Use "one tenth" in a sentence

1. One tenth.

2. The sound reflected back in one tenth of a second.

3. The centimeter is one - tenth of the decimeter or one - hundredth of the meter.

4. The Iron Bank has called one tenth of the Crown's debts.

5. The actual budget was less than one tenth of the desired amount.

6. More than one tenth of the teachers also answered in the affirmative.

7. "Measure every tenth one to make sure things aren't going Awry"

8. 1-7 Androstenedione has approximately one tenth of the androgenic potency of testosterone

9. The Tenth Plague

10. We should be talking about half, a quarter, one- tenth the energy content.

11. One-tenth the size of Lima, Arequipa is its pugnacious equal in terms of …

12. It's our tenth anniversary.

13. 21 The Tenth Plague

14. The Measles Initiative, which recently noted its one Billionth vaccination, marked its tenth anniversary in 2011

15. Today is her tenth birthday.

16. And over the past ten years net exports accounted average for one - tenth of its growth.

17. * In a globular cluster, the stars are packed tightly, about one tenth of a light-year apart.

18. It takes just one-tenth of a second for someone to judge and make their first impression.

19. A Tithe Is a Tenth Part

20. Questions: What was the tenth plague?

21. Europa is internally active due to tidal heating at a level about one-tenth that of Io.

22. Currently, India’s per capita energy consumption is almost one tenth of that of some of the advanced countries.

23. My birthday is on the tenth .

24. Manufacturers shall use calibrated measuring equipment capable of measurements accurate to one-tenth of a watt or better

25. ~Asterisk~ is ORANGE RANGE's tenth single

26. Bacterial cells are about one-tenth the size of eukaryotic cells and are typically 0.5–5.0 micrometres in length.

27. He has just published his tenth novel.

28. Annapurna is only the tenth tallest mountain in the world, but it ranks as one of the most dangerous

29. He receives a tenth of the profits.

30. Unlike the Isaiah Scroll, most are represented only by fragments, containing less than one tenth of any given book.

31. On the tenth tee, he took one of his Whiplash swings, complete with a grunt and a double follow-through.

32. Its influence remained preponderant until the tenth century.

33. Very cheaply, at a tenth of the price

34. I'm planning to leave on the tenth .

35. I rode up to the tenth floor.

36. He plunged from a tenth floor window.

37. A dime is a tenth of a dollar.

38. October is the tenth month of a year.

39. What did the tenth commandment prohibit, and why?

40. “Bring All the Tenth Parts Into the Storehouse”

41. Angstrom definition, a unit of length, equal to one tenth of a millimicron, or one ten millionth of a millimeter, primarily used to express electromagnetic wavelengths

42. Capricorn is the tenth sign in the Zodiac, ruled by the planet Saturn, and ruling the Tenth House.Capricorn symbolizes productivity, achievement, and responsibility

43. Must be the tenth alienist they've put on Williams.

44. At that Abram gave him a tenth of everything.

45. The Parliament was prorogued to the tenth of February.

46. Burning less than one tenth the fuel of a helicopter per ton, the Hybrid Airship will redefine sustainability for the future.

47. At that Abram gave him a tenth of everything.”

48. 18 An intelligent computer, he quipped, would require "8 Einsteins and one-tenth of the resources of the Manhattan Project" to construct.

49. Antepon 46 SAMPLE POINT EJEMPIO 45 13 potnt and estim 12 3 (one tenth 2 Read large and estimate te 456 (one tenth WHEN REPORT loomo METER LIES WHEN REPORTI 12 METER SQUARE IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICACIÖN DE CUADRtCULA DE 100,000 METROS AA BA 200 GRID ZONE DESIGNATION Coop Apaneca to

50. An Arabic translation of the Gospels, tenth century C.E.

51. The leading car crashed midway through the tenth lap.

52. What floor is ABC on? --The tenth floor. ABC.

53. The team chalked up their tenth win this season.

54. It was theorized that one tenth of that figure, or 10 milliwatts (10,000 microwatts) per square centimeter, should be a safe figure.

55. No improvement was found after the tenth day of treatment.

56. That makes the tenth time he's failed his driving test!

57. This is his tenth year of working for the company.

58. The human and mouse eggs are about one tenth of a millimetre in diameter and are just visible to the naked eye.

59. Levites to receive and to give a tenth (20-32)

60. The Society is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year.

61. The jurors looked haggard on their tenth day of deliberations.

62. But the tenth commandment is different from all the rest.

63. Bels, or more commonly decibels (one tenth of a bel), measure relative loudness, whereas hertz measure the pitch, or frequency, of a sound.

64. 1 The Parliament was prorogued to the tenth of February.

65. Annapurna I is actually the tenth highest mountain in the world

66. The tenth instalment claimants filed losses aggregating Kuwaiti dinars (“KWD”) # (approximately

67. Newfoundland, finally, became the tenth province after a plebiscite in 19


69. Lunar year Mui Wu, 6th day of the tenth month, Noon

70. You could still hear the prompter in the tenth row.

71. And tenth , regulation has to be comprehensive across financial institutions .

72. Over a tenth of the population have secure, undemanding jobs.

73. And since Coveting cannot be regulated externally, this tenth commandment shows …

74. Coming from a tenth place the American driver won the race.

75. Biofuels do not benefit the climate nearly as much as wind or solar energy systems, yielding only one-tenth the energy per square meter.

76. It all takes place in a tenth of a millisecond.

77. The first Aqueducts were built as early as the tenth century b.c

78. When the tenth bit is not set, microprocessor instructions perform legacy functions.

79. Each sand grain is about a tenth of a millimeter in size.

80. Among these were 45 Bible manuscripts dating earlier than the tenth century.