Use "nuclear experiment" in a sentence

1. An experiment.

2. But I thought, no, no, experiment with resins, experiment with polymers.

3. The Faith Experiment

4. * My Faith Experiment

5. Experiment on me?

6. This paper summarized the research present situation of nuclear chemistry, mainly expounded the nuclear chemical reaction principle, including nuclear decay, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

7. Experiment with Retained Austenite

8. This paper summarized the research present situation of nuclear chemistry, mainly expounded the nuclear chemical reaction principle, including nuclear decay[], nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

9. Nuclear disarmament and the disassembling of nuclear weapons have expanded the possibility of nuclear theft.

10. You're a laboratory experiment, Rogers.

11. The Faith Experiment—Next Level

12. What's wrong with this experiment?

13. In a blind or Blinded experiment, information which may influence the participants of the experiment is withheld (masked or Blinded) until after the experiment is complete

14. Backtenter Then experiment and explore

15. The experiment confirmed my theory.

16. ( Man ) Experiment with different techniques.

17. Microsoft actually did this experiment.

18. Backstory Tip: Real-life experiment

19. Curry Comminatory experiment with the

20. Their experiment ended with success.

21. In physics, the discovery of nuclear fission has led to both nuclear weapons and nuclear power.

22. METHODS Anti - inebriation of Jiejiule was observed by the alcohol resistance experiment and alcohol relieving experiment.

23. Heat is created when nuclear fuel undergoes nuclear fission.

24. 10 The experiment of saturated vapor pressure of liquid is a kind of chemical thermodynamics experiment.

25. Background Information; Buoyancy - HyperPhysics[View Experiment]; Buoyancy Basics - NOVA / PBS [View Experiment] K-12 Experiments, Labs, Lesson …

26. Nuclear war?

27. Nuclear war.

28. It is used in nuclear fuel rods in nuclear reactors.

29. That order cannot be Countermanded by SecDef ( 153 More: Scary , Nuclear warfare , nuclear weapons , Nuclear weapon , Air Force , nuclear chain , United States Department of Defense , nuclear command , President of the United States

30. Using a default graphics experiment, you can experiment with graphics in your app's default store listing language.

31. Fallout can also refer to nuclear accidents, although a nuclear reactor does not explode like a nuclear weapon.

32. Nuclear energy is liberated as a result of nuclear fission.

33. The experiment faltered bit by bit.

34. The experiment produced some unexpected results.

35. Regrettably, the experiment ended in failure.

36. They were toiling at their experiment.

37. Beholdings Publishing Saturn: The Eden Experiment

38. The experiment was a big success.

39. The experiment did not come off.

40. How much will this experiment cost?

41. Peter Bathurst, Actor: The Quatermass Experiment

42. Feel free to experiment with Aliases

43. They are absorbed in the experiment.

44. We did some singularly boring experiment.

45. Results from the adsorption isotherms experiment

46. Berkelium is only found in nuclear facilities and nuclear research facilities

47. A nuclear submarine is a submarine powered by a nuclear reactor.

48. The low estimate is the nuclear energy industry estimate of nuclear.

49. Sure, we can alter elements by nuclear fusion or nuclear fission.

50. Nuclear disarmament is the act of reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons.

51. PS: contain the experiment - computer hardware comprehensive experiment done a real - time traffic signal control system design, good oh!

52. Containing nuclear waste Anti-nuclear campaigners sometimes claim that nuclear fission and its dangerous products are a purely manmade phenomenon.


54. * Civil nuclear energy;

55. With Asian-Americans, I show that high BIIs shift Assimilatively whereas low BIIs shift contrastively on behaviors related to product choice (Experiment 1), information search (Experiment 2), and performance (Experiment 3).

56. Nuclear Fears Persist

57. Many long time nuclear advocates Appredicate the inherent cleanliness of nuclear energy

58. The navy's other nuclear weapon is the air-deployed B61 nuclear bomb.

59. Many in the nuclear industry point the finger at Canada's nuclear regulator.

60. That is for all nuclear powers to stand down from nuclear operations.

61. A Nuclear War is a war in which nuclear weapons are used.

62. So what if we do an experiment?

63. Intrigued, Alice and I conducted an experiment.

64. Speed was a variable in the experiment.

65. We should like to do another experiment.

66. We repeat the experiment over and over.

67. To get more details, select an experiment.

68. The result of the experiment was satisfactory.

69. The results of the experiment varied wildly.

70. My Futurist experiment in cooking has worked.

71. Will this agreement pave way for Canadian nuclear companies setting up nuclear reactors in India or supplying nuclear fuel to India?

72. But this is just a greenhouse experiment.

73. Let's remember the infamous double-slit experiment.

74. AD: So this experiment looks completely ridiculous.

75. To run an experiment from an opportunity:

76. This experiment needs a more sensitive thermometer.

77. This experiment was harmless to the animals.

78. Soon after I finished running this experiment,

79. He begins to experiment with cross-dressing.

80. The results of the experiment were inconclusive.