangju rose in rebellion against the oppressive regime.

29. The country is in the grip of an extremely oppressive regime.

30. 18 Around them the darkness was absolute,( the silence oppressive.

31. They have worked in sleet, in downpours, in oppressive Washington heat.

32. 28 synonyms for Bossy: domineering, lordly, arrogant, authoritarian, oppressive, hectoring, autocratic

33. Oppressive and unrighteous economic systems will disappear.—2 Peter 3:13.

34. Hee Murong fatuity oppressive, heavy taxes, the people's pain, resentment everywhere.

35. Archconservatives like me shared the left’s fury at these oppressive multinational bureaucracies

36. Sometimes the night that surrounds us will appear oppressive, disheartening, and frightening.

37. The people are still struggling for liberation from a brutal, oppressive regime.

38. An excess of house plants in a small flat can be oppressive.

39. The new laws will be just as oppressive as those they replace.

40. They had all the evidence that a less oppressive environment was not effective.

41. Have you wondered why agelong empires of oppressive political rule have dominated mankind?

42. New, oppressive laws were brought in to restrict the freedom of the press.

43. Calling out, essentially, aims to get the oppressive person to stop their behavior

44. 2 Beginning in 1983, the oppressive grip on Jehovah’s Witnesses began to loosen.

45. The Royal Commission rejected that solution as too oppressive, smacking of government censorship.

46. Why was the good news able to make progress under those oppressive conditions?

47. And some of the most oppressive restrictions in Iran were lifted as a result.

48. Because of a very oppressive economic situation in Ghana, workers have been laid off.

49. Elders must be on the watch for such “oppressive wolves”! —Acts 20:29, 30.

50. Instead of feeling under an oppressive load, realize that “we all stumble many times.”

51. Under other circumstances she might have found it avuncular but now it was oppressive.

52. Antonyms for Blowy include calm, still, quiet, peaceful, windless, oppressive, heavy, difficult, becalmed and motionless

53. Synonyms for Burdensome include onerous, oppressive, troublesome, trying, crushing, irksome, weighty, difficult, exacting and harsh

54. Felix’s administration was so corrupt and oppressive that Emperor Nero recalled him in 58 C.E.

55. An authorial demeanour indicative of lofty, uncompromising Cerebration casts an oppressive shadow over all the essays

56. Political songs were written about him, complaining about his failure in war and his oppressive government.

57. No one seemed to mind the oppressive heat radiating from the tin roof over our heads.

58. After his “going away” (apparently in death), “oppressive wolves” would “not treat the flock with tenderness.”

59. She fails to heed the message that there will be a “finale” to her oppressive rule!

60. While Corporatism has proven problematic for many, given its role in various oppressive regimes in the

61. Oppressive: "The room's air was Broody and sullen, like the season's own, full of storm

62. States with capitalistic economic systems have thrived under political regimes deemed to be authoritarian or oppressive.

63. Nevertheless, these apprehension are in of economic crisis puissant and oppressive fell to become the history.

64. Androcles was a Roman slave who escaped from his oppressive master and started living in the jungles

65. At the very least, they could organize to fight the oppressive way in which science gets done.

66. Says Zephaniah 3:1, 2: “Woe to her that is rebelling and polluting herself, the oppressive city!

67. The profits made by those employed in other sectors of economic activity were similarly limited by oppressive taxation.

68. Indeed, one chronicler suggests that a rising against the oppressive behaviour of royal officials might easily have occurred.

69. That was not enough to compensate for the oppressive opulence of the dark panelling and heavy antique furniture.

70. This bill Acknowledges the struggle of the people of Tibet against the brutal and oppressive Chinese occupation

71. Concerning Jerusalem, Zephaniah had prophesied: “Woe to her that is rebelling and polluting herself, the oppressive city!

72. The day was unusually hot for late April and a still, almost oppressive air hung over the forest.

73. On the other hand, ordinary Judeans suffered under the burden of Roman taxation and their own oppressive countrymen.

74. An opposite movement occurs with the elements of oppressive heat and smell on that same momentous fourth floor.

75. The apostle Paul warned of “oppressive wolves” who would ignore theocratic order and pursue their own selfish way.

76. He especially warned them against “oppressive wolves” who would appear from among them and would mislead the disciples.

77. They face a lifelong struggle simply to survive in an oppressive commercial system in which “life becomes cheap.”

78. The burden of taxes, tolls, and duties levied on the common people is said to have been extremely oppressive.

79. Simply put, the Bourgeoisie is the oppressive class, which Karl Marx argued would be destroyed in the workers' revolution

80. That night John escaped from the oppressive gloom of Sloane Crescent and embarked on an evening-long drinking spree.