Use "notions" in a sentence

1. Constructivism rejects the notions that

2. You and your newfangled notions!

3. Wild notions inhabit his mind.

4. Phenotype and niche are exchangeable notions.

5. But observers scoff at such notions.

6. So the mathematical notions of infinity or logical notions like logical entailment are beyond a child of this age.

7. Quackwatch describes her notions as "absurd".

8. • This was one of the most Abhorrent notions

9. And primarily appealed to prescriptivist and Assimilationist notions

10. Crotchety definition, given to odd notions, whims, grouchiness, etc

11. 19 It is essential first to deracinate preconceived notions.

12. Lydhate paraded flighty , foreign notions which would not wear.

13. When you’re thinking about marriage Compatibility, test your own preconceived notions.

14. No, such unscriptural notions form a foundation for counterfeit Christians.

15. It challenges their authority and specialisms and notions of objectivity.

16. Gliffs have notions of geometry, and can allocate and request space.

17. The same remark applies to all prefatory notions whatever about philosophy.

18. 18 Preconceived notions are the locks the door to wisdom.

19. He felt Constricted by their notions of what was proper

20. To have such notions about God is absurd and impious.

21. It can also elucidate some of the vaguer notions of pragmatic theory.

22. Input-to-state stability (ISS) applies Lyapunov notions to systems with inputs.

23. The teacher drubbed those silly notions out of the student's head.

24. Monolithic notions of sanctity reveal a startling reliance on hierarchical thinking.

25. And again, our notions of individuals as economic beings have been overturned.

26. Gliffs have notions of geometry(, and can allocate and request space.

27. 7 I was not about to confront her preconceived notions head-on.

28. Sobolev introduced notions that are now fundamental for several areas of mathematics.

29. 13 Carr said he has no preconceived notions about who should start.

30. Causal notions appear in the context of the flow of mass-energy.

31. Alethic modal logic is the logic of necessary truth and related notions

32. I give two such notions, abelian and 2-abelian groupoid enriched categories.

33. They maintained a superior legal position and imposed traditional notions of patrimony.

34. On the substance of a Bill of Rights: yours goes further than traditional notions.

35. A Counterstory (Yosso, 2006) to widely held notions about parent involvement in U.S

36. Contrary to early notions, Bilins are not only waste products of heme degradation

37. Clearly, such mistaken notions about the dead often fail to console the bereaved.

38. 15 Finding unit costs which support preconceived notions is easy but ultimately useless.

39. Such prejudices strike right at the heart of any notions of a civilized society.

40. 18 Notions of universal harmony are encoded in the religions of Daoism and Buddhism.

41. We shall present certain introductory notions that pertain to finite deformation in this chapter.

42. German Death Metal band Bloodbeat conjure pulverizing musical notions for their second album

43. In Assassin, Hunt and Casey challenge preconceived notions surrounding the dispensation of justice

44. They showed how to recover well-known notions in complex and analytic geometry.

45. 4 We all start with preconceived notions of what we want from life.

46. Synonyms for Crotchets include eccentricity, caprices, fancies, idiosyncrasies, kink, notions, quirks, twists, vagaries and whim

47. Later, new departments of logical enquiry arose, and new logical and semantic notions were developed.

48. Aestheticized markets are those that incorporate refined notions of beauty, originality, and superiority

49. 12 I know it is idiotically wrong to have preconceived notions about looks.

50. The different logic and purpose of both notions may justify necessary adaptations or distinctions.

51. 28 Notions of universal harmony are encoded in the religions of Daoism and Buddhism.

52. 26 I didn't want to make things worse by coming up with half-baked notions.

53. Thus the Indian approach steers clear of notions of assimilation and adaptation, philosophically and in practice.

54. The notions we children were able to form of the great world beyond were exceedingly nebulous.

55. We shouldn't harbour any unrealistic notions about the talks on the so - called disarmament.

56. Conjectures are ideas or notions founded on probabilities without any demonstration of their truth

57. It allows young people to become familiar with the notions of economy and cooperation.

58. But more importantly, it was linked in to the Andean notions of sacred geography.

59. The term mercer for cloth merchants (from French mercier, "notions dealer") is now largely obsolete.

60. Nor will notions of contagion and susceptibility be on the agenda when we meet them.

61. And that, he and others say, could upend our notions of culpability, crime and punishment.

62. Alienize: To render alien or foreign; form or conceive in accordance with foreign notions or ways.

63. The conventional notions of capital are not sufficient to understand the driving forces of the economy.

64. Particular notions of space serve as tools for thought and action while being time their reverberation.

65. […], London: […] Henry Herringman, […], OCLC 228723505: Of both their suavities, experience gives much Advantageouser notions than …

66. The first three days of proceedings had been taken up with defense notions to recuse.

67. 20 The very idea is repulsive to the notions of privacy surrounding the marriage relationship.

68. Alicia : I'm sorry, just give me a moment to redefine my girlish notions of romance.

69. Often used in corsetry, Boning refers to notions used in the shaping and design of corsets

70. 24 Jud, John and I tend not to go in with all of these preconceived notions.

71. The principles allude to notions of humility, respect, compassion, patience, and both an inward and outward calmness.

72. It was a salutary lesson for me on risking rejection and on my perceived notions of status.

73. The subjective right concept was raised in contestation , which was the bud of modern natural rights notions.

74. 17 The initial or preliminary step of freeing believing Jews from mistaken notions and practices had much value.

75. 22 Judicial notions of justice must generally give way to those expressed by Parliament where they are inconsistent.

76. Objectify also permits relationships and exposes a query interface that supports the GAE notions of filtering and sorting.

77. It endows transcendence which aesthetic activities own with ultimate pursuit by eliminating theological notions in Paul Tillich's philosophy.

78. Not surprisingly, many have rejected what they consider to be wild, superstitious notions about the Devil.

79. Indeed, the exercise of such anticipatory coping was one of Caplan's central notions for primary prevention.

80. RESULTS to emphasise that notions of quality now pervade municipal town planning, including its aesthetic aspects.