Use "onslaught" in a sentence

1. How can they survive this onslaught?

2. They survived an onslaught by tribesmen.

3. The onslaught continued into the second half.

4. Could my various injuries withstand the onslaught?

5. She could not withstand such a sudden onslaught.

6. Our army tried to withstand the enemy onslaught.

7. Half the regiment fell before the enemy onslaught.

8. Tom stood still, rather flustered by this onslaught.

9. The city resisted the enemy onslaught for two weeks.

10. 26 Half the regiment fell before the enemy onslaught.

11. In 471 Euric launched his first onslaught against Clermont.

12. Being trans means a daily onslaught of these misconceptions.

13. The town survives the onslaught of tourists every summer.

14. His strength did not avail against the hostile onslaught.

15. Did this onslaught bring the preaching activities to a halt?

16. Adverse side-effects are the inevitable outcome of such an onslaught.

17. The system of sharing broke under the onslaught of Western individualism.

18. Assault definition, a sudden, violent attack; onslaught: an Assault on tradition

19. The onslaught of Bluebottles, cause by a north-easterly wind, was likely to ease into a southerly over the next few days but experts say the onslaught of Bluebottles …

20. The other is the onslaught on the mind by mass junk entertainment.

21. The extent of that secret onslaught needs to be put on the record.

22. Now she was no longer prepared to accept this onslaught from the royal family.

23. He praised his wife for her dignity under the onslaught of the tabloid press.

24. The purge soon spread to an onslaught against oppositionists within the party itself.

25. To endure, sustain, or withstand without yielding or submitting: to Abide a vigorous onslaught

26. This mechanism, the novelist wrote, filters brain waves, protects the body from the onslaught of fear.

27. Some insurers even wonder whether their industry can remain solvent under this onslaught of mounting losses.

28. Despite an onslaught of cordless options, Corded reciprocating saws continue to be a relevant sector

29. Later, my four younger siblings and I barely escaped the onslaught of the Spanish flu.

30. 10 However, this great satirical onslaught on the Royal Family came to an abrupt end.

31. Martin did well to recover from the onslaught to go a break up in the third set.

32. Are we to assume then, that the similar onslaught on Peter Mandelson was purely for homophobic reasons?

33. At that time the little band of anointed ones were bracing themselves for the onslaught of persecution.

34. Their 1984-85 programming is a conservative Beachheading effort against the threatening onslaught of new video forms

35. None can withstand the fury of his onslaught , his armies are victorious everywhere and he occupies Kashmir .

36. Scotland's onslaught on Wales in the second half of the match earned them a 4-1 victory.

37. Supposedly tackling the question, Are men of genius irritable? it is in fact an onslaught on critics.

38. Afterthought was surprisingly well-armored, surviving a three-minute onslaught from Slap 'Em Sillyin Season 4.0

39. Moscow did not falter under the onslaught and their counter-attacking potential was a constant threat.

40. A sustained advertising onslaught will be required for growth to continue until an expected flotation in April 200

41. For centuries it has been a buttress against the onslaught of Chaos from the wastes to the north.

42. Awaiting them at the airport last Wednesday morning was an onslaught of cameras, microphones, flashbulbs and curious reporters

43. River organisms' ability to survive the disruption of floods was never evolved to withstand this kind of onslaught.

44. The rebels responded to a military onslaught against them by launching a major assault on an army camp.

45. The program is expected to run short of money when an onslaught of baby boomers become eligible.

46. Somehow the Aboriginals have managed to survive military onslaught and massacres as well as deliberate poisoning and even testing

47. The first blow in a fresh onslaught against the old enemy drought is being struck in the Emerald district.

48. Supposedly tackling the question,[] Are men of genius irritable? it is in fact an onslaught on critics.

49. It seemed to withstand the onslaught of bicycles, tricycles and roller skates with scarcely a scratch to show.

50. This onslaught won financial concessions but not the decisive part in the colonization of New Zealand which the company sought.

51. All Christians must prepare themselves to resist such an onslaught and the peer pressure associated with it. —Read Colossians 2:8.

52. The onslaught of pornography in all of its vicious, corroding, destructive forms has caused great grief, suffering, heartache, and destroyed marriages.

53. Marriage faces the same reductionistic onslaught which Besets man, and this is the reason, in an era of anthropological confusion—who and …

54. Constantinople had weathered the attack of the Christian Crusader army in 1204, but couldn’t fend off the onslaught of the Ottoman Turks

55. Keeping your circulatory system in working order, by, say, avoiding cigarettes and saturated fat, lessens the onslaught of age-related damage to the brain.

56. Onslaught remained in commission after VJ Day and in September 1945 was deployed for training duties at Portsmouth Gunnery School, HMS Excellent.

57. While all these words mean "to make an onslaught upon," Assail implies attempting to break down resistance by repeated blows or shots

58. The challenge for our Central Asian partners is to act to ensure that moderate views of assimilation and accommodation prevail amidst an onslaught of extremism.

59. The invasion of such matter generates an onslaught of inflammatory responses, recruiting several immune cells and proteins, including a special class of small cytokines called Chemokines.

60. Shenali Waduge wrote an op-ed in the Ministry of Defense website which reiterated the claims that civilians “provoked an onslaught”, that agent provocateurs were involved.

61. The percussions/drums are very good, makes it feel Adventurish, and I think it's perfect for the overworld map of Barbarian Onslaught: Secret of Steel

62. Cacodemon quantity Add to cart SKU: CW-U30 Categories: Cthulhu Wars , Cthulhu Wars: Onslaught 3 , Petersen Games Exclusive Tags: Cthulhu Wars Independents and Neutrals , Petersen Games Exclusive

63. Fantasy General II initially only had one faction throughout the lengthy Onslaught campaign.Now with Fantasy General II‘s new Empire Aflame DLC, you can follow the journey of …

64. The prophet next describes the swift and terrifying onslaught of these lionlike conquerers who will “grab hold of the prey,” that is, God’s nation, “and bring it safely away” into captivity.

65. 7 The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land notes that when the Babylonian onslaught was over, “the destruction of the city [Jerusalem] was a total one.” 1 Archaeologist W.

66. The only way to survive the onslaught is to make the issue matter as much in the voting booth to those who agree with you as it does to those who disagree.

67. As Pottermania strikes again with the release of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, the sixth book in the series, bookshops across the county are preparing for the inevitable Potter onslaught.

68. The fall of the Second Scythian Kingdom came about in the second half of the 3rd century BC under the onslaught of Celts and Thracians from the west and of Sarmatians from the east.

69. Babaganoush is one of those dishes that you can make in a big batch – partly as a coping mechanism as you come to terms with the onslaught of pumpkin – and freeze for the depths of winter …

70. 21 Indian restaurants are holding their own against the onslaught of a growing number of alternatives and the days when people will say "I could murder a few pints and a burrito" are still far, far away.

71. The Avocets in the water fly up and join another already harassing a herring gull, which circles the island in hungry curiosity, but the gull soon flies off in the face of the dive-bombing onslaught.

72. Adventures in Babysitting meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer in this funny, action-packed novel about a coven of witchy Babysitters who realize their calling to protect the innocent and save the world from an onslaught of evil

73. With the onslaught of information suppression increasing daily, TCW (In Today's Catholic World) thinks it prudent to provide its readers the opportunity to contribute to the maintenance [digital backup services] and proliferation of this True Catholic News site and its family of eighteen other Approbated sites.

74. We have reacted like frightened sheep to the onslaught of ads and Bombast from the likes of Sarah Palin, who catered to our racism in the face of a potential black president, and to our fears of making grandma "shovel ready" during the health care reform debates.

75. As nouns the difference between Aggress and assault is that Aggress is Aggression while assault is a violent onset or attack with physical means, as blows, weapons, etc; an onslaught; the rush or charge of an attacking force; onset; as, to make assault upon a man, a house, or a town

76. OPINION - Autopens Have you ever sent off an autograph request through the mail? When you got your card back have you ever questioned the authenticity of your signature? With the onslaught of requests (that a player just would not be able to keep up with) some atheletes have resorted to using an autopen

77. (10) The result was an onslaught of Belletristic theorising about what those standards should be--and thus where the 'Gothic', the novel, and the Protestant recasting of Catholic icons fit within them--from the periodical essays on aesthetics in Addison and Steele's Spectator and Tatler to the theorising about the 'Gothic' in Nathan Drake's

78. Those who are most vulnerable to the aggressive proselytizing of sects—a just cause for concern—and those who are incapable of resisting the onslaught of agnosticism, relativism and secularization are generally the baptized who remain insufficiently evangelized; they are easily influenced because their faith is weak, confused, easily shaken and naive, despite their innate religiosity.

79. As one of the most competitive franchises in the NHL, the Capitals are constantly challenging for a berth in the Stanley Cup Finals, Don't miss out on a chance to witness their latest onslaught of talent by purchasing Washington Capitals tickets now join with the crowd willing them to victory at the Verizon Center.

80. Ce type de proposition législative doit Cesser.: This is the kind of legislative proposal that has to stop.: Ce harcèlement est infondé et doit Cesser immédiatement.: There is no justification for this harassment and it must stop immediately.: L'assaut contre la population tchétchène doit Cesser.: The onslaught on the civilian population of Grozny must cease.