Use "on the level" in a sentence

1. It was on the level tonight.

2. I'm not convinced he's on the level.

3. This is all on the level, right?

4. Welcome to the presentation on the Level two exponents.

5. Are you sure this deal is on the level?

6. Do you think his offer is on the level?

7. John-117 encounters a Knight Battlewagon on the level Shutdown

8. As the morning wore on the level of vitriol rose.

9. I'd like to help, but I can't on the level!

10. She was either on the level or a damn good actress.

11. Fantastic, totaly on the level of what we saw in that trailer.

12. The course material depends on the level of ability of the student.

13. On the level of the ground little archways sometimes passthrough this Breastwork…

14. In general, pedestrians prefer to walk on the level and by direct routes.

15. Unions and management seem ready to compromise on the level of the pay increase.

16. In the former the outcome will depend on the level of sales actually achieved.

17. The effects of bed rest depend on the level and kind of previous physical activity.

18. Overall processing severity depends on the level of halogenated pollutants present in the waste oil.

19. Adams wasn't an innovator on the level of Bruce Springsteen , or even John Cougar Mellencamp.

20. Earth Dances is stunning simply on the level of virtuosic deployment of a large orchestra.

21. Evidence of the predicted Brutalization effect on the level of stranger homicides is observed, however

22. It seems too good to be true. Are you sure this guy's on the level?

23. Ativan also has affinity for GABA receptors, which perpetuates its effects on the level of consciousness

24. An Adjudicator's salary varies depending on the level of government for which he or she works

25. Mitigation and adaptation capabilities of countries may vary depending on the level of their economic development

26. A high-school or college team that competes in interschool sports on the level below varsity.

27. You're the only person mixed up in this business whom I believe to be on the level.

28. Lake Tana has a number of islands, whose number varies depending on the level of the lake.

29. 17 Adams wasn't an innovator on the level of Bruce Springsteen ,[] or even John Cougar Mellencamp.

30. She was tall, tall enough to meet Fergus Wolff's eyes on the level, much taller than Roland.

31. A well designed Aeration system has a direct impact on the level of wastewater treatment it achieves

32. The use of brass is, as such, indispensable during distillation (mainly on the level of the alembic lid).

33. Move the Blocks in one line to make them disappear until any block is left on the level

34. Depending on the level of exposure, the effects range from clinically unnoticeable to severe brain damage and even death.

35. Wayne's account of his ordeal was published in On the Level, the quarterly journal of the multi-storey freaks.

36. He was obviously satisfied that I was on the level and reserved two birds on the spot, £35 each.

37. Effect of the carmine spider mite (Acarida: Tetranychidae) infestation and mechanical injury on the level of ABA in tomato plants

38. “If teens measure their social worth based on the level of electronic communication activity with friends, this can fuel addiction.”

39. Increasing the number of patrol cars on the street has not had any effect on the level of serious crime.

40. But he will have to persuade the Democrats that he is on the level before he can get very far.

41. Which method you choose will depend on the level of accuracy and detail that you’d like from your A/B test.

42. For those afflicted with the notion that national politics is on the level and two-dimensional, the following yarn is logical.

43. It always consists of a Bionic hand or partial hand and, depending on the level of amputation, may also include a …

44. On the level of ideology the Conservative Government has attempted to tackle not only a crisis of legitimation but also of motivation.

45. The vinyl release of "Tryland" is good, too, if not quite on the level of the first five Cores EPs

46. California’s Blueprint for reopening has criteria for loosening and tightening restrictions on activities based on the level of spread of COVID-19

47. Backgrounding arrangements may vary depending on the level of risk the Backgrounding provider and the pastoralist are willing to negotiate and agree on

48. When a person is Affected by an event, that often means that the effect is mainly on the level of emotion or psychology

49. On each side of the Bema and on the level of the Agora were two waiting rooms with mosaic floors and marble benches.

50. Photonic lattices are a kind of minuteness optics dielectric structure which its space measure is on the level of the wavelength of light-wave.

51. Depending on the level of economic integration , trade Blocs can be classified as preferential trading areas , free-trade areas , customs unions , common markets , or

52. Professional staff Apsaras’ services are well-handled by professional personnel and is always on the level of high standards, assisting our customers to the fullest.

53. On the level of the ground little archways sometimes passthrough this Breastwork, by which means the defenders can crawl outto the stockade and reconnoitre their enemies

54. 27 And on the level vegetable lands are the mile-long rows of pale green lettuce and the spindly little cauliflowers,( the gray-green unearthly artichoke plants.

55. Caddies are independent contractors and the amount of compensation shall be determined by and between the caddie and the golfer based on the level of service provided by the caddie

56. Commandership requires the artful application of the appropriate decision-making and influence techniques based on the level of complexity of the problem to address the root cause of the problem

57. While we are on the level of general theory, let me point out that restraining competition in resource use is costly, and these costs are somewhat misleadingly called transaction costs.

58. Recognizing Jewish indebtedness to Christianity, especially on the level of popular piety, is often much more difficult, Beclouded by a long history of martyrdom, persecution, and unwanted, often forced, missionary efforts

59. Astragals have an upper and lower bolt that may be available in various lengths depending on the level of security and various configurations for operation, including slide, flip and push button

60. It is only on coming to the surface on the level of analytical thought that they divide into two distinct streams taking different courses , known under the name of the Hindu and Muslim religions .

61. Strophes of full song were related to 4 kinds of HR curves: a) an acceleration; b) an abrupt deceleration; c) a steady HR on the level of the resting HR values; d) a biphasic course.

62. Quartz Orb Baldrics were first released during Ebon Gate 2017 at Sorcerer Sartorial and have the ability to hold up to four heavy quartz orb charges depending on the level of unlocking (one charge per tier)

63. Empty Boosterism is fine on the level of bands playing house parties, but it feels almost cruel to watch its effects on suddenly "important" young bands in 2007 and depressing to watch its effects on the musical landscape of 2007

64. The apparatus (3) contains a degassing chamber (7) with a floater (8) that closes the lower admission (10) with a sealing cone (9) and that controls with an actuating pin (11) an inlet valve (12) depending on the level of fuel in the chamber.

65. The Bequeathing causes a Keyblade to choose the person being Bequeathed, and it only works if the person performing the Bequeathing is on the level of a Keyblade Master and if the person being Bequeathed has a strong enough heart to be able to wield a Keyblade.

66. In 2008, by means of Resolution 125/2008 (41) the GOA established a formula on the basis of which to calculate a fixed amount of export tax, depending on the level of the official FOB price fixed by the Government (Ministry of Agribusiness) on a daily basis.

67. ‘Another Counterstory is to be found in the volume where one would look for it, in Vinter-Eventyr, her book of intertextuality on the level of work to work.’ ‘At times to clarify understanding of the perceived Counterstory, the witness will do a story check with the lost person.’

68. The improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio and the contrast-amplification leads to a sensitivity at least 10 times greater for the system of the visual cells 1–6 than for the visual cells 7 and 8 when these are compared on the level of the lamina ganglionaris.

69. Is unable to opine on the level of the staff absenteeism due to sick-leave because of the poor report provided by the Committee on that matter; calls on the Committee to report on its staff's sick leave divided by the number of working days on sick leave per individual member of staff;