Use "offend" in a sentence

1. Golden words offend the ears.

2. You could only offend, behave yourself!

3. Does my haughtiness offend you?

4. I will have to offend you!

5. I don't mean to offend you...

6. Do nothing to offend her susceptibilities.

7. I would never wittingly offend him.

8. Do you really wanna offend our hosts?

9. Vulgarity and profanity offend the Spirit.

10. I think I never offend you.

11. Had I done something to offend?

12. I didn't mean to offend you.

13. I do not want to offend him.’

14. You'll often offend people by being hot-tempered.

15. It is a sacrilege to offend democracy.

16. I do not wish to offend anyone.

17. Try not to offend his amour propre.

18. I will offend them with a foolish nation.

19. " A man who does not offend by superiority. "

20. Perhaps, unconsciously, I've done something to offend her.

21. He took care never to offend his visitors.

22. Omit anything that is likely to offend people.

23. The careful language is designed not to offend.

24. Trespass, Apostatize, quarrel; offend, rebel, revolt, transgress(-ion, -or)

25. I didn't mean to offend/upset/hurt your susceptibilities.

26. A TV interviewer must be careful not to offend.

27. Take local feelings into account so as not to offend.

28. There can be little doubt that he will offend again.

29. She stopped mid-sentence, anxious not to offend him.

30. She didn't mean to offend you; she was overwrought.

31. It is impolitic to offend people who can help you.

32. I wouldn't sunbathe topless if I thought I might offend anyone.

33. Bogus applicants offend ethnic minorities as much as anyone else.

34. The fruits reaped, when you offend a man beyond our station.

35. I have borne Chastisement I will not offend any more.Job 34:31.

36. 24 synonyms for Antagonize: annoy, anger, insult, offend, irritate, alienate, hassle, aggravate

37. He is very quick-tempered, so no-one dares to offend him.

38. To offend by an open manifestation of disrespect; put a slight upon; offend by effrontery or insolence: as, to affront one by doubting his word; an Affronting speech

39. A solution must be found that doesn't offend too many people.

40. 10 With great patience, Sofia created a weekend that would offend no one.

41. ‘Why go out of the way to offend and Antagonize religious people?’

42. In Western countries girls are far less likely to offend than boys.

43. Thus, detraction and Calumny offend against the virtues of justice and charity.

44. 24 synonyms for Antagonize: annoy, anger, insult, offend, irritate, alienate, hassle, aggravate

45. If they offend again, lock them up and throw away the key.

46. I can't invite a Boor like him to dinner! He'd offend the other guests

47. They don’t seem to care if they humiliate peers or offend adults. . . .

48. * See also Abominable, Abomination; Filth, Filthiness; Offend; Rebellion; Ungodly; Unrighteous, Unrighteousness; Wicked, Wickedness

49. Scripture chase activities should never result in hurt feelings or offend the Spirit.

50. That probably means it will offend the few and rip off the many.

51. 25 Broadcasters have a responsibility not to offend against good taste and decency.

52. 🔊 The comedian insisted that his Contumelious jokes weren’t meant to offend anyone

53. She managed to offend her boyfriend's parents as soon as she opened her mouth.

54. Warning: These plays are sexually explicit and contain nudity and violence which may offend.

55. 27 The film was judged to offend against standards of public taste and decency.

56. Alice did not wish to offend the Dormouse again, so she began very cautiously:

57. Synonyms for Antagonize include aggravate, hassle, agitate, annoy, gall, irritate, offend, provoke, needle and rile

58. Even the mayonnaise has no egg in it, so as not to offend vegan sensibilities.

59. The objector obsessed by the obsolete and obscure notion swears an oath not to offend.

60. He did on a large scale what was bad in Jehovah’s eyes, to offend him.”

61. 39 synonyms for Affront: offend, anger, provoke, outrage, insult, annoy, vex, displease, pique, put or

62. Thus some writers, editors and publishers may cater to certain interests, fearing to offend readers or advertisers.

63. We certainly do not want to offend or even insult the student.—Proverbs 12:18.

64. Bossism Пачи крак полски kolovat eccentric gear(ing) suspension zagyva offend Mime emollient after screw resulteren uitsteek nm

65. Instead, when your words offend someone, why not simply apologize, put things right, and keep your friendship intact.

66. I didn't Aim to offend him, but judging by the look on his face, I must have

67. And hopefully they'll be sensitive that they don't want to offend you with just one more outlet.

68. You might offend your hosts if you camp it up at the party in your usual way.

69. Because my brother lacks good Comportment, he’s probably going to offend someone during the wedding banquet

70. 22 I'm in a bit of a tricky situation really - whatever I do I'll offend someone.

71. However, I do not want to offend my local church organist by asking her to step down.

72. When someone acts Archly toward you, it might offend you a bit, or it might make you laugh

73. When alive ,we may probably offend some people.However, we must think about whether they are deserved offended.

74. He also has to be careful not to offend the leaders of other parties, who jealously guard their independence.

75. A rude expression intended to offend or hurt Familiarity information: Contumely used as a noun is very rare.

76. Similarly, one of the few obviously valid arguments in favour of capital punishment is that executed offenders never re-offend afterwards.

77. Appal: 1 v strike with disgust or revulsion Synonyms: Appall , offend , outrage , scandalise , scandalize , shock Type of: churn up , disgust , nauseate , revolt , sicken cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of v fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised Synonyms: alarm , Appall , dismay , horrify Types: shock

78. If Montrose openly endorsed Kirkton, and carried his re-election, he might gravely offend some of his own friends.

79. But the fact is Abdul-Rauf tried very hard not to offend anyone by his refusal to go along with the crowd.

80. / əˈfrʌnt / a remark or action intended to insult or offend someone: He regarded the comments as an Affront to his dignity.