Use "nuclear war" in a sentence

1. Nuclear war?

2. Nuclear war.

3. A Nuclear War is a war in which nuclear weapons are used.

4. destruction by nuclear war.

5. There was a nuclear war.

6. Prevention of Nuclear War Agreement: 1973.

7. After the nuclear war, you both...

8. The threat of nuclear war remains high.

9. The threat of nuclear war has diminished.

10. This fear of nuclear war is universal.

11. At worst, nuclear war could be unleashed.

12. Has the threat of nuclear war decreased since then?

13. Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war.

14. Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war?

15. That's why nuclear war is so frightening - like slapstick.

16. It is debatable whether nuclear weapons actually prevent war.

17. The ecological consequences of a nuclear war are incalculable.

18. The risks of an escalation to nuclear war were small.

19. They were appalled by the reports of the nuclear war.

20. The whole world would be affected by a nuclear war.

21. The threat of nuclear war and terrorist attacks is mounting.

22. My stepfather took the possibility of nuclear war quite seriously.

23. Only two things scare me and one is nuclear war.

24. Disposal of plutonium waste from nuclear power plants and dismantled nuclear weapons built during the Cold War is a nuclear-proliferation and environmental concern.

25. In it, you ask me to stop the imminent nuclear war.

26. " A step along the road to unleashing a thermo-nuclear war. "

27. After this brush with nuclear war, the two leaders banned nuclear tests in the air and underwater after 1962.

28. In October 1962 the world seemed on the brink of nuclear war.

29. Other measures have been taken to reduce the risk of nuclear war.

30. And Jack said the only way to deal with nuclear anything, whether it's war or terrorism, is abolition of nuclear weapons.

31. A longstanding anti-war and anti-nuclear activist, he supports a foreign policy of military non-interventionism and unilateral nuclear disarmament.

32. She said nuclear weapons were an anachronism in the post cold war era.

33. The United States, wary of nuclear war, secured a ceasefire on 25 October.

34. The Nuclear Button: How Trump and Kim Blustered to the Brink of War

35. Will the existence of nuclear weaponry finally scare men off from waging war?

36. Bruni's trying to start the only kind of nuclear war we can win.

37. Skynet responds by firing U.S. nuclear missiles at Russia, initiating global nuclear war on what became known as Judgement Day (August 19.

38. And since no one will go to war, the risk of radioactive contamination from nuclear war will not be present.

39. A full - scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race.

40. During the Cold War the threat of nuclear annihilation was always on people's minds.

41. Whose life is not now endangered by the ever greater threat of nuclear war?

42. In my humble opinion, in the nuclear world the true enemy is war itself.

43. During the Cold War, Swiss authorities considered the construction of a Swiss nuclear bomb.

44. First he asks: “Could all-out nuclear war mean the end of the human race?”

45. They have heard world leaders use that term with reference to all-out nuclear war.

46. With the change in the political climate since 1989, nuclear war may seem less likely.

47. So the outbreak of World War III with nuclear weapons is feared more and more.

48. But if a full-scale nuclear war ever broke loose, there would be survivors nowhere.

49. Jon thinks, unless he can do something about it that there's gonna be nuclear war.

50. But there is no easy way to undo the nuclear binge of the cold war.

51. When I was a kid, the disaster we worried about most was a nuclear war.

52. One cannot define ‘strategic stability’ in a second nuclear age without overcoming the Cold War mindset.

53. It is feared that a rash act in one submarine could unleash a fatal nuclear war.

54. Nuclear weapons would be renounced only after a renunciation of the threat of war in diplomacy.

55. Some people think the world will end in a war in which men use nuclear bombs.

56. It occurred to me here that nuclear war might have a place in the natural order.

57. 4 This does not mean that the human race cannot escape destruction in a future nuclear war.

58. “Many people fear that a nuclear war or a climate change will ruin or destroy the earth.

59. Hero, weapon... linchpin of our national security... deterrent to nuclear war, or a man to end worlds.

60. The Cold War came to an end, and there was optimistic talk about disarmament, including nuclear disarmament.

61. "We can reduce the risk of setting off Accidental nuclear war by retiring nuclear cruise missiles and instead rely on conventional weapons." (Dianne Feinstein and Ellen O

62. Astronomer Carl Sagan said of nuclear war: “There is little question that our global civilization would be destroyed.”

63. Of the $550 billion spent on war preparations in 1981, about $110 billion was spent on nuclear weapons.

64. Apocalyptic fiction focuses on the end of civilization either through nuclear war, plague, or other global catastrophic risk

65. “The risk of global nuclear war being ignited in Europe is significantly diminished,” the magazine stated in April.

66. If a nuclear war breaks out, every living thing will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

67. It strained credulity to believe that a nuclear war would not lead to the destruction of the planet.

68. The Soviets would never risk going to war when we have a walking nuclear deterrent on our side.

69. Global problems such as pollution, the threat of nuclear war, and environmental exploitation threaten to ruin our beautiful planet.

70. He independently authored Wolf of Shadows (1985), a young adult novel set in the aftermath of a nuclear war.

71. Request PDF From Nuclear War to Net War: Analogizing Cyber Attacks in International Law On April 27, 2007, Estonia suffered a crippling cyber attack launched from outside its borders

72. Sokolovsky became widely known in the West with the publication in 1962 of Military Strategy, a book that contained rare detail on Soviet thinking about war, particularly nuclear war.

73. As Paul Bracken points out, "The shaky control of Asian nuclear forces increases the danger of accidental or unintended war.

74. A number of these scenarios actually occurred during the Cold War, though none resulted in the use of nuclear weapons.

75. Russell spent the 1950s and 1960s engaged in political causes primarily related to nuclear disarmament and opposing the Vietnam War.

76. These will go a long way to lessen the real danger of accidental war or nuclear catastrophe due to misinformation.

77. Let us be absolutely clear: Europe must do everything, short of waging war, to prevent Tehran from having nuclear weapons.

78. This paper summarized the research present situation of nuclear chemistry, mainly expounded the nuclear chemical reaction principle, including nuclear decay, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

79. Bombers loitered near points outside the Soviet Union to provide rapid first strike or retaliation capability in case of nuclear war.

80. Regarding; concerning: "This question remains a vital consideration Anent the debate over the possibility of limiting nuclear war to military