Use "opposed" in a sentence

1. Humanistic artists opposed asceticism with humanism, opposed theocracy with human rights.

2. Antiwar definition: opposed to a particular war, or opposed to all wars:

3. He actively opposed slavery.

4. He opposed public medicare.

5. Therefore, she opposed marriage for money, is opposed to the marriage as child's play.

6. Antarchistic: Opposed to all government

7. Counter-: ( kown'ter ), Opposite, opposed, against

8. As verbs the difference between Apposed and opposed is that Apposed is (appose) while opposed is (oppose)

9. Powerful Canaanite armies opposed them.

10. As verbs the difference between Apposed and opposed is that Apposed is (Appose) while opposed is (oppose)

11. They are totally opposed to abortion.

12. He opposed himself to the scheme.

13. He is stridently opposed to abortion.

14. Opposed mates sometimes accept the truth.

15. The country is opposed to war.

16. Contradictory (adjective): mutually opposed or inconsistent

17. Opposed to abortion: the Antiabortion movement.

18. Satan hated Jesus and opposed him.

19. MacArthur was opposed to such action.

20. 6 We hold diametrically opposed views.

21. Antislavery definition is - opposed to slavery

22. Is technology diametrically opposed to nature?

23. I'm strongly opposed to capital punishment.

24. I opposed myself to the training plan.

25. They remain fiercely opposed to outside intervention.

26. Environmental lobby groups successfully opposed the plan.

27. He was strongly opposed to the idea.

28. Senior Conservatives are opposed to the change.

29. Frankly speaking, I'm not opposed to reform.

30. He is passionately opposed to racial discrimination.

31. Hicks opposed abolitionists and supported slave owners.

32. They remain resolutely opposed to the idea.

33. 7 They opposed moving forward with deployment.

34. I am categorically opposed to animal testing.

35. They remained fundamentally opposed to the plan.

36. 11 I'm strongly opposed to capital punishment.

37. What does Atheological mean? Opposed to theology

38. Her family, however, strongly opposed the idea.

39. 5 I'm strongly opposed to capital punishment.

40. It is abundance, as opposed to scarcity.

41. Work is good, as opposed to laziness.

42. His motion was opposed by most members.

43. Public opinion was opposed to the war.

44. His parents are opposed to the match.

45. They are violently opposed to the idea.

46. 2 The two ideas are diametrically opposed.

47. She is emphatically opposed to the proposals.

48. Lieber supported the war while Hitchens opposed it.

49. No base element may be opposed to itself.

50. The Law Society vigorously opposed the restrictive amendment.

51. The Spaniard and the Indian are diametrically opposed.

52. Anti-Bananist: One who is opposed to bananas

53. Antinational (Adjective) Opposed to one's own nation; unpatriotic.

54. For Tolonen would be opposed to the scheme.

55. Antinational meaning Opposed to one's own nation; unpatriotic.

56. Two pairs of strain gauges are diametrically opposed.

57. Those opposed, if any, may manifest this too.

58. How was the transmission of the Bible opposed?

59. He found himself opposed by his own deputy.

60. Our previously opposed views are beginning to converge.

61. This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to strength.

62. The interplay of these conjoined yet opposed factors.

63. 8 Rahmer is opposed to abortion on demand.

64. We opposed the proposal but to no avail.

65. They had to bring together bitterly opposed forces.

66. 4 They remain resolutely opposed to the idea.

67. The war is generally opposed on the left.

68. 10 I am opposed to abortion on demand.

69. 16 I opposed myself to the training plan.

70. Under this Androcentric prejudice, the equal extension of education to women was opposed at every step, and is still opposed by many

71. Boughten: Commercially made; purchased, as opposed to homemade

72. Britain is Adamantly opposed to the new directive

73. His family were Adamantly opposed to the marriage

74. To what and whom is Satan viciously opposed?

75. Two twin domes, two radically opposed design cultures.

76. The United States remains resolutely opposed to this.

77. He struggled against those who opposed his plan.

78. Our views are diametrically opposed on this issue.

79. His family were adamantly opposed to the marriage.

80. The ban was initially opposed by the US.