Use "omens" in a sentence

1. Such omens betide no good.

2. The omens betide better results.

3. The omens for the game are still not propitious.

4. They worry about curses, omens, charms, and fetishes.

5. 5 And continue to pay heed to the omens.

6. They saw signs and omens of this new dispensation everywhere.

7. Bonis avibus definition is - with good birds : under favorable omens.

8. No mortal man can win this day (it's a kind of magic) by Anchoret Fandoms: Good Omens (TV) , Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett , Harry Potter - …

9. Augury definition is - divination from auspices or omens; also : an instance of this

10. However, “associated religious texts, both omina [omens] and astrology . . . , played a large part.”

11. With Christian times, the omens of the pagan Augurers lost their import

12. Augurers: augurs, priests who read the omens, especially the entrails of animals

13. Synonyms for Auguries include prophecies, predictions, heralds, omens, prognostication, promise, signs, soothsayings, tokens and warnings

14. Last week these sanguinary omens may be presumed to have fired his brain afresh.

15. 15 The augur's skill didn't consist in luck with the omens,( but in reading them right.

16. The augur's skill didn't consist in luck with the omens, but in reading them right.

17. A Shinto-style wooden roof hangs overhead and good-luck omens are buried under the ring.

18. The practice of spiritism may consist of consulting a spirit medium, inquiring of the dead, or looking for omens.

19. Augury, the art of interpreting omens, is the attempt to discover divine will in phenomena of animate nature

20. WALTER MAUNDER They were simply the compilation of lists of crude Astrological omens, of the most foolish and unreasoning kind

21. An Augur is an individual charged with observing and interpreting omens in order to provide guidance for future events

22. 25 Dougal could read meaning into the meaningless, like a priest finding omens in the steaming entrails of a sacrificed animal.

23. Augury is the practice of auguring —attempting to predict the future based on interpreting omens or in some other mystical way

24. Aye-Ayes are also hunted or killed outright by native Malagasy, as they are regarded both as crop pests and bad omens

25. An Auspice is literally "one who looks at birds", a diviner who reads omens from the observed flight of birds.

26. Some of these forms are divination, magic, looking for omens, sorcery, binding with spells, consulting mediums, and inquiring of the dead.

27. Often the Apodoses of Mesopotamian omens weren’t taken too literally; diviners and ritual specialists used a kind of binary system, “good” vs

28. Bibant, quoniam esse nolunt, bitches!!! Meanwhile in the flagship, Pulcher performed the inspection of the omens for the battle, according to Roman religious tradition

29. Some forms of divination are astrology, the use of tarot cards, crystal gazing, palmistry, and the search for mysterious omens, or signs, in dreams.

30. + 6 And he made his own son pass through the fire; he practiced magic, looked for omens,+ and appointed spirit mediums and fortune-tellers.

31. When Joseph confronted his brothers, he continued with his subterfuge, asking them: “Did you not know that such a man as I am can expertly read omens?”

32. “He made his own son pass through the fire, and he practiced magic and looked for omens and made spirit mediums and professional foretellers of events.

33. An Assyriologist can go from reading a love poem or a tale of the deeds of a mythical king or a deity, to medical texts on epilepsy or omens about …

34. “Auguries” means omens or divinations, and “Innocence,” according to the subtitle of Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience (1794), is one of the two contrary states of the human

35. Historically, Albatross were seen by sailors as omens of good luck, and initially the Albatross symbolizes this to the sailors when it appears just as a wind picks up to move the ship.

36. 38 If looking to the heavens for signs and omens about the future seems intangible, there are other more immediate and easily accessible ways available to those who dabble in the art of divination.

37. L'année 2003 commence sous de bien tristes Augures.: The omens at the start of 2003 are very sad.: Mais là encore, le Directeur considérait que les Augures étaient favorables.: But here again, he believed that the omens were equally good.: Il intègre ensuite le collège des Augures.: He later entered the college of the augurs.: Il devrait rougir de honte, ou rire comme les Augures de l

38. Conjecture - First meant "the interpretation of omens or signs" or "divination," and it literally means "to throw together," that is, to produce a theory by putting together a number of facts

39. Conjecture - First meant "the interpretation of omens or signs" or "divination," and it literally means "to throw together," that is, to produce a theory by putting together a number of facts

40. + 17 They also made their sons and their daughters pass through the fire,+ they practiced divination+ and looked for omens, and they kept devoting* themselves to do what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, to offend him.

41. The Aruspex is said to have shown to Decius the head of the liver wounded on the side relating to himself, in other respects the victim was acceptable to the gods; whilst Manlius obtained highly favourable omens from his sacrifice

42. “In ancient times people . . . looked upon celestial objects as abodes or omens of the Gods and thus intimately connected with events here on earth; they had no concept of the vast distances from the earth to the planets and stars.

43. What is more, “they continued to make their sons and their daughters pass through the fire and to practice divination and to look for omens, and they kept selling themselves to do what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, to offend him.”

44. Since learning this truth, many who were once shackled to superstitious rituals concerning the dead no longer worry about curses, omens, charms, and fetishes, nor do they offer costly sacrifices to appease their ancestors and prevent them from returning to haunt the living.

45. The Aruspices (priests who inspected the entrails of birds, etc., to draw omens of the gods’ will or temper from their appearance), being consulted, answered that the public ceremonies had been neglected, the holy places profaned, and frightful calamities decreed in consequence

46. Contemplate is from Latin contemplatus, past participle of contemplari "to gaze attentively, observe," from the prefix com- "together" plus templum "temple." The original meaning of Latin contemplari was "to mark out a space for observing auguries or omens," and …

47. ‘It might be Codswallop, but I was in bad need of positive omens.’ ‘Unfortunately, the book itself is regarded by genuine historians as Codswallop.’ ‘This unspeakable piece of Codswallop pretty much sums up the worst of New York journalism for me.’ ‘What a load of unadulterated, self serving Codswallop!’

48. + 10 There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire,+ anyone who employs divination,+ anyone practicing magic,+ anyone who looks for omens,+ a sorcerer,+ 11 anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit medium+ or a fortune-teller,+ or anyone who inquires of the dead.

49. The riddle was not such as all can read, But gave thy art fair opportunity, Yet neither inspiration served thee then, Nor omens, but I, skilless Oedipus, Out of my ignorance confounded her, By my own wit, unhelped by auguries; I, whom thou now Conspirest to depose, Hoping that thou wilt stand by …

50. In the religion of ancient Rome, a haruspex (plural hAruspices; also called aruspex) was a person trained to practise a form of divination called haruspicy (haruspicina), the inspection of the entrails (exta—hence also extispicy (extispicium)) of sacrificed animals, especially the livers of sacrificed sheep and poultry.The reading of omens specifically from the liver is also known by the

51. Anathematizer: The Anathema of Zos: The Sermon of the Hypocrite: Asian Man Records: Amorphis: And I beheld the lack of embrace, and the strife was ever-present: Celtic Frost: Book of Kells: Maranatha: Bête noire: Anathematization: Good Omens: The Strong Programme: trichotomy law: Bell, book, and candle: 1 Corinthians 12: Romans 9: DVD region

52. The series includes omens of public Apodoses (mostly tablets 1–17), “If a woman gives birth, and at birth (the child) is already as white as alabaster—end of the reign; omen of a despotic king,” and private Apodoses (mostly tablets 18–24), “If a woman gives birth to an ecstatic [maḫḫu], male or female, she has been impregnated

53. Auspices (n.) plural (and now the usual form) of auspice (1530s), "observation of birds for the purpose of taking omens," from French auspice (14c.), from Latin auspicum "divination from the flight of birds; function of an auspex" (q.v.).Meaning "any indication of the future (especially favorable)" is from 1650s; earlier (1630s) in extended sense of "benevolent influence of greater power

54. Auspices (n.) plural (and now the usual form) of Auspice (1530s), "observation of birds for the purpose of taking omens," from French Auspice (14c.), from Latin auspicum "divination from the flight of birds; function of an auspex" (q.v.).Meaning "any indication of the future (especially favorable)" is from 1650s; earlier (1630s) in extended sense of "benevolent influence of greater power

55. Augur (n.) 1540s, from Latin Augur, a religious official in ancient Rome who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens, perhaps originally meaning "an increase in crops enacted in ritual," in which case it probably is from Old Latin *augos (genitive *augeris) "increase," and is related to augere "increase," from PIE root *aug-(1) "to increase."