Use "open sea" in a sentence

1. The frigate made for the open sea.

2. He headed northeast across the open sea.

3. The open sea is also an important habitat.

4. COSTAL AND HALOPHYTIC HABITATS Open sea and tidal areas

5. We left port and headed for the open sea .

6. Open-sea fish lay several million eggs each breeding season .

7. Beyond the coral reef the open sea was dark blue.

8. Most of these storms spin out over the open sea.

9. When we awoke, we were adrift on the open sea.

10. A shoal of fish swam past heading for the open sea .

11. Aquarists gently remove a bat ray from the Open Sea Exhibit for examination

12. Stultz relinquished the controls to Gordon, and Slim headed northeast across the open sea.

13. 34 Now you have been wrecked in the open sea, in the deep waters,+

14. But other brave mariners cast off their fears and took to the open sea.

15. It is screened from the open sea by the North Frisian Islands and the Halligen.

16. Me and Gunpei were gonna take off for the open sea, try to get home.

17. 3 When you threw me to the depths, into the heart of the open sea,

18. After picking up the doctor, I set out through the fjord into the open sea.

19. Icebergs are created when chunks of pack ice break free and float off into open sea.

20. They must find a path to the open sea through a shifting landscape of jagged sea-ice.

21. They will all sink in the heart of the open sea on the day of your downfall.

22. As the Romans sallied forth, the Carthaginians lowered their sails for battle and moved to the open sea.

23. In front a simple porch offered a spectacular vista of coconut-fringed beach, lagoon, and open sea beyond.

24. In particular, mangroves are the nurseries for huge numbers of tropical fish, which as adults live in the open sea.

25. 5 Then we navigated through the open sea along Ci·liʹcia and Pam·phylʹi·a and put into port at Myʹra in Lyʹci·a.

26. They do not fly to catch insects flying fish are largely oceanic and flying insects are rare over the open sea.

27. There have been many instances of marine wildlife (especially whales and sharks) entering the marina, because of its proximity to the open sea.

28. The southeastern part is the Vistula Lagoon, separated by the Vistula Spit and connected to the open sea by the Strait of Baltiysk.

29. "Calenture: Survival and Deception on the Open Sea" is a card game that's easy to bring with you, set-up, and teach others

30. Intercalated within these carbonate sands are thin clay layers, deposited in restricted lagoonal environments, when carbonate sands episodically emerged and were isolated from the open sea.

31. When the waters of the sea began to recede, a canal was dug so that the boats in Muynak harbor could have access to the open sea.

32. It is a special feature of Russia that it has few free outlets to the open sea other than on the ice-bound shores of the Arctic Ocean.

33. Archipelagos are usually found in the open sea; less commonly, a big landmass may neighbor them, an example being Scotland which has more than 700 islands surrounding the mainland.

34. In addition, alternative livelihood opportunities for the fishing communities in Palk Bay area are being offered through open sea cage farming, seaweed farming and other allied coastal fisheries activities.

35. An estuary is a partially enclosed coastal body of Brackish water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea

36. Besides feeding millions of people, the Mekong serves as a highway for craft of all sizes —small boats ferrying passengers, larger vessels carrying goods, and freighters steaming to and from the open sea.

37. In 1696 Kidd reluctantly became a privateer for England and was expected to fight pirates on the open sea, seize their cargoes, and provide a hefty share of the spoils to the Crown.

38. Once the task force reached open sea, Lexington's air group and the 18 Vought SB2U-3 Vindicators from Marine Scout Bombing Squadron 231 (VMSB-231) bound for Midway landed on the carrier's flight deck.

39. High content clay mineral shale, oil shale and marlite are the main source rocks for large oil or gas fields in the world, which formed in deep water slopes between platform and open sea.

40. The Sirens, Scylla And Charybdis, The Cattle Of The Sun / "After we were clear of the river Oceanus, and had got out into the open sea, we went on till we reached the Aeaean island

41. "After we were clear of the river Oceanus, and had got out into the open sea, we went on till we reached the Aeaean island where there is dawn and sun-rise as in other places.

42. Facing the dark open sea and silent of traffic, the village at night is a bubble of Conviviality.: It is these old men in their restrained Conviviality for whom she has a particular tendresse.: Breaking bread together is communion, community, the Conviviality of friendship.: Yet the clearly exhausted and jet-lagged international best-selling author radiates Conviviality.

43. The back-shoal area contains peloidal mudstones, algal-archaeocyathan biostromes (Girvanella) and increasingly tidal deposits (clastic and carbonatic) towards the east. (c) Isolated platform, aggraded to sea level, rimmed by slope deposits with slumps and breccia-beds in the southeast and northwest. (d) Isolated, flooded platform; barriers towards the open sea partly broke down. (e) Isolated platform with raised rims and deep interior, often with thick breccia-beds in uppermost parts. (f) Break-down of the platform (late Early Cambrian), marked by nodular limestones and limestoneshale intercalations. (g) Terrigenous clastics cover the former platform.