Use "once a month" in a sentence

1. Complimentary delousing once a month.

2. We meet regularly, once a month.

3. We eat out about once a month.

4. They usually get together once a month.

5. I wax the floor once a month.

6. They would dine out together once a month.

7. You will cut your hair once a month.

8. The magazine publishes a quiz once a month.

9. He needs to inject himself once a month.

10. We update the schedule at least once a month.

11. His sister gave him a manicure once a month.

12. We had to attend a briefing once a month.

13. Once a month your body becomes capable of conceiving a child.

14. Contract is with the remuneration of dating Rose once a month.

15. Bangalow Garden Club meets once a month from February to December

16. Once a month, when you leave the kids'cancer ward, your eyes glisten.

17. We get together once a month for a mutual exchange of ideas.

18. The agreement provided that the two sides should meet once a month.

19. These gentlemen meet once a month at the Covenant Club in Brooklyn.

20. 9 The landlady came around once a month to collect the rent.

21. Even the Thespians who gave amateur plays once a month Clamored for her.

22. Once a month you receive your accumulated revenue share to your PayPal account.

23. You should Backwash your DE pool filter about once a month during pool season

24. In the case of Borates levels, checking it once a month should be enough

25. The accumulator was very heavy and had to be charged about once a month.

26. 3 The board of governors meet/meets once a month to discuss school policy.

27. There are mood swings, fluid retention, and once a month you'll bleed from your vagina.

28. He lives on an island off Scotland, but travels to the mainland once a month.

29. You see, once a month you grow a massive cock and become aggressively, Animalistically horny.

30. About once a month I rub wax into the table to keep it in good condition.

31. By default, Windows 7's Backup and Restore runs once a month, while File History on

32. Ayurveda Recommends a warm oil massage once a month to keep the body clean and balanced

33. Your revenue will be paid out once a month with a transfer to your bank account.

34. The Bookmobile will visit each housing and rural site once a month for a 2 hour period

35. The stop loss is adjusted once a month on the basis of the current level of funding.

36. Cloud Storage provides fast, low-cost, highly durable storage for data accessed less than once a month

37. Quotations ▼ Fred is becoming a Bum - he's not even bothering to work more than once a month.

38. Your revenue will be paid out once a month through a wire transfer to your bank account.

39. Once a month we met for the whole day, and in rotation each one led the group.

40. Therefore, use a pressure gauge to monitor tire pressure, and do so at least once a month.

41. Navy Links Commonly used (Need to log into these websites once a month - in Red) APPLY/JO-APPLY-

42. She visited me as often as possible in prison and sent me a food parcel once a month.

43. Then, once a month, the congregation’s combined preaching report is tabulated and sent to the Society’s branch office.

44. The typical AIDS patient comes into his office at least once a month, needing tests, treatments, even hospitalization.

45. Check this to set the volume accounting to zero. Typically you will want to do this once a month

46. Biweekly mortgage payments are a way to schedule your payments to happen every two weeks instead of once a month

47. The ovaries will begin to produce their eggs and discharge them, normally one at a time about once a month.

48. This means that once a month in its orbit, the moon reaches its closest point to Earth, known as its perigee.

49. A Biweekly mortgage is a mortgage product that allows the borrower to make payments every two weeks rather than once a month

50. Nearly a quarter of men clean out their cars once a month whereas nearly three in four women do it less frequently.

51. Each Committee is headed by a Council Member (the Chair), includes at least five members, and meets at least once a month

52. They even danced round the Maypole once a month, wearing masks, worshiping god knows what, Whites and Indians together all going for broke.

53. Croaker's Spot Norfolk - 600 West 35th Street, Norfolk, VA 23508 - Rated 4.5 based on 1 Review "I’m there at least once a month

54. While a man continually makes sperm, day-after-day and night-after-night, A woman only releases an egg once a month for fertilization

55. We met in small groups, and once a month, we held larger gatherings in the Entebbe Botanical Gardens, disguising the occasions as a party.

56. Pour water over the top of the soil until it drains out the Bottom once a month, just to rinse the soil and remove the excess minerals.

57. / ˈbæŋ.kwət / a large formal meal for many people, often followed by speeches in honour of someone: Medieval Banquets are held in the castle once a month.

58. Fee Credits for removed listings will be credited to your account once a month, so you might have to wait until your next invoice to see the credit

59. Under normal usage, batteries should be Calibrated a minimum of once every 3 months; however, a battery that is rarely discharged fully should be Calibrated about once a month

60. Once a month, I addressed the Canvassers — high school and college kids in oversize sweat shirts and dreadlocks who walked door to do to raise money for the cause

61. Bathe your puppy once a week for the first three or four weeks, then once a month until they are six months old, then at least twice a year after

62. Living in tents on mainly tinned produce, once a month Fossey would hike down the mountain to "Lily" and make the two-hour drive to the village of Kikumba to restock.

63. How much grooming do Akitas need? To prevent matting problems, the coat should be brushed 2 to 3 times every week, once a month bath, regular brushing of the teeth and trimming of its nails.

64. Although you wash the dishes and clean the stove and countertops daily, every so often —perhaps at least once a month— it is necessary to do a more thorough cleaning, such as behind the appliances and under the sink.

65. The present invention relates to pharmaceutical compositions for preventing or treating osteoporosis, which comprise bisphosphonate-based compounds such as risedronic acids or the salts thereof, ibandronic acids or the salts thereof, or the like, and high-dose cholecalciferol, and which are to be administered once a month.

66. An employer should pro-actively and regularly, Advisably once a month or less, monitor the status of an electronically filed labor certification application via the Permanent Case Management System, and compare its filing date, i.e., the date the application was submitted for processing, to the PERM processing times posted on the iCERT Visa

67. 1364 reviews of Kabul Afghan Cuisine "Since this is the only Afghan cuisine I've ever had (with the possible exception of an Afghan-wearing coworker who used to make me dinner once a month back in Oberlin--everything was steamed), all my comments should be taken with a grain of salt.

68. The duty of the heir towards the deceased in the first year consists in his giving sixteen banquets , where every guest in addition to his Duties of the heir towards the deceased food receives alms also , viz . on the fifteenth and sixteenth days after death ; further , once a month during the whole year .

69. The High Council, with a view to increasing its productivity, may invite high-level officials of other public institutions or representatives of non-governmental organizations which carry out activities in the field of human rights, as well as academicians who specialize in human rights, to participate in its meetings, which are held once a month.

70. Abbreviated Maslach Burnout Inventory STEP 1: Complete the Abbreviated Maslach Inventory For each statement, mark the box that most accurately reflects your response: !! Every day A few times a week Once a week A few times a month Once a month or less A few times a year Never I deal very effectively with the

71. Did you know that by identifying Bumblebee species you can help us to conserve them? You can do this by adding your Bumblebee sightings to the online wildlife recording survey iRecord, or by signing up for BeeWalk, our national monitoring scheme where you walk a short local transect once a month, recording the Bumblebees you see along the way.

72. Carolina Admires (Assisting in Development and Mentoring an Innovative Research Experience in Science) is a program designed for 8th and 9th grade students who have an interest in science and would like to learn more about what a future career in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines would bring.Meetings are approximately once a month on Saturday mornings