Use "on time" in a sentence

1. I believe starting on time, and I believe closing on time.

2. Waste collection on time.

3. Right on time, Saul.

4. I've never boarded on time...

5. shipment will arrive on time.

6. I will finish on time.

7. They kicked off on time.

8. Fortunately the train was on time.

9. The plane arrived right on time.

10. The train arrived bang on time .

11. The train arrived right on time .

12. The bus came right on time.

13. 1 Jehovah is always on time.

14. The buses don't come on time.

15. 32 The Article Came on Time

16. And the project was finished on time.

17. She's agitated about getting there on time.

18. To our astonishment, they arrived on time.

19. 9 Did Philip pay up on time?

20. The alarm clock awoke me on time.

21. They worked frantically to finish on time.

22. Barring accidents, we should arrive on time

23. Don't fret, we'll get there on time.

24. I cannot ensure his being on time.

25. Barring accidents, we should arrive on time.

26. The train pulled out exactly on time.

27. I've paid my dues on time, ( Laughter )

28. Do they all get there on time?

29. She always pays her bills on time.

30. The train pulled in right on time.

31. The train pulled in exactly on time.

32. He's meticulous in attending meetings on time.

33. Don't worry! I shall awake him on time.

34. Getting everyone there on time might prove problematic.

35. Our train pulled into Beijing Station on time.

36. 1 Chill out! We'll get there on time!

37. Organize yourself to arrive at places on time.

38. Everyone's working flat out to finish on time.

39. He laboured to finish the job on time.

40. You think Sucre make the drop on time?

41. 22 The train pulled in exactly on time.

42. 6 The train pulled out exactly on time.

43. He made an effort to arrive on time.

44. She did her utmost to finish on time.

45. It is travel in time, travel on time.

46. He would've been on time for his midterm.

47. Every citizen should pay direct tax on time.

48. Fat chance I can get there on time.

49. 15 The alarm clock awoke me on time.

50. Each day, right on time, the bomb craters appear.

51. I'm hopeful that they'll fulfil the task on time.

52. I will make every effort to arrive on time.

53. With a bit of luck, we'll finish on time.

54. Stop fussing about; the bus will arrive on time.

55. 12 Please make every endeavour to arrive on time.

56. You can't depend on the train arriving on time.

57. Last year, the rains came on time in April.

58. The Big Ben is famous as its on time.

59. Tenants are obligated to pay their rent on time.

60. You can figure on him to be on time.

61. 10 Organize yourself to arrive at places on time.

62. Hopefully, we will get to the show on time.

63. We must bestir ourselves to get there on time.

64. (ii) non-renewal of visa/labour permit on time;

65. He was banking on the train being on time.

66. Even soldiers have to get to work on time.

67. You can never depend on his arriving on time.

68. Despite the odd hold-up, we finished on time.

69. For once you leave bang on time for work.

70. Make a practice of being on time for work.

71. Getting to the airport on time was A close call.

72. Effective Autoclaving will depend on time, temperature, and steam penetration.

73. And pay on time to keep your credit rating solid .

74. Don't fluster me, or I'll never be ready on time.

75. 4 She never gets anywhere on time. She's hopelessly disorganized.

76. " Cale frequently does not complete his field reports on time. "

77. "Can he pay off his debts on time?" I queried.

78. 26 I'm hopeful that they'll fulfil the task on time.

79. We bent over backwards to get it finished on time.

80. Rainy weather Bodes ill for our flight leaving on time