Use "old and tried" in a sentence

1. He tried to palm off his old books onto me.

2. That old bastard thinks Hasan tried to kidnap his grandson.

3. She tried to bullshit me into buying her old computer.

4. The man tried to gull the old woman out of her money.

5. Jones always tried to play off poor old Smith ; who stammered badly.

6. The old days when I tried everything to get closer to her.

7. The old woman looked directly at the boy and he tried to avoid her searching glance.

8. The whole country had tried to efface the memory of the old dictatorship.

9. Once, an old man to stay in the village, and people are to the mountain, they tried to run to a mountain man is not old,(sentence dictionary) insisted.

10. A father was secretly filmed as he tried to smother his six-week-old son in hospital.

11. Age old Organics seeks to combine the tried and true “Age old” methods of gardening and growing healthy plants, while incorporating specific technologies and modern improvements so long as they present sustainable solutions.

12. Tried, found guilty/Adjourned: tfgawo: tried, found guilty/absten war: tfgdv: tried and found gulty to a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence: tfgi&s: tried and found guilty/invest and adjo: tfgr&s: tried and found guilty/review and adjo: tfgsi: tried and found guilt/sent.imposed: tfgyo: …

13. Anyone Lyrics: Uh, uh / I tried to talk to my piano / I tried to talk to my guitar / Talked to my imagination / Confided into alcohol / I tried and tried and tried some more / Told secrets 'til

14. Some little old lady somewhere in the world may really have tried to dry a poodle in a microwave.

15. Read in studio An eighty four year old man has foiled a mugger who tried to steal his pension book.

16. And I already tried nothing.

17. They've been tried and tested.

18. Harris was still on top of the stairs shooting, and severely wounded and partially paralyzed 17-year-old Anne-Marie Hochhalter as she tried to flee.

19. And I tried to get up and I tried to walk, and my entire left body was numb.

20. She tried to learn the Braille language, but it wasn't really her kind of thing, she felt too old for it.

21. Tried to swim and stay afloat

22. And the punk tried to run.

23. 18 I tried the next drawer, which was filled with neat piles of nylon underpants in a quite large old-lady style.

24. Glass and plastic Carboys are the tried and …

25. I tried the doorknob and it turned.

26. The donkey brayed and tried to

27. He tried to calm and reassure her.

28. Afterwards, in a fit of insanity, he tried to stitch himself back together using an old sewing needle before he bled to death.

29. I thought I'd tried everything, but I've never tried golden chestnuts.

30. Denis tried to look nonchalant and uninterested.

31. The dessert was tried and pronounced delicious.

32. Opposition forces have constantly rebelled and tried to kill the leader,[Sentencedict] and he has always tried to obliterate them.

33. I tried hotels.

34. SEXY KILLIE SUITS PAUL McLeish is a huge Admirer of the midfield maestro and has tried to sign the 26-year old twice in the past two years.

35. I tried spraying.

36. She had tried to be hard and grasping, tried to deal with this in a sophisticated, detached manner.

37. And this was the text -- "In words as fashion the same rule will hold/ Alike fantastic if too new or old/ Be not the first by whom the new are tried/ Nor yet the last to lay the old aside."

38. Have you tried cooking Filipino Chicken Adobo yet? Our tried and tested recipe should be able to help you

39. Some psychologists tried to contrast retrospection and introspection.

40. And everyone tried to climb on the bandwagon.

41. She started crying and tried to break away.

42. We tried to pair Mary and Robert off.

43. Uncle Michael had tried to reassure and convince.

44. And many vandals have tried to mar it.”

45. He tried to straighten up and nearly stumbled.

46. Most people have tried sushi, sashimi and tempura.

47. I tried and he damn near killed me.

48. And we tried out for the varsity team.

49. The new system was tried and found wanting.

50. She braced herself up and tried once more.

51. To be tried and sentenced by the SOE?

52. Lydia and Wickham: Wickham tried to seduce Miss.

53. He tried to kiss her and fondle her.

54. My dad tried to sound calm and reassuring.

55. Your right Bump start is hard I’ve tried & tried finally gave up

56. Catabolic Seed Lyrics: Oh, what's a devil to do / When those old delusions so tried and true / Don't come through like they used to? / Ugh, all my money's run …

57. You have not tried an electronic cigar until you have tried an Aristo …

58. For years I tried to paint around grasses and tried masking fluid; however neither approach gave me a satisfactory result.

59. I tried to call.

60. We tried to explain.

61. They employ techniques and equipment that are tried and proven.

62. Reagan tried to Assassinate Libyan dictator Qaddafi Both Bushes tried to Assassinate Saddam Hussein

63. They tried to sweeten the pill. b. They tried to sugar the medicine. 34a.

64. There were wildebeests, and he tried to save me.

65. They tried to buffer themselves against problems and uncertainties.

66. Little girls did cartwheels and then tried for interceptions.

67. She tried to interpose between her husband and son.

68. They watched jig on TV and tried to imitate.

69. The Commonality didn't believe and tried to stop them

70. And I tried to design a kind of canary.

71. Eventually, Tyndale was captured, tried, and convicted of heresy.

72. She tried to recover her lost fitness and suppleness.

73. She tried to soothe the girl, and Nina relaxed.

74. Again and again he tried to recreate that moment.

75. We tried the machine on hardwood and soft wood.

76. Contingent relies on a tried and tested combat system

77. Well, you should've tried between " chapels " and " charm schools ".

78. Tried your cell and it went straight to voicemail.

79. He was arrested, tried by court martial and shot.

80. Some psychologists tried to contrast retrospection and introspection.